Higher Education compared to sacrificing your child to Moloch!

by Vidqun 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DaCheech

    Where's the quote from Star Wars where Princess Leia was being threatened by Vader/Tarkin?

    "The more you tighten your grip, GB Tarkin, the more college students star systems will slip through your fingers"

  • 00DAD

    SIAM: Yes of course educating our beloved children is the same as burning them alive in a ceremonial burnt offering to a demanding middle eastern deity. Makes sense to me.

    SIAM beat me to it, so I'll just second his appraisal!

    How on earth can ANYONE think getting an education is the same as murdering your child as a "sacrifice" an ancient Ammonite god???


    There's not a face-palm big enough to capture that one but this is the best I could come up with on such short notice!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm not sure which line is better to use in response:

    1) Since doctors and dentists have received higher education, wouldn't going to a doctor be the same as visiting a spirit medium that graduated from a temple of Molech? Surely if university educations are so evil, everyone in the organization should steer clear of those who suck the nipple of higher education. It would be nothing less than sucking the nipple of those who are sucking the nipple of Satan! This must indicate that the GB are no longer employing the services of university graduates such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, and engineers. Perhaps there has been a recent Awake! that has provided enough education for Sam Herd to treat his own diabetes.

    2) Hmmm. I wouldn't say that too loudly, because one of the identifying traits of a cult is to condemn any learning that isn't controlled by their cult organization. Remember Larry Jeffs, the LDS cult leader that prohibited the group's children from going to public school? It wasn't because he wanted to protect the children... it was because he wanted to control them, keep them stupid, so he could keep raping innocent young girls, and collecting the welfare checks from the hoards of children birthed by the polygamous marriages. Certainly, the WT organization wouldn't want to give the impression that they need to keep their children ignorant, controlled, and enslaved to the manipulations of the old men leading the religion... would they?

  • 00DAD

    While we're on the topic:

    College graduates score higher-paying jobs

    So why exactly do those 7 Guys in Brooklyn have such an issue with their followers pursuing Higher Education?

  • designs

    Smart kids don't write checks to scam organizations

  • Zordino

    AActually, I think this would be a Good place to "sacrifice" all the WatchTower Literature. Would make for a Great Bon Fire

  • WTWizard

    There is only one reason to be careful about going to college: DEBT. If you run up lots of student loan debt, you effectively become a slave. Then, if you cannot find a job to pay down that loan, you're screwed. The problem is, these days a high school diploma is not enough--you need a damn license to do just about anything these days. Even running a damn lemonade stand requires a license, and you need to take college level classes in order to get that license.

    If you can get into college without running up student loan debt, by all means do it. Whether it be because of savings, scholarships, or simply taking your time and going to classes, paying as you go, there is no other reason not to go. And, if the whole financial system collapses and you wait until after, college might once again become affordable without wasting 250,000 toilet papers and going into debt that could end up enslaving you.

    There are other ways to get a sound education without spending huge amounts (of course, that damn license requirement for just about every job is still there). Buying slightly outdated college textbooks is surprisingly cheap--these days, textbooks have a code that must be used in order to get credit. You can go online and get a basic education there--plus critical thinking skills. Apprenticeship is another good idea--to learn a trade. You can get courses on CDs for surprisingly little, and use them to learn skills (of course, you will still run into that license issue, and you need to prove that you spent the toilet papers in order to get that license). Just as long as you don't rely on the University of Asleep! rags, you should be able to get a reasonably balanced education, cheaply (for the price of your Internet connection) from the University of Google.

  • InterestedOne

    Flat_Accent wrote:

    But I don't think this is the first time they've compared Higher Education to something terrible. Wasn't there an example in a recent mag??

    Here is a thread where WT includes higher education in a list of vices:


  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Who trained all the RNs (2-3 Years of Junior College, still higher education), who were suckered into believing, changing the diapers of the former circuit overseers, district overseers and Bethelites, is the best kind of "Service" you can give to Jehovah. Do these men in the Circuits know, that C.P.A.s, Attorneys and M.D.s, which the Society will gladly put to work (In the Holy Service of Men) in their "trade", need higher education!!?????, not the Missionary work like Paul and Barnabas and Mark. I think either the old-timers are losing their minds, or we are just noticing how screwed up their thinking is! What kind of group is terrified of a college education, if the "truth" is the "Truth", there is nothing to fear!

    We can't get enough kids to join the Regional Building crew, the knuckleheads have diluted the brain power, of their pool of useable labor. Shortage of elders is blamed on "money chasers, leisure lover's, focused on their own family, instead of the Kingdom Hall Family" I can't wait to hear the sheer brilliance of this talk, it deserves to be recorded so the World can hear, how mad we all have become!

  • LongHairGal


    Well what about the specially skilled or professional people Bethel looks for from time to time. (see Bubblegum's post above) You know, those who have skills that can only be gotten in college? What about these people?? Are they sacrificing themselves to Molech???

    The hypocrisy of this religion totally makes me gag.

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