My really long introduction...

by Madge 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tater-T

    I was the guy in your situation, only I didn't want to teach it to my child, I knew the end was a long way off my little sweetie didn't need to be raised in fear.. so I let her mom raise her.. figured i would tell her of the impending doom, when she was older .. she is now 21 and I had too tell her ..upon looking onto it 23 years removed my eyes were opened to the truth abou the truth .. I'm so glad I never told my little angel any thing it makes my heart glad, she grew up not as I did.. sparing her this there Tragic 'TRUTH" save me too.. I'm finally free

    Don't let JW's any where near your precious child they are MONSTERs!!! PLEASE

    Wecome .. thanks for sharing.. and good luck


  • Ding


  • Madge

    I assume at some point his family and such will try to do tell her that holidays are wrong and I am going to be annihilated. I have decided though that every year for her birthday we are going to have the biggest awesomest party for her, and guess who WONT be attending. Or at least if he does he will be the outcast. She will notice. Kids are very observant. Christmas time is now the time that I have decided that we will donate to charities, and volunteer for good causes. He does not partake in things like that at all. And how can he say Christmas is bad, if she sees how GOOD it is. She will notice. And, he will feel small.

    He is a good dad to her. He loves her very much no doubt. I dont want to take that away from him, he is her daddy. But, at the same time if his idea of "training her up right" is to rob her of her free will, it is my job as her mother to protect her at all costs. And, I will. At first I was terrified of them, but watching how much the society cowers and works in passive aggressive ways and manipulates people doesnt scare me anymore. For one, I figured out how they work, and for two, I am not passive aggressive. I am confrontational, but rational. They dont have anything I want, so therefore I dont care if I have their approval. It doesnt mean spit to me.

    I would also like to mention that about a month and a half after his mothers passing, the elders (after careful consideration) decided to let him back. I found some of the letters he wrote the congregation for his reinstatement, and all I can say is WOW. "I know you BROTHERS ARE BUSY, But if you could find it in YOUR HEARTS to forgive me..." Heavy stuff. I should also mention that after he was reinstated, we did continue dating. I kept my emotional distance this time, and was trying to feel him out and help him by planting seeds. After awhile though, I realized it is really up to him what he wants to do with the information. All I can do is be there for him.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Hello and welcome. Your story is interesting and heartbreaking at the same time. As others have said, your daughter has to be your priority.

  • straightshooter

    Glad you joined this wonderful forum group. Very interesting introduction. May you continue to protect yourself and your daughter from the harmful beliefs of the WTS.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Madge, I received the following link this morning that might contain useful information for you to think about although it comes from the UK.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • jwfacts

    Welcome. That was an amazing experience and terribly sad. You write so well, and observations are spot on. I really liked this comment;

    I learned that JWs are good at dancing around confrontation like their pants are on fire. But, the beauty in it is that they are afraid of everything! I mean EVERYTHING. They live in fear of eachother and worldly people, they live in fear of Armageddon,and Satan taking over their minds,and most of all their image.

  • outsmartthesystem


    The sad part is that your ex boyfriend truly thought he was doing the right thing when he said "this child WILL grow up a witness". Witnesses all truly believe that being part of their group is the ONLY way for that child to have a relationship with God and survive Armageddon. With that believe system....they will stop at nothing to MAKE it happen. It is sad....but when you look at it that way you can understand WHY he reacted the way he did.

  • flipper

    MADGE- Welcome to the board my friend. What a tragic experience you and your guy have experienced. I'm glad you have a healthy , loving baby, but sorry you have been victimized by this sadistic WT organization. Please know you are among friends here who understand. Peace out, good luck to you, Mr. Flipper

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