What is the ULTIMATE goal of the Watchtower Society?

by MrDarkKnight 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    If I were her I'd keep an eye on him at the super market.

    Yeah, well a lot of mothers would tell you that THAT'S sometimes easier said than done, dear Sab (again, peace to you!). And even harder at, say, some huge festival like the registration in Jerusalem (heck, a DC can be challenging, let alone a "state" fair of sorts!).

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • sabastious
    Me: The second absolute language was placed in the Bible untold millions of people of the future were sentenced to bitter ends.

    AGuest: Sorry, but I don't understand this statement. Can you clarify, please? Thank you!

    It is my belief that Jesus used no absolute language in his ministry except for his prejudice for the rich and soft spot for the poor. If this is true I would speculate that it was a borrowed concept from Asia. At some point in time, for whatever reason, absolute concepts made their way into the New Testament. The second this happened it doomed the people of the future that would be slaughtered in the name of those absolute words.


  • ziddina
    "...Yeah, well a lot of mothers would tell you that THAT'S sometimes easier said than done,..."

    So, ya put the brat in a chest harness with a back-fastening leash...

    I'm a HUGE fan of those contraptions!!!


  • sabastious

    The WTBTS is NOT the last stop, dear ones, not at ALL. Not by any stretch. There is not “another” way – there is… and always was… only ONE Way: Christ.

    ^ You say I don't understand you and you are correct for the most part. Yet, I don't see how you can make a statement like this:

    Me: There is no reason to damn anyone for not turning to the Bible and it's Christ.

    AGuest: Hey, whoa! I am confused as to why you would make such a statement to ME.

    ^ If someone, say in China, denies Christ as a divine figure in any way then how could they NOT be damned according to your beliefs? If Christ is the ONLY way then someone who denies Christ, even though living their life similar to his message, will be condemned, correct? Or can Christ be with someone who denies his existence or divination?


  • Judicial Committee
    Judicial Committee

    'What is the ULTIMATE goal of the Watchtower Society? Well here it is here in a nut shell, they have either knowingly or unknowingly produced one of the most affective religious cults around, and their goal is to keep the door of those coming in flowing faster than those going out, and the GB will do anything to F*%k with people’s minds and hearts to keep them in. Lurkers, either wake up and smell the coffee, or take the red pill and drink the Kool Aid and jump in the GB body’s rabbit hole and enjoy the fall into the freek power trip.

  • sabastious

    JC, love the name and the post.

    Welcome to the forum!


  • AGuest
    If someone, say in China, denies Christ as a divine figure in any way then how could they NOT be damned according to your beliefs?

    Because, according to my Lord, one is not REQUIRED to ACKNOWLEDGE Christ as a divine figure, dear Sab (again, peace to you!).

    If Christ is the ONLY way then someone who denies Christ, even though living their life similar to his message, will be condemned, correct?

    Not necessarily. Saul of Tarsus denied Christ, didn't he? HAD to, if he was delivering up those who BELIEVED in Christ to be murdered. Yes? Yet, he was shown mercy...

    Or can Christ be with someone who denies his existence or divination?

    I cannot say. I would venture to say that it is much MORE than that that prevents it. These things only apply to those who are the BODY of Christ, dear one... not the world, in general. True, that Body is made up of people OF the world... of every nation, tribe, tongue, and people... but it is to those people who wish... or profress... to be in the NEW Covenant. Not all have that wish... or make that claim. So, what of everyone else? Depends on whether they show themselves to be a "sheep"... or a "goat." They do that only one way: by how they treat even the least one of Christ's brothers. Which means... even the Jews/Israel. Such ones have no idea, though, that they did good or bad to Christ... through their conduct to others. Since Christ's brothers have not been revealed, yet, NONE of us know who they TRULY are, do we? So... it would behoove us to do good... to EVERYONE: brother, neighbor, stranger... even enemy.

    Those who do so because of following the leadings of Christ, the Holy Spirit, such that they are trained by HIM to do so... are members of His Body: HE teaches and trains them. Others, however, do so... by nature. Thus, again, they are a law... unto themselves. Even so, as Christ said to those who DO belong to him:

    "He that is not AGAINST you... is FOR you."

    So, just because someone doesn't have the faith I have... or faith in the ONE that I do... doesn't mean they're going to die, dear one. The king/priest rulership with Christ won't ALLOW for it. That is WHY such ones become kings... AND priests: so that they can PLEAD for forgiveness on behalf of others, particularly those that did "good" to them... regardless of such ones' beliefs.

    So, let's say you're a full-on atheist who doesn't believe in God. But you see ME, his brother, lying injured in the road. You see some "christians" walk past me, even step over me. But YOU... feeling pity and compassion for me... help me. How could a RIGHTEOUS God let this pass, not grant mercy to YOU... you, who granted mercy to ME, His "son"?

    Please, don't lump me in with what you perceive a "christian" to be, dear one. I truly do not fit that "mold." The message I am permitted and directed to share is GOOD news: that the Most Holy One of Israel is SLOW to anger, MERCIFUL, and ABUNDANT in loving kindness... as taught... and DEMONSTRATED... by His Son, my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH... to Whom God has given AUTHORITY... to grant life to whomever he WISHES. He, in turn, grants that right to his co-rulers... who carry it out in RIGHTEOUSNESS, not UNrighteousness! Thus, it is NOT a message of judgment, condemnation, and death/destruction. Rather, it is a message of forgiveness, mercy, and LIFE... by means OF the Life.

    So, I am not here to say, "If you don't turn to God, He's gonna destroy you - you're gonna die!" I am here to say:


    Are you wishing? Come! Are you thirsting? Come! Because he, the Door... is still standing WIDE open! And if there is no one wishing, thirsting, or hearing... so be that, as well. That is not my concern. My concern is that people who ARE wishing and thirsting know the TRUTH... REGARDING the Truth... and the Father.

    I mean, seriously... haven't enough LIES been told already? At one point do we TURN AROUND... and start telling the TRUTH about God and Christ... without regard for whether this one or that one don't really want to hear it?

    I'd had enough lies, dear one. And so I made a vow... when that Truth revealed himself to ME... that I would NEVER lie as to him... or the Father... EVER again. Even if no one believed what I shared. Done with that, I am.

    I hope this clarifies and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ, the One who offers LIFE... NOT death, as so many want you believe...


  • sabastious

    AGuest how many in the Watchtower would you guess fit under the category of the "sons of God" that you speak of.


  • sabastious
    Not necessarily. Saul of Tarsus denied Christ, didn't he? HAD to, if he was delivering up those who BELIEVED in Christ to be murdered. Yes? Yet, he was shown mercy...

    Paul is an ancient Joseph Smith as far as I am concerned just a lot smarter.


  • sabastious
    Please, don't lump me in with what you perceive a "christian" to be, dear one. I truly do not fit that "mold." The message I am permitted and directed to share is GOOD news

    So let me get this straight:

    The good news, according to your beliefs, is this (correct me if I am wrong):

    God has chosen select people throughout history, you being one of them, to make up the "great crowd" in Revelation. They come from ALL nations and speak ALL languages meaning that every single culture in history has representatives. The force is strong with these ones, I mean they have more Holy Spirit and are chosen, ultimately, based on their deeds. This selection process by design provides opportunity for anyone who comes across these people to treat them with decency and love. Apparently the chosen ones make solid attempts not to give others reasons to hate them, but rather protect them. God is watching how these people are being treated and is taking account of it.


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