by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • outonalimb


    You said:

    :Forget Roe, save the unborn, innocent babies. Why should I care about some cold hearted, self centered bitch who wants to kill her unborn child? If she dies getting a back alley abortion I don't really see what's so bad about that. Hey, people think its great when someone who is threatening some innocent child's life gets shot so what's so bad about a mother dying while trying to kill her child?

    So much for "not bashing women", eh? I am wondering, if you think death is fitting punishment for a woman who gets an abortion, what do you think the man responsible for it should get for alllowing the abortion to take place? Just curious if you have an even standard there.

    Also, I caught your advice in another thread, to a woman who is still a virgin. Your advice was:

    :You sound like you're mature enough to handle sex and all that good stuff so why wait? If you wait until you find Mr. Perfect until you have sex do you know what that means? Less sex. Even sex that isn't very good sex is one of the best things you can experience. Besides, like others have said, its not that wonderful at first but gets much better over time. Wouldn't you rather already be good at it the first time you & Mr. Perfect get it on? Who ever the guy you end up with is, by 24 he's probably already done it once or twice to say the least. You don't hear about how the bob sled team got into their sled for the first time at the Olympics even though that's the only one that really counts. They practice, have a few wipe outs, try to improve and eventually get really good at it before the big one. How much more important is sex?
    My wife and I had both done it with other people before we started dating and are both happy with that. Not only that, the thought of not doing it with someone because of someone you don't even know seems kind of silly to me.
    Go, get laid (be safe though!!!!!), have fun.

    So you urge this woman to go out and "get laid". Wow! So, if she does do this, the guy wears a condom, it breaks, results in unwanted pregnancy with a guy who is not Mr. Right (but she had sex with him per your advice), shall we look to you for answers about what to do with the baby?

    What a hypocrite. Sad.


  • target

    I remember reading once that only 2% of abortions are done for the health of the mother. The rest are because the "mother" does not want to be pregnant. Many women have multiple abortions. I can sympathize with a women not wanting to raise a child because of her circumstances, but then, that is why there is adoption.
    For those of us who suffered multiple miscarriages and strongly desired children, it is pretty hard to feel sorry for someone who views their unborn child as just so much tissue to be discarded.


  • mommy

    Hey jiutman,

    Are you suggesting that abortion has to do with a "child" not just a glob of genetic material? I think we may have a breakthrough here!

    Yes, I believe that the intent of the "glob of genetic material" is a child, so I refer to it as a child. What breakthrough are you refering to?

    one thing is for sure, if you can not support yourself you should not be allowed to bring another life into this world.

    Hmmmm so am I understanding you to say, that a person should be forced to terminate a pregnancy if she is not able to support herself? How do you suggest we impose this "rule?"

    I dont mind my tax dollars being spent on legitimate needs. but to spend that money becuase people were fooling around and then dont like the consequences is absurd.

    Yet, you are supporting the results of people "fooling around" now, through the welfare system.

    The Welfare system is an entirely different subject. Its not an easy subject.

    I agree that it is not an easy subject, and neither is the abortion issue. I do not agree that it is a totally different subject. You are mentioning your tax dollars and where they are going. I just wanted you to be able to look at your statements and realize it is not as black and white as you are assuming it to be. There are many different situations that a person has an abortion, and to lump them all in one category is not wise.

    Just for the record, I am 3 weeks away from delivering my son. I was told by 2 different doctors to obtain an abortion. Almost my entire pregnancy has been on bedrest and I have 2 other children who needed to be supported during this time. Due to my stubborn pride I did not seek assistance from the goverment to help pay for my "fooling around" as you call it. So the road has not been easy, yet I have almost made it. Would I do this again? I don't know...that is hard to answer now. I personally don't think my heart could handle having an abortion. Yet I am open minded enough to realize that there are woman out there that need this law to stay in effect. Woman need a choice, they are given a choice by a law passed in this country. I stand up for that law being enforced.

  • target

    You say that women need a choice. So does the unborn child. I doubt that many would choose to be aborted. It is not easy going through an unwanted pregnancy and then placing the child for adoption, but at least there is never the guilt that you took an innocent, helpless life that was depending on you.
    Had abortion been legal many years earlier, many of us would not be here. I know I wouldn't, and then my son (my only child) would not have been born, nor my beautiful little grandsons.
    My older brother adopted two children and they were raised in a wonderful, loving home. The women who gave birth to those children showed real love for their unborn children when they knew they could not raise them themselves. It took sacrifice on their part. I admire women like that.
    You say you don't know if you would make the same decision again that you have made to have your son. After he is born and you look at the beauty of your child, I'm sure you will know you did what was right
    and there will be no doubts.
    The argument is often given that women died from illegal abortions and that is why they needed to be legal. A lot of people die from illegal activities. We don't legalize all those activities. And also, the women died because they made the choice to have the abortion. Had they not made that choice, they would not have died. My father's first wife chose to have an abortion way before they were legal. He did not know about her decision. She died from the infection, leaving three small children. The argument I am making is that the problem was not that the abortions were not legal. The problem was that she chose to have one.
    Abortion is not always the only option, but it is usually chosen because it is the easiest way out. I have known a few women personally who chose to have the child and place it for adoption. It was not easy. But no one can say they were wrong.


  • LDH

    Jiut, Rhatt and any other like minded asshole:

    So you don't want your tax dollars to pay for abortion, huh? You only wanna pay for services you use?

    That ain't the way it works in this country. My tax dollars subsidize the bus system, which I don't use. Neither do I use Amtrak, which is also federally subsidized. Can I get a refund on those tax dollars?

    Or how about Police and emergency services? WHAT a great idea! EMERGENCY SERVICES SHOULD BE BILLED ONLY TO THOSE WHO USE THEM! [8>]

    So, if you call 911 how would you feel if you got a bill for $74,000?


    JEEZ HOW DUMB ARE YOU? More JW disconnect from the way gov't works.

  • Adonai438

    Roe is already Saved!
    Anyone care to know that 'Roe' herself is now what you would consider
    a 'right winger'?
    She never had an abortion, became a christian, and now crusades to turn around what she herself calles the worst mistake of her life.

  • LDH

    Yes I knew that about Roe.

    My first thought?

    How convenient for her, now that she doesn't need those services, to 'disavow her previous acts.'

    The Jesus freaks got to her. Just think of the possibilities.

    If the Jesus Freaks got to her years ago, she would have had the baby.
    Then, she could have converted to JW and let her baby bleed to death!

    WOW! Now it all makes sense!


  • ashitaka

    all i have to say is that you guys are too much......


    I wouldn't, but I couldn't see myself saying that nobody else couldn't.


  • Simon

    I have to agree with jiutman

    Abortion on demand is wrong and a massive waste of public resources just as I believe that IVF treatment on demand is equally wrong.

    Yes, there are deserving cases and these should get the attention and treatment they need but I too take exception to my hard earned money going to give some piece of trash a convenient way out from taking responsibility for their own actions.

    Haven't these people heard of the morning after pill? Surely that would be preferable to an abortion!

  • target

    As far as tax dollars go, I don't know where most of it goes, I do know a lot of it goes where I wouldn't want it to go. I have enough to do in my life without worrying about that. I make it. They take it. They spend it.
    Also, I would not try to stop anyone else from having an abortion or anything else they might want to do that I wouldn't do. It is their conscience (if they have one) not mine. I will give my opinion, but I'm not marching with a sign for anything. (Except an anti WTS movement). If it were on the ballot and I could vote one way or the other, I would vote on the side of the baby's life, after all, the baby doesn't get a vote.


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