3/15 WT- " Forget the Good Times you had Prior to being JW - Can't .........

by flipper 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    This could also apply to leaving the Jehovah Witness religion. They made us feel like we were nothing without them..how wrong they were/are!!!

  • ziddina
    Flipper: "I liked Mary's quote as well from that insane District Overseer...."
    Mary: "Several years ago, the District Overseer (that smug, self-righteous jackass, Ernest Pandachuk) was giving a talk ..."

    I liked the name Mary gave to that smug, self-righteous jackass, myself...

    Although I think I would have called him "Ernest Buzzardupchuk", instead...

  • flipper

    BUTTERFLYLEIA- The mind control in Jehovah's Witnesses is VERY strong and a JW isn't able to SEE that they are mind controlled until they perhaps suffer injustices from elders or JW power figures, or unless they as JW's get away from attending mind controlling meetings which spew this garbage into their minds- until then they are controlled beyond recognition.

    And you are right- I agree- it isn't fair the WT society keeps JW's in the dark about whats required of them or that they manipulate them with information. But the WT society is like all big corporations in the country right now- many of them are manipulative and use underhanded tactics to control members. It should be illegal you are right. It's criminal.

    WHA HAPPENED- Exactly. It is a private club.

    DESIGNS- I agree with you. One reason the WT society is getting so aggressive in bashing outsiders is because we as ex-Witnesses ARE making inroads into reaching lurking JW's to the real truth about the JW organization. We ARE activists and involved in helping people get their free minds back and freedom of thinking again. This scares the Bejesus out of WT leaders. Good. I hope they get REAL scared. I like being the boogie man if it frees people !

    INTERESTED ONE- Interesting point you make how the WT society is trying to make JW's DOUBT their pre-cult or authentic personality as a coercive measure to control them by WT cult mind control. Interesting point. I think you're on to something.

    WT WIZARD- WT society all they wanted to do was make JW's eat, sleep, drink, and poop JW stuff 24/7 everyday of their lives. It was ridiculous. There was no way any of us could have a life as JW's. I'm glad many of us are free now

  • flipper

    SNOOZY- Very good point you make with this quote. Losing ourselves and feeling we were not valuable was one of the the biggest crimes the WT society did to us. Make us doubt our own worth. Many of us have regained great self esteem after exiting the Witnesses. Very true what you wrote.

    ZIDDINA- Thanks. Indeed that District Overseer was a real tool that Mary mentioned. Most of them are

  • flipper

    Any comments or observations welcome, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Bumping up a couple of these threads for newer members who may have missed them or any lurking JW's. All comments welcome

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