Looking for examples of how the Watchtower usurps Jesus position.

by Indian Larry 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Wow these are all great! I especially like the comments about the annointed. Even being a Witness for years and years I never put that together. Also the link to freeminds was excellent. This site is a real help, thanks to everyone and don't stop. Once I get it all together I will post what I come up with.

  • designs

    The Wt. Society responded to a Letter I wrote in the early 1990s regarding the lack of a personal connection to Jesus in their publications, they responded that the Greatest Man book was one of their best sellers and most popular based on feedback they were getting. At the time I found that interesting because I considered myself as a Witness to be a Christian.

    It seems silly and pointless now to have put so much emphasis on the Bible and Christianity, once free to study critically the Bible quickly descends from a Book of Faith to a book of Tales, Legends, and contradictions. Its a journey of enlightenment we have to make in the Western world particulary since we are dominated and oppressed by christianity.

  • WTWizard

    Anyone familiar with the Sept 2007 Kingdumb Misery insert should know that the Washtowel Slaveholdery puts itself above the Bible. Independent Bible study, or studying in small groups, is effectively forbidden. Using independent sources to verify the Not Well Translated Bible or Washtowel doctrine is also forbidden. Along with that is the reiteration of the command that, if the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has a teaching that you can prove wrong using their own Bible, you have to go by and teach the bad doctrine until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself fixes it.

    I would say that that position usurps Jesus pretty well.

  • wasblind

    Hello there Designs,

    believe it or not I understand how you feel, there's nothin'

    wrong with expressin' a belief or a non belief in somethin'

    what's wrong is when people try to force they're belief

    on another. I use a lot of scripture in my post to show

    my point concernin' the WTS, but I hope you or anyone

    else don't take it as me bein' "preachy "

    Ole Wuz ain't never professed to bein' holier than thou to nobody

    caught on the wrong side, and I can hang with the most seasoned

    sailor there is :))

    yes, I still believe, and Jesus knows my faults by far ;)

  • bioflex

    Bookmarked. Thanks 4 this wonderful topic. would try to see what i can add.

  • irondork


  • AGuest

    If calling themselves the "Truth"... when Christ is recorded to have said, "I am... the truth"... doesn't do it, not sure anything else will, dear IL (peace to you!). There is their teaching (and many other so-called "christians") that the Bible is the word of God... when even the Bible says that Christ is the Word of God. How about the teaching (by the WTBTS... and many) that if you "TELL the truth, the truth will set you free," when the verse states that when you KNOW the truth... the truth shall set you free... and then states, "Therefore, if the SON (you know, the REAL Truth?) sets you free you will truly BE free"?

    How about shutting up the kingdom of the heavens before men (because most of THEM are not going in)... by precluding others from partaking of the flesh and blood of Christ, when HE is recorded to have said, (1) "That ANYONE may eat/drink of it; (2) that anyone who DOES eat/drink of it will live forever; and (3) UNLESS ones eats/drink of it, they have NO life in themselves? Yet, they teach that those who don't partake "will LIVE FOREVER" (even have book of that title)... because they "have life in themselves"?

    Wait, what about their teaching that ones must go through THEM... and their position as to those "taking the lead"... when Christ is recorded to have said, "You have ONE leader", referring to himself? And their judging tribunals (JCs)... in spite of the words of Christ to "STOP judging"?

    I could go on and on (and folks here know I can!)... but it shouldn't take all that, really. They're imposters. How do we know? BY... THEIR... "FRUITS". Theirs being hatred, lack of love of their enemies, teaching in opposition to the Christ, DIVIDING the Christ... by teaching two separate classes, and thus two separate hopes... and even two "Lords" (because Christ is only the mediator of ONE of those groups), etc., etc., etc.

    Once you understand about... and perhaps even get to know... the Christ... you realize that they are among those who he said, "Seat themselves in the seat of Moses." Only One could claim that seat: Christ, himself. ALL others... are thieves... and plunderers.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The Watchtower Society's official Charter referred to worship of Jehovah AND JESUS up until 1999.

    Russell, Rutherford and Knorr all believed worship (proskuneo) of Jesus was acceptable (without believing he was God or part of a trinity).

    If it was good enough for 3 Presidents of the WBTS it should be good enough for every JW!

  • He man Witness
    He man Witness

    Cuando los apóstoles les dicen a Jesús en Juan 6:68 ¿A quién iremos? la traducción del Nuevo [Orden del] Mundo traduce ¿A dónde iremos?

    Esto porque ellos rechazan la salvación personal através de Jesús y la sociedad toma su lugar.

    When the apostles says to Jesus in John 6:68: To who we will? The New World [Order] Translation translates "To Where we will?

    It 's because they reject the personal salvation throught Jesus and the society take the Jesus' place.

    (Sorry for bad English)

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    When the apostles says to Jesus in John 6:68: To who we will? The New World [Order] Translation translates "To Where we will?

    It 's because they reject the personal salvation throught Jesus and the society take the Jesus' place.

    (Sorry for bad English)

    Muy bueno. Very good point.

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