Higher Education compared to sacrificing your child to Moloch!

by Vidqun 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    The hardcore may follow it, but from my now limited association with what few dubs I see or care to see, the mainstream JWs are prepping their kids for higher education. And not just tech school or community college...I mean 4 year university, away from home, living on campus schools. I know an elder's daughter who went to a well respected state university...and he is still an elder in good standing in the congregation.

    The higher education stance has to have the average JW eat up with cognitive dissonance. They hear it preached all the time: higher educatoin a waste of time, money and effort. Pioneering or Bethel are the more desirable career choices. And they'll nod their heads and cluck their tongues in aggreement with the WTS about the state of the world, but when Jr and Missy hit high school, they start to try to figure out how to get them in college.

  • stuckinamovement

    Yes of course educating our beloved children is the same as burning them alive in a ceremonial burnt offering to a demanding middle eastern deity. Makes sense to me. I wonder if I will be df'd for having a molech fund set up for my kids?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    right undercover, and those will leave the organization. However the hard core followers were groomed into staying. That's the type of JW they want in the organization. They are happy to let those seeking the things of the world to leave, so that those who stay, remain ignorant of fact.

  • glenster
  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Molech U.
    Known as the party college.

    Great football program, too- The Fighting He-Goats

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    UNDERCOVER - excellent point, but I would love to hear it in person!

    So all these people who say "The Society never forbid anyone from going to college" --- sacrificing your child to a god isn't necessarily forbidden?

  • jwfacts

    Secondly, I gather from this, according to their stats, if a youngster attend college or university, he or she falls out of the "truth,"

    This was often said to me as JW teenager. It used to make me wonder why an education would make a person stop believing. If learning how to think makes a person a doubter of the organisation, wouldn't that mean the organisation is doubtful. (Then the brainwashing took over and I realised it was "Satan blinding the minds of the unbelievers")

    I ended up going to university. A couple of years later, when I was at Bethel, I started expressing doubts, and was told it was because I had been to uni. I realised how ignorant JW's are. Learning accounting did not teach me how to philosophise, didn't teach me about science or evolution, didn't even make me materialistic as it made me more of a penny pincher, didn't even gain me friends as I was too busy also pioneering. The poor leadership of Bethel made me doubt, but a JW cannot ever accept that and has to point the blame somewhere other than the obvious conclusion that it simply is not the truth.

  • M*A*S*H

    I can't wait to tell the kids!

    From now on, there is no 'University Fund'... it's the ' Molech Fund'!

    Embrase change brothers

  • M*A*S*H

    I wonder how many of the writing committee at the WBTS have letters after their name? What about the legal team?

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    I wonder if I will be df'd for having a molech fund set up for my kids?

    A Molech fund LOL!!! By the way, you gotta love how they compare an education to child sacrifice all the while WT Heavyweights Gene Smalley and Fred Rusk getta hard-on everytime they see news about a JW child dying from a lack of blood.

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