Brother tells Elders "fermented Coke" made him get a drink driving charge???? LOL!!

by Witness 007 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Uusually you won't hear these bs remarks unless the person knows that they may buy it..After sitting in rooms with the same people week after week, it doesn't take long to figure out who the rocket scientist are.

  • Phizzy

    This reminds me of the Elder who was obviously pissed as he gave a Service Meeting item and when they made the mistake of asking him to do the final prayer.

    It was hilarious, and so was his excuse, he said he had just a glass of wine with his meal, and that must have reacted with the Anti-biotics he was taking !

    This guy was a big drinker, and even the AB's would not have got him that pissed if he hadn't drunk a lot before the Meeting. The Elders believed him and he got away with it, bless him.

    The Elders just do not have enough education and nous to see through this kind of thing, luckily !

    Coke fermenting in the bottle , Tee Hee, just look at the ingredients, it is impossible.


    Fermented coke, huh? In my house that's called a "Rum and Coke".

  • sizemik

    Good stuff . . . I like him already.

    He simply recognised just how stupid his audience was and responded accordingly.

  • cyberjesus

    yes that happened to me too

  • harekrishna
    Fermented coke, huh? In my house that's called a "Rum and Coke".


  • trueblue

    Did coca cola ever had cocaine it?

    Coca-Cola Yes, Coke once had a very small amount of cocain in it.But by 1902, there was as little as 1/400 of a grain of cocaine per ounce.

    That rules that one out too.

  • trueblue

    MMM! just seen on the net, Coca Cola cake recipes, that might not be so bad to try sometime...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow. Just wow.

    Once some guy bought my brother and me and a friend a bottle of tequila. We were teens. We didn't drink a lot of it, but it made my brother drunk almost immediately. He fell down the stairs and so we had to take him to the hospital. We told mom it was fermented pineapple juice. She always had fresh pineapple juice and it was always fermenting. The nurse, a guy, who pumped Scot's stomach came and told me privately, "Your mom believes that was pineapple juice. I am not telling her different. But between you and me, keep him out of the tequila." We were just kids though.

  • wha happened?

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