The Real God: An Epiphany (YouTube)

by leavingwt 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Very interesting leavingwt. Thanks for sharing.


  • tornapart

    I've noticed these same reactions from atheists towards theists. (Replace God with Science).

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane Garyneal!

    I always hated that sam never went home.

  • Voices

    I like the guy in the second video. Although I may not agree with him, I don't necessarily think negatively of him. I actually smiled a lot and was indeed proud of him in a certain aspect. Now whether he believes in God or not, is irrelavent to me right now. God exists whether people believe or not. And only he can cast judgement. So all the 'Christians' muslims, etc...etc.. that say that you MUST believe in him ino rder to be saved, are erroneous in their ways. They have 'cast judgement' upon a 'nonbeliever' ..and stated because they don't believe in God, must/will die. Now that isn't very 'christian'-like to begin with. Secondly, It is irrelavent to me whether it says so in this verse, or that verse that they will die if they don't believe in him, because quite frankly, the power to JUDGE is NOT up to you over yourself OR anyone ELSE. Now i have low self esteem, so I tend to judge myself a lot. Something I should work on, and infact trying to work towards just mentally imagining, not knowing where i'm going to be, therefore, judgement is up to them. And try not to judge others, in hopes that they don't get stumbled and further from a simple Truth of his existance, and at the same time, perhaps if possible my own judgement to be changed. I mean who wouldn't want non-judgement?

    There are some things I would like to say though.

    A lot of times what i've discovered in those that 'don't believe' are basing their reprsentation of 'God' or what they believe others have said about 'God' to them, are infact accepting the 'ego' aspect of the individuals mental idol. And based on this representation they try to prove the reasoning that because 99% of the world may think this way, it infact holds validation due to their reasoning of how these individuals present their Ego-God, as PROOF of his nonexistance. That is why almost all Atheist videos show a 'FLAW' in reasoning as PROOF of his nonexistance, when inactuality it only holds valid to the flaw itself, not necessarily validating God's 'nonexistance.' (Tec made a good point)

    Second thing i must say: Of those that have infact come to their own conclusions in this way, have CHOSEN not to believe, because by only showing the FLAW it does not necessarily proove the existance, or nonexistance. However, there are those that are 'neutral' ...or choose NOT to believe for other reasons.

    The list may be endless on that account. Experience is not the only reason. Everyone holds choice, and everyone has responsibility. My girlfriend is neutral to the aspect of God. But for some reason she still performs some sort of prayer. When I ask her who she is 'asking' of this to...she says she doesn't know. But will say 'i'm neutral, I havn't seen evidence one way or another yet.' And then encourages me to pray and realign myself back with my Master.

    Athiest can be one of the most moral people you ever meet. There is a stigma on Athiest people, that their HORRIBLE 'bad' people. But infact, their not. I do not know their reasoning entirely of why they made a choice on whether God exists or not, or choose to remain neutral or whatever, what I do know is, no one has the right to judge them, or anyone else, including yourself, except the Father, and Son.

    On the other hand, I know that Athiest always referr to the Dogmatic religious System as a way to prove the non-existance of God. Believing that the GOD of RELIGION (whichever one you choose) is.....ultimately, GOD himself. This I cannot support. Because by the 'ego-driven God ' of religion itself, does not in anyway reflect any form of the Real God. The ego-driven God goes and tells others to CONDEMN, BLAME, YELL, SCREAM, HATE, And using THAT 'Ego-God' to draw personal conclusions on his existance or not would be like trying to use letters of the alphabet in order to do basic numeric math. i'm not talking about algebra and above maths, i'm talking about letters vs numbers. It is completely two completely things/languages. it is no wonder a lot of athiest can be very MORAL people, but still be not believe in 'God.' Because they REJECT the 'ego-God.'

    But at the same time, I can also say that 'christians' don't necessiarly represent REAL Christians. Those Christians that really DO NOT yell, scream, hate, judge. Those christians that DON'T go to war, or justify their hate, or FORCE you to believe in their God, or CONDEMN you to HELL because you don't. There is a seperatation here just as well as the seperation of rejection vs skepticism. Just because ALL the 'christians' of the world are screaming and doing every negative condeming hateful thing, it does not necessarily mean ALL christians do this. I have found only a HAND FEW of the THOUSANDS of people that claim to be Christians, that actually FOLLOW this. I'd say a good 8 people that I know out of THOUSANDS i've seen. Does that mean they will go to heaven? or hell? I don't know. I can just say what they do and don't do. Do they try to CONVINCE me? No, because i have already made a choice/decision. There are Atheist that push their beliefs on christians, and christians that push their beliefs on athiest. And each side has taken offense over the force each exerts, and at the same time resents the other for their foolishness and 'lack of reason.'

    I guess the bottom line for me is: (to 'christians' and athiest) has any of this (arguing and battling) made you become a better person? has any of this bickering made you stop doing that? has any of this been able to help you become more loving towards yourself? or others? Going out of your way to help others or yousrelf to do what is consided 'good' in your eyes and not bring harm to anyone else? In the end we ALL will answer for our OWN actions, whether you believe in God or whether 'what goes around comes around.'

    There is a God and the false representation of him through religion has cast a great dark shadow that is hard to see through. Never look towards religion for insight or light. It's full of darkness. The light, is in YOU. Not in your HEAD where the ego-god dwells, but the HEART, where love resides. But by me saying 'there is a God' doesn't necessarily mean i'm forcing it on you. Remember rejection does not equal skepticism, but statement doesn't always mean force. I do not force this believe on you, you may choose to do what you will with it. Whether you choose to believe or not, is up to you, and your experiences. But through my experiences, I know He exists. But that's irrelavent. My beliefs say that He will calls people out whom HE chooses, not whom we want chosen, or we force/persuade to believe in Him.


  • tec

    That was wonderfully said, Voices! Thank you.

    Peace to you,


  • leavingwt

    "There is a God and the false representation of him through religion has cast a great dark shadow that is hard to see through. Never look towards religion for insight or light. It's full of darkness."

    In your opinion, what method does God use to reach the people he intends to save?

  • Voices

    "In your opinion, what method does God use to reach the people he intends to save?"

    i'll answer this once you answer "by what method are you aware of when you'e doing something 'morally correct and/or incorrect?' "


  • leavingwt

    "i'll answer this once you answer "by what method are you aware of when you'e doing something 'morally correct and/or incorrect?' "

    That's a good question.

    I personally decide what is best for me and then act accordingly. Then, I have no option but to deal with the consequences of my decisions.

  • Voices

    I personally decide what is best for me and then act accordingly. Then, I have no option but to deal with the consequences of my decisions.

    But that doesn't answer my question. I mean, i'm making the assumption (perhaps a incorrect one) that you are NOT a 'Christian' that does 'bad' stuff. You're NOT a religious person that follows the 'ego-God' ... You are NOT an Athiest that doesn't care about people. You're NOT an athiest without MORALS...

    But infact are a 'good' person, whether athiest or good real Christian. Now i'm leaning towards a Good Moral Athiest....seeing how you had this post. So I ask again: "by what method are you aware of when you'e doing something 'morally correct and/or incorrect?' "

    Unless you're a 'bad' athiest and has no MORALS?

    then what does it matter in which method God speaks? You wont listen either way.


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Voices: i'll answer this once you answer "by what method are you aware of when you'e doing something 'morally correct and/or incorrect?' "

    As to morals, I tend to agree with Einstein: sympathy/empathy, which are not unlike the golden rule, should be one of the largest driving factors.

    "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere. …Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." - Einstein

    So now for your answer to LWT: "In your opinion, what method does God use to reach the people he intends to save?"

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