Is there a Jehovah's Witness gestalt?

by Terry 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The accompanying pictures did not come through though.

    Good essay Terry. I think it is right on.

    I notice that IF I open this in FireFox I cannot see the photos.

    If I use GoogleChrome I can.

    If I use IE9 I cannot post.


  • Terry

    Moshe: Terry, you can see gestalt busting out at your local walmart

    No, Moshe. In the case of that photo the parts are greater than.......

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    why would anyone leave the house like that

  • dgp


  • Terry

    We "see" what we want to see.

    The most difficult thing in life is to actually THINK about something we already believe to be "True."

  • sabastious

    So what you're saying is that the best course of action for EXJW's to take is to do nothing in hopes of trauma befalling their loved ones?


  • N.drew

    I don't think that is what Mr. Terry Logical is saying at all Mr. Sab. "Trauma" befalls us all. BTY what does this mean? to do nothing in hopes of trauma befalling their loved ones?

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I was not raised a jw I became one when i was in my 30's that affects what i'm about to say. i have tried out many different worlds in the hopes of finding truth each one eventually a disappointment. Having walked out of many other worlds the Jw one was just another but i admit it was the most difficult. Looking back i realize I've made my mistakes but my critical thinking ability has definately improved. The org has done it's share of damage to those it has touched especially those raised in it. It requires a tremendous amount of courage to walk away but we must everyone who stays and does not believe hurts not only themselves but makes it possible for them it empowers them to hurt even more people it's hard but it's harder to ignore it.

    The wtbs gestalt is dangerous and powerful so was the catholic church in the past but some had to be strong and be the so called heretic and suffer. I wish it was different but their in the business of destroying peoples heart and soul.

  • Terry

    Mr. Terry Logical

  • designs

    There are baits and traps that get you involved in something that turns out not to be very good for you. The Wt. Society, because it needs constant new recruits, puts a lot of thought into baits and traps. Ever buy a used car that had hidden problems but was all polished and clean and a clever salesman got you hooked. Hopefully we all learned and those lessons will serve us well the rest of our lives.

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