
by MissAloha 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissAloha

    I post in the wrong topic. I am sorry!


  • MissAloha

    Uh oh! Point me to rules, guidelines and general help. Seems I need it! Here is what I was looking for:

    Do the elders get the answers to the watchtower study, what they should be looking for? Or does anyone know where I can look to find the answers already accumulated? Same for all the other studies. I know Ive seen this before but now cant find anything except all the scriptures pre-looked up. Which is only a minimal bit of help.

    And... how do I change this lil pink goobly icon to something else?

  • mauiboy

    Hi, can't help ypu with rules and regulations, but as a former WT study conductor I can tell you that the answers are just whats in the magazine. Rarely does anyone think deep enough to add any additional comments worth hearing. If there are such comments they are often gleaned from other, older WTB&TS publications....heaven forbid anyone speak (or even have) an original thought. I'd love to PM you but haven't the faintest idea of how to....I searched the members list for your name but it isn't there yet. What island are you on?

  • GLTirebiter

    The answers are somewhere in the text above the questions. It's in there, your job is to look for the official answer in the article and use it. Finding and underlining the responses is part of the preparation a Witness is expected to do before the meeting. Going "beyond what is written" in the Watchtower publications is frowned upon. This is especially so for females; you should never make a display of knowing more than the brothers and elders--even if the "elder" is, in fact, far younger than you.

    Your avatar image comes from gravatar.com. The default monster images are randomly chosen, based on the email address you registered with. You can go to gravatar and upload a different one, if you wish.

    And welcome to the forum, MissAloha (I hope you mean "greetings" rather than "farewell")

  • ziddina

    MissAloha, this thread/topic will explain how to change the board-generated "monster" into a "Gravatar" of your own choosing..


  • MissAloha

    Probably we are both restricted because we are new.

    I am on Oahu. How about you, Maui I assume?

    I can only make 8 more post today :(

    What about for the theocratic ministry study or for the bible study. You guys don't get answers to that either? I forget if only elders can conduct watchtower studies?

    I ran across the answers for something, now I cant remember exactly what it was.

    You would think only kids would repeat back exactly what was in the paragraph but many do it. Its really only interesting if you actually do research other wise its just repetition with no explanation. I'm sure many would argue none of it is interesting.

  • getsickcure

    i am a newbie also... hope i learn something new here.

  • jamiebowers
    I'd love to PM you but haven't the faintest idea of how to....I searched the members list for your name but it isn't there yet.

    To send a pm just click on the user's name aboce the gravitar and go from there.

    Welcome all of you newbies!

  • Retrovirus

    Welcome from Australia, Newbies!

    MisAloha said: You would think only kids would repeat back exactly what was in the paragraph but many do it

    Indeed! It's a joke to call it "study", but my jw study conductor tried to get me to do it too. It's a worry when you're told what to ask, and how to feel about the answers, isn't it?

  • MissAloha

    Gravatars didnt let me log in. May be a wait. But I did do as jamiebowers instructed and I am pretty sure I sent a PM.

    Im beating this subject but I swear Id seen answers for questions. Specific detailed answers that the brothers were to look for or bring out if the congregation didn't regurgitate it in their responses. Sometimes you can even tell how they are fishing for certain responses and if they don't get it they offer it up OR an elder does. The one brother/sister that always saves the conductor when no one raises their hand. You know what I mean!!

    And well yes sisters only can advance so far sadly but I know plenty of sisters wiser than brothers with witter comments and they are never frowned upon. Usually encouraged. So this might be an area thing. I havent see this happen to be honest. I know two "anointed" sisters also.

    You guys are coming from some sucky congregations!

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