Phone call from a brother last night

by label licker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sowhatnow

    is anyone secretly recording these at the meetings? id love to have heard that

  • label licker
    label licker

    He said it was near the end of the video where they say the org can not be corrupted and it wasn't a governing body member that said that but by one of their other higher ups. I haven't seen it but would like to know if that was true since we're on a hub and if I have to see it then it will cost us more which this stinking org is not worth.

    Leaving_quietly, your right. No where in the bible does it say that. I just checked.

  • cappytan
    I have the video clip and also created a transcript of the portion in question. Stand by.
  • ABibleStudent
    label licker - hey were also turned off at what they owe for their one day assembly. The amount was over $16,000.00 for the one day. The coordinator told them when they asked him about it that that was the first time the assembly hall has ever asked for donations in eleven years, which was a lie. He also said that each hall only has to pay out $600.00 on top of their monthly tithe. They were pissed off. They asked me how is that a donation if they are expected to pay out a certain amount? Again, I gave them the info.
    How can a donation be mandatory? It sounds like rent to me. If JWs would read the thread

    How to Complain to the IRS about Non-Profits, they might file an IRS form 13909 asking the IRS if a non-profit organization must report mandatory donations for using a hall for sponsored meetings. It would be important to also write about what tactics elders would use to unduly influence (i.e., pressure) JWs to attend the assemblies and how a JW felt.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Finkelstein

    How could God's sole channel of communication to all mankind be corrupted ?

    In spite of the actual fact that the WTS is a unforgiving commercialized false prophet.

    God would choose a false prophet as his solemnly chosen organization wouldn't he ?

    It kind of brings a reflective irony of who and what is false religion as the WTS has historically

    pointed its finger at all other religions.

  • millie210

    thank you Cappytan. It is so great that we have you to let us all here it.

    I am in total shock that was said!

    Label licker, it looks like more and more we are going from those "crazy apostates" to people who others are coming to as sounding boards and help to bind up their wounds.

    Good for you and your husband!

  • label licker
    label licker

    Thanks Cappytan, I would love to see that part. Just spoke to the brother and he said the organisation can not be corrupted. That's what it said on the April broadcast show.

    Thank you ABibleStudent. I am putting that on my face book page as well as look into it.

    All you people are a wealth of support and education. Again, thank you.

  • cappytan
  • DesirousOfChange

    This is great!

    I hope to welcome them soon as new members here!


  • TD

    The org stated that Jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted.

    Isn't that a little ironic in view of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Christianity was corrupted very early on and remained that way for more than 90% of its existence?

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