
by MissAloha 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Welcome miss ALoHa and getsickcure,its great to have you on board

    ,being here is like getting a" university degree with honours"the amount of information( factual info) thats availabe is outstanding

    And when I was in ,it was discouraged to add anything not in the paragrah of the wt; obviously they wouldnt know if what you were saying was sanctioned by the organization or not.


  • talesin

    Hi, and welcome to the board, MissAloha. :)

    I wanted to let you know that many folks here are EX Jehovah's Witnesses. All are welcome, and we have posters who are not Witnesses, and posters that still attend the Kingdom Hall, including elders.

    Take your shoes off, set a spell, and enjoy!


  • talesin

    Hi, and welcome to mauiboy and getsickcure as well!


  • MissAloha

    Mahalo for the greetings everyone. Glad to join the ohana. I am starting to understand the site. It has some similaries to help.com

    This is a lovely site. Offers a nice outlet for many people.


  • zoiks

    Welcome, MissAloha.

    You may be thinking of the answers to the "Oral Review" that is conducted during the Theocratic Ministry School every few months. An answer sheet is provided for the elder conducting the review, and he will read out each answer verbatim after people have had a chance to comment.

  • MissAloha

    Hey Zoiks!

    No that's not it either. The oral review was always so odd though. POP QUIZ!!

    It was a special piece of literature that only elders received. I know I have something else that that brother had uploaded too. It was almost 600 pages in pdf format. Well there should at least be an overzealous sis/bro uploading the pdf format of their Watchtower highlighted with notes? haha

    Another question, how do you know when the convention is for your area? Specifically I am interested in the next International Convention but curious about the district also.

  • wantingtruth

    Hello and welcome to all (three) newcomers !

    I read this :

    i am a newbie also... hope i learn something new here.

    yes, I hope too !

    try here :




    Greetings everybody !


  • mauiboy

    Hi! Sorry I missed your comment Miss Aloha, but in answer to your questions: everything that is accepted as 'study' answers at any meeting....from TMS,service meeting, book study, WT, even mtgs for field service are all in the printed material from which the discussion is taking place. If you care to go beyond what is stated in that literature, it may or may not be appreciated by the conductor. Long time conductors (as I was) often get so bored that presiding over the meeting is rote. If a conductor can rouse himself from the mind-numbing repitition that comes after a few years, he may actually appreciate comments from beyond the material at hand. Others are dyed-in-the-wool-party-line people who go into caniption fits if someone makes a comment other than the assigned material. It really quite individual. Miss Aloha, yes, I am from Maui. Left the organization about 4 years ago to the dismay of my family after having been a 'dub' for well over 45 yrs, and an elder/ms for longer than I care to think about. I've done pretty much all the duties an elder can do: funerals, public talks, conducting meetings, sitting on judicial committees, df'ing people (to whom I ask forgiveness for my upsetting your life), and whatever else comes to mind that a well-reputed elder or ministerial servant can do. I'd like to post a bit of a biograhy, but being technologically challenged I haven't figured out how to do that yet. If anyone knows and cares to educate me thru a PM, it would be appreciated. Many alohas to all on the forum. So far it seems to be an excellent group. Miss Aloha feel free to PM me if you want to chit-chat a bit.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I don't know 3 newbes on one post? but well if all are true welcom!!! And if you can't find the answer? It's simple in the paragraph??? You may be thinking of the answers to the writen review.... I don't even know if they do that any more but I'd always do all the research and e-mail it to my friends cuz I didn't want to answer every question and knew I was the only one in the hall that would do it... uggg the days

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