Stephen Hawkings and Richard Dawkins attend the Jehovah's witnesses two-day assembly program at London Edgware assembly hall

by mankkeli 131 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thetrueone

    NewChapter - Calm and down and pay attention to the direction of the spirit. Don't grieve Jehovah's holy spirit.

    OK that cinches it, he is a nut case like the few that come here.

    Yes Mankkeli you are the spirit, we will obey you from now on, now that we know who you truly are.

    I apologize for my past transgressions

  • Dutch-scientist

    Mankkeli talks like this:

  • mouthy

    Mankkeli...Listen sweetie. We all did the same as your trying to do
    make folks join a cult.... Wake up!!!! You should read all the old books,
    All the times the WT said the end was coming... I'm 84 I too believed it all
    Your disobeying the Organization by even being on here..SOOO!!!
    start reading & praying to the ONLY WAY!!! the ONLY TRUTH!
    The ONLY way you can get life!!> JESUS CHRIST!!!!!

  • NewChapter

    In the Highways, in the hedges
    In the Highways, in the hedges
    In the Highways, in the hedges
    I'll be somewhere for my LYING Lord

    I'll be somewhere LYING

    I'll be somewhere LYING
    I'll be somewhere LYING for my Lord
    I'll be somewhere LYING

    I'll be somewhere LYING

    I'll be somewhere LYING for my Lord

  • ShirleyW

    thetrueone - Watch the language!, There is no room for " Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments".

    (I'm gonna preface my comment with the above which Mankeli sent to the trueone since he likes' to curse out and call me a such and such, so just wanna see what he might do this time.)

    Yeah Mouthy:

    After ol' Tommy takes you to the Assembly in your area, he will somehow be mesmerized by it all and demand an immediate baptism and he'll be knocking on doors spreading the good word, during his Vegas appearances I guess he'll start each song by quoting a Bible scripture before he starts swiveling those hips of his.

  • Dutch-scientist

    Okay i translate it for you:

    We are the Borg (Bethel ORGanisation).

    You will be assimilated.

    Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

    Resistance is futile.

  • NewChapter
  • mouthy

    New Chapter >>>PANT PANT!!!! Can you hear it???Its my heart thumping OH!!!!

    TOMMY!!!!! Thanks girl...I have seen him 4 times threw knickers then,,,
    He wiped his brow with them

  • wasblind

    Hello there New Chapter,

    I can't say for sure what manki subscibe to, but Jehovah witnesses

    don't even listen to the holy spirit, they don't pay attention to Acts 1:8 when Jesus

    said you will be witnesses of me when the holy spirit arrives

    just keepin' it real accordin' to the scriptures

  • NewChapter

    If a JW knocks on a door, and there is no one home, does it make a sound?

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