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by Atlantis 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    On the various issues though:

    1. The standardization of building plans only seems sinister or odd to those without any experience in the construction or design industry. But to those with experience, design standardization is a normal, efficient and intelligent way to avoid wasting time and resources.

    2. The instructions to get rid of the old policy instructions from the official congregation file and replace them with the new instructions didn't strike me as "sinister" or shady at all--rather, it was just common sense. The new policy letter regarding public speaking (a truly sinister subject right?) was sent to update and consolidate the previous policy letters on record, so it would really make little sense to keep them all in the official cong. records that elders go to for reference. It might end up causing confusion.

    3. That ammount of legal paperwork and instruction is actually less than what I would expect, but still not really sinister unless you are just really, really wanting to turn it into something sinister. You can't spend upwards of $100 million a year in donations taking care of special pioneers and workers, along with printing all the publications and building hundreds of Halls a year, without a strong accounting and legal department. And what are the alternatives anyways? Would the posters here rather them deal with those kinds of donations WITHOUT any accounting or legal policies in place?

    4. The one that stole these documents in the first place might end up in some real hot water if he is not careful, especially if he didn't have any legal right to use and distribute those documents. Research and dig up all the dirt you want, but don't go around breaking the law doing it. You take yourself to an even lower level than those that you wish to destroy.


  • yourmomma

    oh shocking, the "i dont post on apostate forums" guy, is posting on apostate forums. lol

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon


    I don't post on forums? Where did you get that? I have been posting on various sites for many years now.

    Sure you aren't thinking of somebody else?

  • MrFreeze

    February 8, 2011 letter to the elders:

    "The branch office is directing that circuit overseers approve the discarding of some specific older publications." The italics were in the letter and not my addition. I wonder which publications the CO was told to get rid of?

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    Feb 8, 2011

    "However, it
    has been observed that some congregations continue to have an overstock of older publications
    that will likely never be used. To assist congregations in handling those publications, the branch
    office is directing that circuit overseers approve the discarding of some specific older publications."

    Overstock of old, random and seldom used things was always a problem at my congregation and at numerous others that I have visited ("Kurukshetra to Armageddon," "Path of Divine truth," "In Search of a Father," ect. They have them in stock, yet I've never seen anyone actually use those tracts). The "specific" I suppose is just in there to help keep the local elders restrained, so that they don't start going on a discarding spree of their own and get rid of either too much or things that they should really keep (or that they might be able to shuffle around to other congregations instead of just discarding).

  • MrFreeze

    I'm gonna spend some time over the next couple days reading the letters and seeing if I can find any "gems". TY for the download Atlantis.

  • ziddina


    My computer would crash if I tried to download 600+ pages...

    Guess I'll have to read it while I can, and rely on other board members who were able to download it, after the link is gone...


  • jwfacts

    I have often heard that kingdom halls don't have windows, but never understood what was being talked about. In Australia they still include windows. Those UK hall designs are atrocious.

  • sabastious
    I have often heard that kingdom halls don't have windows, but never understood what was being talked about. In Australia they still include windows. Those UK hall designs are atrocious.

    LOL! Halls with windows are weird from my perspective. That's funny.


  • JWStruggle

    Thanks for this info- a lot of boring stuff to wade thru though! Secrets used to be so much more interesting!

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