Military Spending; Corruption or Incompetance?

by Abaddon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Re: The BIA, If you are only just now hearing about this it is because the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about it. 300,000 Indians have filed suit against the government. In the last twenty years or so alone at least $6 billion dollars has been just plain stolen from funds due to the tribes and/or individuals. As this one picks up speed we are going to be hearing more about it.

  • Julie

    <cut & paste eveything Mindchild said--insert here>

    Mindchild I agree completely with everything you have said. Well put I might add.

    To all my other fellow Americans who take issue with some of the recent things being highlighted lately with what is *wrong* with the US, do not just take offense and consider yourself bashed. Look into it, find the facts if they aren't already provided for you, then go ahead and get angry but at those responsible, not those making you aware of the wrongs. I urge everyone, get aware, get involved. If enough Americans would do so we could make some really great changes.

    To do less, attack our critics and ignore their claims, would make us no better than being a JW slamming our minds shut to the possibility maybe something is amiss that needs to be addressed re: the WT.

    Warm regards to all,

  • IslandWoman


    As the American government is moving more and more to restrict and control people (new national ID cards, more security, the police state) it will be too late soon to do mass protests to change the course of governmental if there were any motivation to do so anyway. Personally, I think America is screwed and we are rapidly heading into another repeating cycle of history named "the Great Crisis" cycle in which very troubling times happen. Major wars, like the Civil War were born out of conditions like these. Stay tuned for more exciting stories to read when the shit hits the fan then.

    This is hysteria! The American Government has ALWAYS tilted one way and then the other. The people are the fulcrum upon which the politicians ride. When one side goes too far in the wrong direction the fulcrum moves to give the other side the advantage.

    In 1798, under John Adams' Administration the "Alien and Sedition Acts" were passed by Congress. Adams was politically injured as a result. President Bush will suffer the same fate if his policies produce similar kinds of restraints on the American system.


  • teejay

    Personally, I think America is screwed and we are rapidly heading into another repeating cycle of history named "the Great Crisis" cycle in which very troubling times happen. Major wars, like the Civil War were born out of conditions like these.

    Much of what you said above is true, Mindchild, but it might well apply to many (all?) countries, especially those in the West.

    It's your above quote that I disagree with. There are small factions of Americans who are bitterly opposed to certain things in American political and social life, but to say that we are collectively on the verge of a "Great Crisis" (on the order of a civil war) is... well... stretching the situation far beyond what it is.

    Take a poll of people you know personally. You will find that most (if not all) of them are happy with the status quo. Bush is doing a fine job (if you can believe opinion polls); terrorism is on the run; since 9/11 folks are seen to be more interested in religion/family and reconnecting with old values; and on and on.

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