I hate the GB ...

by Dudu 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dudu

    It is strong word but I do hate them ... for the first time in my life i have this feeling so strong. Today I was talking to my mom and she went on about how leaving the WT was the worst decision on ive ever made and how embarrased and hurt she was about my behavior (not going to meetings) I am loosing my relationship with my mom and the more I grow apart from the JW the more I will loose her , It is just sad ....

  • N.drew

    They advertise Christianity but they don't behave that way at all. Be happy. If you don't let it get to you, maybe it will disappear. If she keeps bothering you, just say, maybe your right, time will tell, won't it? I won't let not going to the meetings bring me down to Satan's level. Just as you have a mission, so do I!!! Live and let live!! I will be the best I can be. I believe God is a spirit, not an organization. Mom, I promise to be careful. OK? I love you mom. Remember Mr. Rogers? Don't you think if he can love me just the way I am, can't God love me as I am too? Of course!!

  • MrFreeze

    You are among people who feel the same way here. You should hate them. Any normal person would. Seems like most of us who were raised in the JW's confront the same resistance from parents that you have. It's a sad thing.

  • extractor

    Can I recommend putting that anger to work? Read Hassan's "Releasing the Bonds" and maybe someday you can BOTH talk about how much you hate the GB. Anything's possible! Good luck.

  • Dudu

    a big hug ndrew,,, i will try to do that, it is hard but ill try ... mom loves to manipulate and when she can make you do what she wants you to ... Besides, she thinks my boyfriend is to blame about my change , she cant stand him ... She wants me to choose

  • N.drew

    Congratulations Dudu. Whenever you see mom, take a deap breath and smile

    It is strong word but I do hate them ... for the first time in my life i have this feeling so strong.

    Well we don`t Like you Either..

    We Love Satan!..So there!..


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    It's always about them, allways, THEM that gets to play the ''oh i'm so hurt card''.

    Unfortunatly, you /we, have to realize they are zombies, walking dead, brainless and what's left is washed clean of identity and humanity.


  • ABibleStudent

    @OUTLAW, I do love your humor, but a couple of those old guys in the GB picture are dead and don't feel anything (according to the WTBTS). Can you use an updated picture or cross out the dead ones?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Quarterback

    Outlaw, you have to be careful when posting pictures of those guys. You don't want them to call you mentally deseased, do you?

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