The Hubble, Yahweh, the Bible, and faith.

by Nickolas 269 Replies latest jw friends

  • soft+gentle


    soft+gentle - In contrast Yahweh, the bible and faith tends towards denying mystery and possibility suggesting that there will always be more of the same - (to me a kind of annihilation).

    I suggest that fundamentalist religions demand religious certainty. You won't find this with the older religions, such as (non-fundamentalist) Judaism. Catholics as well are comfortable for the most part with mystery. I was contemplating the lives of the saints (post-bible) and I can't imagine there are many modern Catholics who take those stories literally. The chatechism is like a grand made-up story that a community of believers has incorporated as their own. Perhaps ritual supersedes meaning, and that may be closer to spiritual fulfillment than a forced belief "because the bible says so." Muslims similarly, are united by common behavior and rituals, not belief. This is why muslims are bemused by the evangelical's insistence on coming to a common belief about Christ. There is no similar requirement in their religion. I came to a broader understanding of the fundamentalist view and it's implications in The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong .

    this comment has nailed it for me. thank you jgnat. Ordering the book as we speak

    I also think the reformation and protestantism are very implicated in the move toward an emphasis on rational faith and christian fundamentalism. Jehovahs witnessses were born out of this. And to think I was a catholic atheist before I became a witness - what a stupid move

  • sizemik

    In scrolling through this thread yet again (it's amazing to me what comes from the minds of others) . . .

    . . . I revisited this statement by unshackled . . .

    Agreed it [life] likely has happened elsewhere. Billions and billions of galaxies, stars, and planets...inevitably some planets will be in the goldilocks zone. Asteroids flying around the universe with the building blocks of life on them, smashing into these goldilock planets. Life, odds are, has happened elsewhere.

    The anthropic principle (I wish it could be called something else) almost defies debate when one absorbs the sheer vastness of the parameters involved.

    But in light of the paradigm shift created by the questions raised in the Leroy Cronin video (JGnat) . . .

    Even limiting the emergence of life to what we term the "goldilocks zone", where the right conditions for carbon-based life are present, is a limitation imposed by our current understanding . . . ie; it does not take in to account the possibility (maybe even probability) of non-carbon based life emerging under quite different conditions. There could even exist multiple "goldilocks zones" . . . each one profoundly different from the other, but lending itself to the evolution of matter into an organised complexity in it's own unique way. Each unique type of "goldilocks zone' is then subject to the same probabilities of recurrence under the anthropic principle. Suddenly the parameters become even wider. Just a thought.

    @EntirelyPossible . . . a sojourn into Quantum Physics will undoubtedly hijack this thread . . . Maybe we should start another at some stage dedicated to the subject . . . bear with me.

  • Nickolas

    I KNOW there is a god...

    I still have some difficulty with this precise sentiment, ST. If I was to flip it around and assert that I KNOW there is no god I would expect to be challenged. I cannot know there is no god, as much as I live my life as if there is no god, any more than you can know there is a god, as much as you live your life as if he exists.

    There could even exist multiple "goldilocks zones" . . . each one profoundly different from the other, but lending itself to the evolution of matter into an organised complexity in it's own unique way. Each unique type of "goldilocks zone' is then subject to the same probabilities of recurrence under the anthropic principle. Suddenly the parameters become even wider.

    One needs only to consider the range of environments present here on earth to appreciate the virtual certainty of multiple goldilocks zones in the universe. There are multiple hostile environments supporting life - the sea bed, sulphur springs, the polar regions - in which some life forms thrive where others would instantly perish. There are plenty of examples of environments right here on earth that are not "just right" for one kind of life but are "just right" for others.

    The anthropic principle (I wish it could be called something else)

    Too close to anthropologic?

  • sizemik
    One needs only to consider the range of environments present here on earth to appreciate the virtual certainty of multiple goldilocks zones in the universe.

    Couldn't agree more Nickolas . . .

    Carbon-based life doesn't require an exact replication of the conditions here on Earth . . . so the goldilocks zone itself is not necessarily narrow to that extreme.

    However we think in terms of carbon-based life, because that is the evolutionary response to conditions here . . . and we therefore, know of no other kind . . . but that in itself doesn't disqualify the possibility of non-carbon based life also . . . not yet anyway. The video mentioned has alerted me to that possibility . . . and it's not easy to discount it. The "goldilocks" conditions for such a possibility may be quite hostile to carbon-based life . . . but even if one possibility did exist, it would increase the life probability twofold.

  • AGuest
    I will take that as a goodbye - for this thread, I mean.

    Well, I'm trying, dear Nick (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!), but obviously not succeeding - LOL! The comments and [overall] tone continues to intrigue.

    It appears to me that in order to have access to any personal experience that would constitute evidence of any description . . . that I must first "believe" in something I currently have absolutely no evicence for . . . to muster a "blind faith" from nothing . . . and then the evidence will present itself. I just cannot force myself to believe something that I have not a single shred of evidence for.

    NO evidence, dear Size (peace to you, as well!)? Truly, not a SINGLE shred of evidence? How, then, may I ask... do YOU know that, say, Abraham lived? Moses? King David? Saul of Tarus? Peter... John? How about Herod? Pontius Pilate? Surely, SOMEONE would have discredited the lives of THESE by now, yes? What evidence do you have that ANY of these lived? Yet, we don't deny that they did. How about Confucious? Buddha? Genghis Khan? Alexander the Great? Constantine? Is it not because there are written RECORDS... which records we consider to be EVIDENCE? True, some of us here are not limiting OUR understanding and acceptance of "evidence" to such written records, but there IS a record, is there not? How, then, can you say there is "absolutely NO evidence", indeed, "not a single SHRED of evidence"? I truly do not understand.

    Or, are you saying that you need ADDITIONAL evidence? Because if that is the case, then I would offer that you at least have a SHRED of evidence... on which you can put your faith (and, if the truth be told, I think you have SOME faith, dear one... but, as you said, don't want to be fooled again and so are tempering that faith - which is understandable - we all do/have, at some point or another). So, along with perhaps what dear Awen (the greatest of love and peace to you also!)... I would also offer than perhaps all YOU need to do is simply ask for MORE.. FAITH.

    So talk to an invisible person you don't believe exists and he will suddenly give a mysterious sign from someone else and hope you see it?

    Absolutely NOT, dear EP (peace to you, my brother!). Those who approach the Most Holy One of Israel (and, since they must go through His Son, the Holy One of Israel)... MUST believe that He (and, given the method of approaching, that His Son is... and even more, alive, having risen from the dead). Otherwise, what's the point, truly?

    Look! This isn't an attempt to GET you... or ANYONE... to BELIEVE anything. It started as a request from a dear one as to how certain ones (like me, for instance) COULD believe... in light of certain... ummmm... "revelations" related to our PHYSICAL world. Now, if you want to know how to have faith, or even WHY... we could have that discussion, certainly. Would it be different? COULD be; depends on the level of faith you already have. If you have NONE... but WANT to have SOME... that can be accomplished.

    All you need to do is ASK: NOT for a manifestation that would MAKE you have faith (because faith is not BASED on manifestations), but FOR faith. Because faith is a "fruit" of God's holy spirit, which fruit He does NOT withhold from those asking. So, if you're asking for "evidence"... well, you might have to wait awhile (perhaps quite a while) for that; however, if you ask for FAITH... that fruit... that GIFT... will be given you. As would ANY fruit of God's holy spirit. Such is PROMISED; however, physical manifestations are NOT promised... but ARE possible and so may be given, as well.

    I still hold back from directly praying to Jesus...because I too do not want to be suckered in to worshiping something that is wrong.

    I totally understand this, dear ST (peace to you, too, my dear!), and when I read it I immediately thought of my dear husband. After splitting from my ex (after 16 years) I had pretty much vowed "never again!" Nope, "love" was not "for" me - I didn't need the negative "stuff"... and I certainly didn't want to EVER be fooled like that, again (all was good... exceptional, actually, the first 8 years... and then I found myself living with someone I didn't know. How can THAT happen??). So, when my dear husband came along, I initially ran. Sure, he seemed like a decent guy, and I could never have seen him taking the path of my ex... but I really wasn't up to even taking the chance. Too risky... because people are unpredictable. And... most send their "representative" first (whoever they want you to THINK they are)... rather than coming "as" themselves.

    But... I took a chance. Why? Because I got to KNOW him... and through knowing him... LOVE him. But... I had to ALLOW myself to take the chance, to RISK... being fooled/tricked/hurt... just one more time. Love is like that, though: it HOPES all things... and BELIEVES all things. My love for this man made me HOPE... and BELIEVE... that this time it was "right." In 10 years... we've never had a argument. Never. Not one. And that is the truth. We are perfectly matched... very much alike... and very respectful of one another.

    It is the same for me with God and Christ: because I came to KNOW them... not know OF them, based on what others said... even in a book... but personally, intimately... I came to LOVE them. And THAT is why I can still have the faith I have... even in spite of Hubble's revelations, etc.

    However we think in terms of carbon-based life, because that is the evolutionary response to conditions here . . . and we therefore, know of no other kind . . . but that in itself doesn't disqualify the possibility of non-carbon based life also . . . not yet anyway.

    And so, again, I personally cannot fathom how some can be so... well, the word that comes to MY mind is "dogmatic"... in their DISBELIEF as to anything that is not physical, not "like" them. Call me what you will... but that simply does NOT compute... and I hope my bitty brain... and HEART... NEVER get so "small"... so LIMITED... that I would rule out the POSSIBILITY... of that about which I either do not... or cannot... know.

    Again, I bid you all peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • sizemik

    AGuest . . .

    Since it is I you quoted . . . I take it you consider me dogmatic in my disbelief? I'm sorry if I gave that impression at some point . . . but that is not the case. And I think what you quoted supports that rather than dogmatism, because I speak only of possibilities . . . not belief.

  • Nickolas

    I am presuming to comment on your last missive to sizemik, Shelby (and welcome back).

    I would also offer than perhaps all YOU need to do is simply ask for MORE.. FAITH.

    There's that word again. You are talking as if the Bible is evidence, but it isn't except where it is supported by appropriately dated historical artifacts and/or it agrees or approximately agrees with bona fide historical records most of which were written by, well, historians of the time. The last part of that sentence is important - of the time. Where the Bible differs from other references is supporting hisorical references or artifacts. There is no record of Moses anywhere else but in the Bible. Same goes for King David, Saul of Tarsus (although Josephus does talk about a character named Saulus who persecuted Jewish insurectionists), Peter and John (the pseudo historical records written decades or even centuries after their alleged deaths do not count). There is historical evidence for the existence of Herrod and Pontius Pilate but it would be a correlation fallacy to say that because these men existed whatever was recorded about them in the Bible is true unless there is corroborating evidence elsewhere. Statements put forth without proof are considered hearsay.

    All you need to do is ASK:

    By that I take your meaning to be asking, really, really, really sincerely. In which case it might be more accurately positioned that all you need to to is WANT: If you really, really, really want to believe then you will find a way to believe and then your mind will take over. A distinction amoung atheists/agnostics is that there are those who wish it was all true, that there is a God etc., but who can't bring themselves to believe it because of the evidence to the contrary. There are so many aspects of Christianity that are beautiful and appealing to me - like the promise that I will see and hug my parents again - but which I just can't bring myself to believe anymore. I can ask all I want, but I cannot suspend disbelief sufficiently to expect faith in response.

    I was going to comment on allowance of possibility on the basis of supported scientific theory and evidence vs allowing possibility on the basis of faith, but I think sizemik covered that off quite well.

  • AGuest
    AGuest . . .

    Peace to you, dear Size!

    Since it is I you quoted . . . I take it you consider me dogmatic in my disbelief?

    No, dear one, and I apologize for giving that impression (though I can see how you might think that). I stated that I could not fathom how "some" are dogmatic. I understand how you might think I was referring to you, but I really was generalizing a bit more than that...

    I'm sorry if I gave that impression at some point . . . but that is not the case.

    YOU didn't... and unlike some I am not adept at keeping my comments/responses as... ummmmm... concise as I probably should do. I TRULY wish I were as concise as some... and perhaps it's something I can and should improve on... but I am "how" I am... for now. Ihope you can understand that.

    And I think what you quoted supports that rather than dogmatism, because I speak only of possibilities . . . not belief.

    Yes, dear Size. YOUR comments allow for possibilities that others can do nothing but deny. I see that... and thought my comments addressed that. For instance, faith. YOUR faith. If I thought you had absolutely NONE, then I would have suggested you ask for SOME... not MORE. But after re-reading, I can see how you might feel that I was directing my "blows" regarding dogmatism at you, personally. The truth, however, is that in my responding to YOU... my thoughts regarding others were intertwined (is that a word? Perhaps "intwined" is more accurate...). My apologies if that was out of line (although, I didn't think it was, so...)...

    There's that word again.

    Yes, dear one (the greatest of love and peace to you!)... again. Because... well, what can I say: it is an important word... and action.

    You are talking as if the Bible is evidence, but it isn't except where it is supported by appropriately dated historical artifacts and/or it agrees or approximately agrees with bona fide historical records most of which were written by, well, historians of the time.


    The last part of that sentence is important - of the time. Where the Bible differs from other references is supporting hisorical references or artifacts.

    I agree... and since you know I believe it has been tampered with I do not agree that ALL that is in the Bible IS accurate.

    There is no record of Moses anywhere else but in the Bible.

    Hmmmm. You forget the Quran, dear one... as well as potential other sources. Again, though, this goes to show my position that YOUR position... or maybe not yours but that of some... is that if WE don't know of it... it does not exist. That is a bit dogmatic, IMHO, considering that we don't KNOW... what we don't know. Indeed, there have been discoveries in the past 10 years that have either corroborated what IS accurate in the Bible (which I will expound on below)... and served as further corroboration for other sources. In that light, I am not as certain about that as you are, dear one, that there is no record... because as my Lord said to me, "All that I tell you IS written (but not necessarily in the Bible)... but not all that is written (including what is in the Bible) is what I will tell you.

    For me, though, although I place my faith on what my Lord himself stated me as to Moses (and why following [his] "law" is spiritual "adultery")... which IS recorded... in more than just the Bible. Considering vast chasm between those who follow the Quran, however, and those who follow the Bible, I can't see how it would benefit the first to corroborate ANYTHING related to the second... or vice versa. Truly, the nation of Islam (which constitutes Ishmael's seed... who consider the seed of Isaac - Jews, etc. - their enemies... would NEVER profess something so common between the two...).

    Same goes for King David

    Again, I am not as certain as you are that there is no record other than what is in the Bible. This NY Times article seems to agree (and there are more sources, but this one seems to be pretty credible):

    Saul of Tarsus (although Josephus does talk about a character named Saulus who persecuted Jewish insurectionists)...

    There are also accounts written by "Luke", yet, neither is enough? Luke (or, for the sake of argument, whoever actually wrote the accounts attributed to "Luke") doesn't deny Saul's conduct and persecution of Christ's disciples... nor was Luke "inspired" to write his accounts (as some falsely claim). Rather, he was commissioned by "Theophilus". Why state that, if his accounts were fakes? Why not simply write them as the others, "To the holy ones," et al., rather than to "Theophilus"? What would LUKE have to gain from making up his accounts? Would he not simply have told "Theophilus"... "Look, there's nothing really going on - these people... who some call "christians"... are running around making stuff up... but none of it's really believable... and you would do better to just ignore it, if you ask me...". Why even BOTHER to write the accounts AS he did... for WHOM he did? Why make up HIS part with "Paul"? Talk about something making no sense...

    Peter and John (the pseudo historical records written decades or even centuries after their alleged deaths do not count).

    C'mon, dear one: while it does make sense that Peter didn't pen a gospel account (given his own conduct and lack of faith!)... why would someone make up letters and attribute them to him? I'm not saying the writings were made up... but why letters? Why not make up... and include... a gospel "according to Peter"? And why would Luke... who admits to not being called or led by holy spirit to write HIS accounts, include people who did not exist? Luke (or whoever literally wrote his accounts) was under no spirital obligation to right anything. He simply gave an account to Theophilus. That MEN chose to include his accounts in a [Bible] canon... AND say that they were inspired (although they are NOT)... does not negate the accounts, dear one.

    There is historical evidence for the existence of Herrod and Pontius Pilate


    but it would be a correlation fallacy to say that because these men existed whatever was recorded about them in the Bible is true unless there is corroborating evidence elsewhere.

    I don't know how you can say that, dear one. Because, in essence, you are saying that UNLESS there is MORE than one record... KNOWN TO US... ALL records... regardless of the subject... are false. Yet, records are STILL BEING DISCOVERED. How many have been so in the past century or two? Were the things they attest to false BEFORE such additional records WERE discovered? This is the conundrum thinking such as yours poses for me. It suggests, again, that UNLESS WE KNOW OF IT... it does not exist. EVEN... if it exists!

    Again, I have to ask: does something TRULY not exist... UNTIL "we" (and by we, I mean those whom many deign to be of some expertise) know of it? Was not Kepler 16b there... even before WE knew it was (either speculatorily... or "for sure")? I submit that there are BUTTLOADS of things... EVIDENCE... that exists... even though we haven't seen/heard of/discovered it... yet... and that OUR lack of knowledge does NOT negate its existence... or truth.

    Statements put forth without proof are considered hearsay.

    Nick... dear one... that we consider something "hearsay"... does not make it untrue. If that were the case, we would all "see" things as the WTBTS sees them: that a matter (for example, rape) did NOT occur... unless the woman cried out. Or that a sin/harm did NOT occur... unless two [totally unrelated] people saw it. I submit that, even if NO one other than the woman and man, etc., saw it... a woman very well could have been raped. And regardless of how many witnesses come forward... indeed, even if NONE come forward... a sin/harm COULD have occurred.

    True, the woman might have to PROVE that she was indeed raped... in order to bring charges against the perpetrator. Or a child might have to PROVE that he/she was molested by an adult... in order to bring charges against the perpetrator. However, that the person cannot PROVE rape/molestation... does NOT mean it did not occur.

    And this is what I mean by dogmatism from the "other" camp: one camp says you MUST have two or more witnesses... or the victim has NO grounds to complain. While the other camp says that unless you have a witness... nothing occurred. The person who underwent these crimes/events, however, knows that they DID occur. Regardless of whether anyone else believes them. Others can say what they will... and choose to ignore what the person is claiming or even believe them. But that does not negate what actually OCCURRED.

    Credibility is, IMHO, very often subjective... although many try to SAY it's objective. Even incredible people can give credible testimony. They might not be believed, yes... but, again, that does not negate what actually occurred... and they are bearing witness to. It may not be accepted, yes. But... if it's the truth, it's the truth. Regardless of who believes it or not.

    I truly do not want to make this a "perhaps here is where we need to agree to disagree" point. In that light, while I would be more than happy to move on... I am also more than happy to continue explaining why I believe as I do... and HOW... and so provide for those ask it (as you did)... a reason for MY faith. But that is the only person's faith I CAN respond to.

    Again, peace to you both!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Awen
  • Nickolas

    You make excellent points, as usual Shelby. Yes, I acknowledge that threads of truth are woven throughout the Bible, just as you acknowledge that there are threads of non-truth woven into it, too. That the Qu'ran borrows heavily from the Bible (which is typified by Islam as an earlier revelation) does not constitute it as an independent historical work. I concur that just because something is not known does not in any way constitute a proof that it does not exist, or that it has not happened. Where we part company is evidence that it can happen, that it is possible to prove it. Rape is possible, the evidence for its reality is immense beyond calculation. The discovery of Kepler 16b comes as no surprise to scientists and has not rocked the world. The possibility for a Kepler 16b can be explained by astrophysics and the proof for a Kepler 16b can be provided by technology. I might respectfully submit the physical manifestation of those things held to be true through faith alone - like the resurrection of the dead for example - would indeed rock the world to its very core because there is no means known to demonstrate that they are possible within the scope of the laws (yes, as we at present understand them) that govern the universe. It is perhaps a personal deficiency, an inordinate degree of skepticism, that prevents me from allowing a degree of credibility to assertions that cannot be proven theoretically but only by the manifestation of themselves. Since they are not manifest I cannot perceive them. Since I cannot perceive them and furthermore can't construct in my mind the conditions under which they might possibly be true I choose not to assign to them a degree of importance that would cause me to think and live my life differently than I do.

    I don't want to convince you of anything, either. You find joy in what you believe. You are a happy, upbeat and enthusiastic individual and only a fool or an ignorant brute would want to take that away from you. Not that anyone could, anyway.

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