JWs and Jesus

by lilbluekitty 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lilbluekitty

    As many of you already know, I was raised in the "truth", 3rd generation on my mother's side, 5th or something on my dad's side so I've been a JW for a long time, not so much now.

    Anyway, those of you who either spent a long time in the religion or who actually came from a regular Christian religion first or became one later, did any of you notice how JWs feel about Jesus? Though they're supposed to be "true" Christians, they don't talk about Christ much or don't talk about his sacrifice much. I know JWs (and I) don't believe in the trinity but what's wrong with being more thankful to him for what he did for us? Why do they only thank Jehovah for things? If Jesus is supposed to be the one that's going to judge us in the end, shouldn't we center things around him more?

    I don't know if he should actually be worshipped or even prayed to, it's hard to get straight answers on that sometimes. Most JWs say it's wrong to worship or pray to Jesus. But can't he be more revered? I think that's why JWs are called that, because they focus pretty much only on Jehovah and act like Jesus was just a good man and that's basically it.

    Have any of you "accepted" Christ? What does that even mean? When I got baptized, I was pretty sure they only mention Jehovah, not Jesus when we do the two questions? Or in the name of Jah at least? Anyone have a recent copy of what we say yes to?

    I ask because my husband's family is hoping I become just a "normal" Christian but I don't know what all that entails yet. I know to JWs joining another religion is automatic apostacy. But I figure they' d already call me that for talking about any of this to other people and all I've said to my husband in critisism of the religion. *sigh* When I was a kid that was the last thing I wanted to be. My parents told me once you're an apostate you can never come back to being a JW. Who knows. I don't hate or disbelieve God or Jesus for that matter. I am not telling anyone not to be a JW, if they want to it might be good for them, at least for awhile. But for those that never question it, maybe ignorance is bliss, so I don't ever tell anyone not to be one.

    But anyway, if any of you became another type of Christian, let me know how it went, how you did it, etc. I'm on the fence about it.

  • designs

    JWs have a Jesus Phobia, much has to do with being anti-christendom and the Trinity and the other part is their doctrine of the New Covenant and the 144,000.

  • wobble

    JW's have relegated Jesus to a very lowly position, way below that of the Governing Body who can tell us what Jesus "evidently" was meaning to say, but lacked the skills and insight the GB have.

    Of course it is not only right to worship the GB, it is demanded.

  • wordfamine.com


    I can identify with your situation. I was a born-in 4th gen on Mom's side and 3rd gen of Dad's side. The lack of prominence given to Jesus was one of the initial red flags for me. Jesus said "ALL authority has been given me in heaven". I asked my mom once if we shouldn't be making some kind of a deal with Jesus if that is the case. I was told not to speak about such things.

  • skeeter1

    We are all on a spriitual journey.

    I would explain to your husband's family the obvious. #1) You were raised from birth to follow Jehovah. #2). The WTS was Jehovah's mouthpiece. #3) You had to be obedient to Jehovah and His Organization. #4) You daily called it the Truth. #5) You are now without a base. It is no longer the Truth, but some of it was ok to you. #6) Raped people have trouble trusting in relationships. #7) You are just now figuring out you were "spiritually raped". #8) Go slow with lilblue, lilblue has been very badly hurt #9) Lilblue is on a spritual journey. #10) Lilblue doesn't know where she'll end up. #11) Alot of what the Bible and Jesus said makes sense, and some of it might now make sense. #12) Lilblue is just venturing onto thinking about things for herself. #13) Be patient. Lilblue wll come up with her own answers , in her own time. #13) Evangelicals who push "being saved" feel alot like JWs pushing at the door. It scares LilBlue.


  • carla

    They say Jesus is their 'king' yet they aren't even allowed to talk to Him?

    You will not understand 'accepting Jesus' until you take off the wt blinders completely. Have you tried reading the New Testament (not the NWT) front to back? just read it and don't worry about what you do or don't understand at the moment. Don't read commentaries or any other literature, just try reading the Bible itself starting with the New Testament and see where that journey leads you. If you don't understand the need for Jesus you cannot 'accept Jesus'.

  • WontLeave

    Do "JW" and "Jesus" even belong in the same discussion? When I was a child, on the sparse occasions my parents went to a meeting, Jesus was never mentioned. To hear "Jesus" from a preacher was how a JW from the '80s recognized "false religion". The JWs would feign the same disgust at the sound of "Jesus" as they would when seeing churches and holiday decorations.

  • designs

    The JWs current Circuit Assembly program is all about Jehovah's Sovereignty, you want to talk about a catch phrase being run into the ground try catching a few hours of this torture chamber.

  • Ding

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  • lohengren

    I was a JW for 22 years and I have no idea where you guys are getting this. Jesus was always mentioned, and everyone was encouraged to display "Christ-Like" qualties. To say that he was never mentioned is just wrong.

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