"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12

by yourmomma 449 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cedars

    NewChapter - I recently emailed a string of newspapers on the issue over the weekend, but I've received nothing in response so far. It seems the media at least has other fish to fry, although I'm surprised that dedicated domestic violence shelters have declined to have a say on the issue. It strikes me that so many charities are way too "stand-offish" when it comes to tackling tough religiously-based issues unless there's something in it for them. It's a shame, because so many of these sorts of organizations simply refuse to see the bigger picture, and in saying nothing unknowingly empower the Society to continue unopposed.


  • insearchoftruth

    Had only recieved one response from a Williamsburg, VA based shelter thanking me for the heads up.....

  • NewChapter

    I sent one to a shelter that I know an active JW works at. A little evil, but I was hoping that by presenting the info in a different context, they may start to question----


  • aquagirl

    I went to the memorial w/my mum last week.I brought candy and a notepad,so I was able to keep myself amused without listening too much.However,duri g the last prayer,I did hear,"Thank you Jehovah for letting us all be here,being the smartest people on earth"..I choked on my Rollo candy,and started to chuckle.Couldnt help it,I swear! I guess when you hear it week after week,the stupidity of the statements are softened,but its been a year since I brought my Mum to the memorial..Yowzah...These folks are delusional fo'sho'!

  • cedars

    14 days to go, BUMP!

    If you haven't yet voted in our special mini-survey on this subject, please do.

    JWsurvey.org also features a detailed appraisal of the offensive paragraph, and the underlying doctrinal issues.


  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks for keeping this issue up at the top Cedars, I still can not fathom that this was written and will be the topic of study..

  • cedars

    Just over 3 days to go...

    Interestingly, someone posted a comment on our domestic abuse mini-survey in which they likened the plight of battered wives who are unable to re-marry to that of homosexuals or disabled persons. It's shocking to see just how narrow-minded and apathetic people can be.


  • cedars

    It occurred to me that this would be a good point to review the results of the mini-survey, mentioned above.

    Q: Do you believe that the Governing Body's Writing Department was right to include the above experience in the Feb 2012 Watchtower?

  • No (89%, 295 Votes)
  • Yes (6%, 21 Votes)
  • I'm not sure (5%, 15 Votes)

  • Q: Do you believe that the above experience could potentially encourage abused wives to stay with their violent husbands?

  • Yes (95%, 302 Votes)
  • No (3%, 10 Votes)
  • I'm not sure (2%, 6 Votes)

  • Q: Do you believe that the above experience could make women think that they may expect to be abused if they do not sufficiently show Christian qualities?

  • Yes (83%, 262 Votes)
  • No (9%, 29 Votes)
  • I'm not sure (8%, 25 Votes)

  • Q: Do you believe that the above experience might make violent husbands feel vindicated in abusing wives who do not sufficiently show Christian qualties?

  • Yes (85%, 266 Votes)
  • No (8%, 25 Votes)
  • I'm not sure (7%, 23 Votes)

  • Q: Do you believe that spousal abuse or domestic violence is excusable under any circumstances?

  • No (94%, 294 Votes)
  • Yes (6%, 18 Votes)
  • I'm not sure (0%, 1 Votes)

  • Q: Do you believe that this article reflects favourably on Jehovah's Witnesses among outsiders, and furnishes praise to Jehovah?

  • No (93%, 289 Votes)
  • I'm not sure (4%, 12 Votes)
  • Yes (3%, 9 Votes)

  • Q: What would you like to see the Governing Body do about the above mentioned experience?

  • Issue a full public retraction of the experience in question including an apology to any who were upset by the paragraph; remind publishers that spousal abuse or domestic violence of any kind is wrong (82%, 260 Votes)
  • Publish an article comdemning domestic violence that doesn't refer to the experience. (11%, 36 Votes)
  • Do nothing. (4%, 12 Votes)
  • Be more careful about relating similar experiences in future. (3%, 8 Votes)

  • I don't know about you guys, but I find it pretty chilling to think that 18 people who visited JWsurvey and got involved in this mini-survey think that spousal abuse or domestic violence can be excusable. It just goes to show what sort of twisted mindset the Governing Body's teachings are producing.


  • cedars

    I feel it's important to keep this thread at the top of the "active topics" at least until Sunday evening. Bear in mind that many publishers will be studying this Watchtower article over the next couple of days in preparation for Sunday's meeting, and they may be startled into researching what the reaction to the "Selma and Steve" experience has been online. I've been keeping tabs on the site statistics for JWsurvey.org, and we've had 3 inbound visits from keywords related to this article in the last 48 hours alone. There are people out there who are shocked and appauled by it, and we need to continue to re-assure them that the attitude endorsed by this Watchtower is NOT acceptable.

    PLEASE let's keep bumping this thread!


  • Alfred

    EXCELLENT CEDARS... thanks for the reminder about the Study being this SUNDAY!!!

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