My mom and dad told me that I'm an apostate and that they want to 'limit their association' with me!!!

by Joliette 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    I'm sorry that this has happened.

    You've been on here long enough to recall that their behavior is 'normal' within the WT organization.

    The next few weeks and months will probably be rough. Remember that many of us have been where you are at, and you can find peace and contentment on the other side, no matter what your parents decide to do.

  • DaCheech

    being called apostate brings fear to me, that someday my children might do this to me!

    It's chilling and house/heart breaking

  • talesin


  • OnTheWayOut

    Ignore my advice if it is uncomfortable to you, but if they will reestablish regular contact if you promise not to post youtube videos, I would consider that.

  • mankkeli

    Joliette - Tell them you will think things through and will return to tell them how you feel, let one week pass and return back to tell that you have studied some publications thoroughly about how to handle doubts and the scriptural points in it have helped you immensely. Just carry on the party line from there and let it rest. It may be difficult but it is really worthwhile. Thats why I have been preaching balance here.

  • Joliette

    Thank you guys for you comments. It feels like I'm in a nightmare.

  • serenitynow!

    Jolliette, I'm sorry to hear of your parents' reaction. As much as you try to prepare yourself for that confrontation, it still hurts like hell when it happens. That disgusting cult is guilty of destroying so many relationships.

    Joliette - Tell them you will think things through and will return to tell them how you feel, let one week pass and return back to tell that you have studied some publications
    thoroughly about how to handle doubts and the scriptural points in it have helped you immensely. Just carry on the party line from there and let it rest.
    It may be difficult but it is really worthwhile. Thats why I have been preaching balance here.....Mankkeli

    Liars are happy with lying..

    Lying is all Mankkeli has to offer..


  • mankkeli

    OUTLAW - I have handled similar cases like that before and my suggestion is just the only way to get on. I have been helping hundreds of people either to get out of high control groups or keep their senses while remainning. So, I am sure of what I'm saying

    OUTLAW - I have handled similar cases like that before, thats just the only way to get on.
    I have been helping hundreds of people either to get out of high control groups or keep their senses while remainning. So, I am sure of what I'm saying....Mankkeli

    Your a Cronic Liar..

    OUTLAW - I'm hanging out everywhere, While being active here, I'm equally active with spiritual matters both in the congregation,
    in the circuit and temporary assistance at the branch office. Even, the last apostafest in Stockhom was arranged by me.
    This may be difficult for you and million others to fathom but that is exactly how the perfectly act of love is demonstrated.
    Maintainng proper balance in life is what many have lost out and that is what I completely represent. Learn from it.....Makkeli


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