undeniable facts of history

by bobld 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bobld

    In 1939 Hilter(evil) invaded Poland and killed approx.16.5% of the POP.

    What about Jehovah God.In his history book the bible.See Deut.Ch, 2&3.

    He punished his nation Israel for 40 yrs because they choose (free will) not to enter the promise land.

    Notice Deut.2;34 What happened to the cities of King Sihon of Heshbon.We(Jehovah) completely destroyed(extirpate,exterminated) the people in every city-the men.women.and children.We (Jehovah) did not leave anyone alive.

    Later in Deut.3;6- 60 cities in the area of Argob(Og's kingdom in Bashan) We (Jehovah)completely destroyed(raze) every city and all the people in them,even the women and the babies.(really sick).

    Many will use the excuse,that God had to destroy them to prevent problems for his people such as idolatry,etc.Yeah right kill babies,just like Hilter killed the Jews.

    And they say read the bible and mediate on all the killings.No thank-you.

  • cofty

    I have had similar discussions with believers a number of times. The mental and moral gymnastics some are prepared to do to avoid reality is astonishing.

    Over two nights in 1982 Lebaneses Christian Phalangist militia massacred thousands of Palestinian refugees in the camps at Sabra and Shatila while the Israeli army kept guard. I once asked a christian what the moral difference was between this atrocity and similar events in the OT. His answer was that god ordered one and not the other. Chilling!

  • transhuman68

    The Bible is not a history book. While some of the later events in the OT did happen, generally anything that is supposed to have happened prior to 1000 b.c. is just myth- there is no evidence to support much of the OT, and in many cases it can be proved that the Bible is just propaganda. Basically, the writers in the piss-ant kingdoms of Israel & Judah tried to big-note themselves by inventing a glorious past that never existed.

    Whether any wars were actually fought is debatable, as many of the "cities" described in the Bible were little more than hilltop camps at the time when the Israelites were supposed to be attacking them.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I just read a book in which the missionary author noted that an ancient cuture's legends had one tribe annihilating another tribe several times.

    His own Bible had the Amalekites annihilated the same number of times, but that wasn't the subject of his book.

  • blondie

    And for the encore and Big Finale, god is going to have all 7 Billion men and women and children, including babies unborn, destroyed eternally at Armageddon simply because they aren't baptized jehovah's witnesses, no resurrection and no memory of them forever.

    Those destroyed above have a resurrection in their future per the WTS. (Except for Adam & Eve, Cain, the people who died during the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and unfaithful religious leaders who died unfaithful during Jesus day.

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  • designs

    bobld- Those passages reminded me of conversations I use to have with my brother who is also an elder, he'd get excited about the idea that God would 'have his Day!'. Shudder....

  • bobld

    Sorry,I am not good @explaining things.

    My point,Hilter's new order=genocide.In which the wbts says how evil Hilter(man) is.

    God's new order=genocide(7B).In which the wbts says it needs to be done.

    Wbts treats all other humans as worms that need to be done away with.

    I cannot understand how a loving parent(god) could kill a child as a worm.

  • sabastious

    When one conquers an entire nation one has a choice of three in regards to the citizens left after the conquest. 1.) Free them (refugees) 2.) Enslave them (establish government) 3.) Eradicate them

    The easy answer is C, which my guess is often why it was chosen.


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    His answer was that god ordered one and not the other. Chilling!

    Just like many war criminals pleaded:

    " I was only following orders".

  • zengalileo

    There is no such thing as an "undeniable fact of history." That would be impossible.

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