Repent because God's Kingdom has drawn close!

by Kosonen 167 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Throwing stones, are you? You're not the first one to cast them. You should educate yourself about your religion. Much has been hidden from you.

    The documented historical connection between the JWs and the occult is evident in several ways. Russell relied heavily on astrological predictions and signs of the zodiac. Rutherford believed that Jehovah most likely resided in the Pleiades constellation. Many of Rutherford and Russell's false predictions were calculated based on alignment and measurement of ancient Egyptian pyramids relying in essence on the powers of the occult. A small pyramid was erected next to Russell's grave as a memorial to his life and work. The satanic All-Seeing Eye of occult worship adorns Russell's memorial pyramid, and early Watchtower publications incorporate Masonic symbolism to a great degree. Furthermore, the Divine Plan of the Ages, an early Watchtower book, is adorned with the Winged Sun Disc, an Egyptian religious symbol of pagan origins and false worship.

    The Jehovahs Witnesses can run from their occult past, but they can't hide. Nor can they sweep these truths under the rug of their New Light Doctrine. Due to such an un-biblical foundation that continued well into the 1920s, it is inconceivable that Jesus Christ chose the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as their sole representatives on earth due to the purity of their faith.

    Do you still believe you are above the rest of us?

    Try proving us wrong. I guarantee you will lose every single time. Not that I'm defending the true apostates and God-haters on this forum. At least you believe in God and Jesus, just not the right YHWH, and most certainly not the Jesus of the Gospel.

  • serenitynow!

    If it turns out that all of what's said in the bible is true, and I get destroyed at Armageddon; I'm ok with that.

    So: Fuck god

    Fuck his kingdom

    Fuck you (OP) and all those like you who get off on using fear to get people to do what you want

    Try going out and doing something useful like feeding the hungry, maybe join some community groups to do something to show that you care about people. Jackass.

  • poopsiecakes

    Yeah well I believe in Zeus. I know that many people have questioned his past and current presence in our lives but he's real. Just look outside next time there's thunder and lightning - there's solid proof of his existence. And every time someone is struck by lightning I can assure you that even though they seem like regular, ordinary people, they've been judged by the king of all gods and sentenced. It's true - look it up. And when you realize that Zeus is real, you'll give up your silly notions about this Hebrew god. So say we all.

  • MrFreeze

    Here I thought God was the only one fit to judge but Kosonen has seen fit to do all the judging himself. Does that mean that Kosonen is God? You betcha!

  • designs

    'just not the right YHWH' jonathan- you're hilarious.

  • N.drew

    Name calling works sooooo much better than reason. Why didn't I think of that? "be reasonable" was uttered by a non-person, so that makes it void. Got ya, next time I think of helping, I'll vacuume instead. Or maybe I'll clean the windows....or go for another walk...dust...isn't dusting a waste of time...ya, but not if company is coming. The turkey was good. So some one is thinking turkeys aren't on sale yet. So she must be lying, or stupid. It's a funny story. Funny from my perspective. I was cleaning out the freezer to make room for the sale turkeys, guess what I found, go ahead, guess. So I googled turkeys and found that indeed it is OK to eat a turkey that has been frozen (you want a new paragraph) no for a year so I thought my is about a year old, and I don't know how long it was frozen before that but I cooked it anyway. It's good.

  • mrsjones5


  • N.drew

    mrsjoneses, you don't read my post? Yes, turkey. Please rephrase the question. A one word question is so hard to answer. I cooked a turkey. I do it often. I also make lazagna often. No problem. Do you have a favorite recipe? The stick in the mud was me, not you. Friends?

  • Ding


    Are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, why are you openly disobeying the faithful and discreet slave by posting on an "apostate" website?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Kosonen, you do a very good job. I beleive your sincere statements will turn back some of the apostates on this site back to the only true God! Be sure he is proud of you! Please keep posting! And let your CO know about your brave activity!

    BTW, do you count your time just when you type, or you count also time you spend reading here?


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