What is the ULTIMATE goal of the Watchtower Society?

by MrDarkKnight 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    The WTS has created a sense of purpose, a cause and a hope, that most people aren't drawn to, but unfortunately some are.

    Then for those that do there's a set up 'program.' Go to meetings and go to door to door even if you don't talk to anyone - simple - it's just all temporary because the big reward is just 'so soon.' They're hooked. To some that's a pretty good deal, for them to have any purpose and hope. Then, the GB/WTS sneak in extra things that are hard, difficult, and they are taught how no other program is even slightly okay.

    As decades go and pass, drudgery sets in, but all other programs they are sure don't work, so they endure, stay, and don't know/won't consider what else to do.

  • sabastious

    The ultimate goal is to "make it through" to the new order. Most of their resources are used for membership growth generation. So much energy is put into it because of their terrible membership turnaround and youth retention.


  • AGuest

    May you all have peace! ALL of these are WTBTS goals, to one extent or another. There is the human faction, the corporate faction, the religious faction, etc. There are individuals GB goals, as well. On an individual basis, dear Black Sheep's (peace to you!) comment is most correct:

    The GB are the instigators of this madness, so, like Charlie, their goal is to keep up the charade to keep their feelings of guilt at bay.

    I base this on my personal experience with and observation of Carey Barber. He knew he wasn't "anointed"... by ANY stretch. He could not hide his fear when he knew that I realized that. I didn't, going in; indeed, I approached with the utmost respect.

    The "revelation" came during our discussion, not by divine intervention but by being written all over his face and evidence in his body language as we "talked". Couldn't miss it. I also knew then that none of them were... regarding of the facade they were perpetuating... and that they all knew it. Why not admit it? You're talking about very old men - where in the world would they go if they did so? Who would care for them? They knew many had lost everything for "turning away" from the WTBTS. Who expect anything different?

    But there really is an even darker goal of the WTBTS, although not necessarily known to the ones being used to perpetuate it.

    The ULTIMATE goal of the WTBTS… more than ANY other “Christian” religion… is to utterly shipwreck your FAITH. Absolutely, totally… and utterly.

    How is so? It is because in THEIR minds… and, as a result, many of yours… they are, for all intents and purposes… the “LAST stop” on the journey to finding the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… and/or His Son, Christ. Unfortunately, many have proven them RIGHT: that if THEY aren’t the “truth” (which they claim to be), there really is NO other. There IS no truth… except what we can experience, realize, and observe… empirically. That, however, is a LIE: they never were the “truth”, they are NOT the last stop (Christ is!)… and we are so much more than our flesh!

    What is behind their game? Dear ProdSon (peace to you, as well!) came closest to hitting the proverbial nail on the head:

    Since negative entities, or "demons" feed off of fear, and emotions are energy, it also seems that black magicians have a way of harnessing the negative emotion of fear, to offer up as "food" to their demon gods.

    While it is true that others (i.e., the RCC) have used fear to garner members (heck, MAKE them, in their case)… the insidiousness of the WTBTS’ tactics are far worse: folks’ fear of the RCC was based on the RCC openly SAYING… “Fear God, fear US… or you WILL die… NOW. Because we WILL kill you… and kill you NOW. You won’t have to wait for Armageddon.” The WTBTS, on the other hand, says “You’ve absolutely NOTHING to fear; we LOVE you”… as they’re literally chopping off your head… and/or your loved ones’ heads.

    Bottom line? If you’ve let the falsehood of the WTBTS lead you to conclude that there is no God… then they’ve “won”… as to you. Once again, you think you “see”… but the truth is that, once again, you were blind-sided – didn’t even see it coming. Don’t see it, yet. But the end result is that while the Adversary may not have gotten your body… yet… he most certainly got your spirit. Because they led you right into giving it TO him:

    As he challenged: “For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has… and see whether he will not CURSE YOU… to your very face.”

    The PURPOSE of that challenge, dear ones… is to GET YOU TO CURSE GOD. “How can you love them more than you love us? They’re weak, whiney, puny, miserable, turncoats! Don’t believe it? Here, do such and so to them and watch them not only crumble like blue cheese… but CURSE YOU for allowing it!”

    And, to our great [human] shame, so MANY have proven this accusation true. “How could a LOVING God take away my health, family, possessions? No LOVING God could/would do such a thing! So, there must be NO God! Or if there is, He’s a *&%!#!”

    But it wasn’t the Most Holy One of Israel who “touched” any of us, though: it was our Adversary, the one called “Satan” and “Devil.” HE is the one who challenged us… and so that each one of us could answer FOR OURSELVES… the one for whom we, each of us, have been ALLOWED to give our OWN reply… rather than having God step in and reply FOR us.

    Sadly, apparently just as the Adversary accused… most of us are not up to the challenge. I realize that many, perhaps most, would say, “Well, I would rather have had God step in and save me from my misery.” Okay. But ME? No. Let ME answer FOR me! And MY answer is, “BS, Belial! YOU… are LIAR… especially when it comes to ME! Because MY faith in the Most Holy One of Israel is NOT based on what He “does” for me, gives me, or keeps me from suffering from. It is based on MY love for HIM. So, bring it! Because NOTHING… death… life… angels… governments… things now… things to come… nor powers… nor height… nor depth… nor any other creation… especially YOU… is going to separate ME from GOD’S love… that is IN Christ, MY Lord! Sorry, but you have WRONG one! So, get behind… and move on!”

    I made that claim once… about 15 years ago when it SEEMED like all was starting to crumble. Only seemed like it, though: I couldn’t “see” beyond where I WAS… to where I am now.

    The WTBTS is NOT the last stop, dear ones, not at ALL. Not by any stretch. There is not “another” way – there is… and always was… only ONE Way: Christ.

    I hope this helps and, again, I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Nickolas

    Power and control. Life and death power and control over the entire lives of millions of people. That's all. No drug in the world can match the feeling.

  • sabastious

    The WTBTS is NOT the last stop, dear ones, not at ALL. Not by any stretch. There is not “another” way – there is… and always was… only ONE Way: Christ.

    I was very into your post until the last part. I agree with what you say about it all being between the individual and God, but I don't understand why you have to end with a Christ sales pitch.

    Christ IS the only way in the sense that his core teachings are universal and can be FOUND within the teachings of other cultures before and after him. Christ said that the identifying mark of his people was love amongst themselves. That is Christ's universal brand which includes ALL faiths from ALL cultures.

    Your sales pitch at the end there indirectly damns billions of people who do not accept a certain version of the Christ Brand because they have their own version of the same thing. They should never be asked to change their spiritual familiarities, but rather refine them with the simple concept of love. Christ would not be so stupid as to try to change an entire culture's faith.

    When archeology proves that Jesus went to Asia, and learned some things, in his twenties the "Christ is the only way" people are going to have to come to terms with some truth.


  • jay88

    How easy it is to be an Atheist to such petty "gods". I am an Atheist to the "god" of the watchtower.

    I am an Atheist to beliefs that some have in JC.

    I am not an Atheist per se, however I can say that I am an Atheist to idiocy(through I maybe one).

    None, of the "gods" presented to me make the cut and until then, .......well


  • Nickolas

    When archeology proves that Jesus went to Asia, and learned some things, in his twenties the "Christ is the only way" people are going to have to come to terms with some truth.

    Archaeology should start by attempting to prove that Jesus existed at all, let alone where he might have gone.

  • jay88

    To answer the question, I think "Corporate Religion" are money-laundering schemes.

    Especially, the ones that don't assist their own followers.

  • ProdigalSon

    "Christ" is an conscious energy that makes humans different from animals....the "Divine Spark". It's the same as "Jehovah", a male and female, yin and yang INTERNAL ENERGY. It radiates out from you in all directions, if you could only see it. The Russians have developed cameras and sensors that can "see" this type of energy... they call it "torsion fields"... now known as "pseudoscience" but not for long.

    The Catholic Church made it into a historical figure who happened to incarnate this energy 100 percent, like no human before him and none since.

    He did however, prophesy that WE would one day do all the things he did and MORE.

    In this way, ALL the Masters were "Christs"... from Buddha to Appolonia of Tyana to Zoroaster to Krishna, just as all the "Body of Christ" are all Christs.

    I know this might be hard to grasp because of Christendom's brainwashing, but it's the last thing they want everyone to figure out....


    'Cause they'll be outta business.....

    I encourage everyone to research this.....

  • AGuest
    I don't understand why you have to end with a Christ sales pitch.

    I had to end with the truth, dear Sab (peace to you!). I owe you dear folkds at least that. I realize that that may not be what some of you wish to hear, but I'm not going to give you half-truths. If I start out with truth, I'm going to end with it, as well. But my apologizes if that "assaulted" your "ears."

    Christ IS the only way in the sense that his core teachings are universal and can be FOUND within the teachings of other cultures before and after him.

    If that's how you see him, well, okay. But I don't see him that way, but as more: the literal "Door". Even so, to each his own, yes?

    Christ said that the identifying mark of his people was love amongst themselves. That is Christ's universal brand which includes ALL faiths from ALL cultures.

    I don't disagree...

    Your sales pitch at the end there indirectly damns billions of people who do not accept a certain version of the Christ Brand because they have their own version of the same thing.

    Sorry that you read that into it, but neither it nor I said or intimated anything of the sort. The only people I know of to be damned... are those who constitute "Gog". Won't go into that, here, but there's more to that than what you apparently "think" I believe.

    They should never be asked to change their spiritual familiarities, but rather refine them with the simple concept of love. Christ would not be so stupid as to try to change an entire culture's faith.

    Ummmm... I can't say that that's accurate. If that culture's faith BELIES love... as that of the Jews did at the time (I added that for you, dear Moshe - peace to you, too!)... then he most certainly WOULD try to change it. Now, he wouldn't do it with threats and corporal punishment, Shirria (sp) law, burnings at the stake, slander, etc. But he would certainly try to tell them the TRUTH... including that he is the Way. Again, sorry if that "hurts" YOUR ears, dear Sab.

    When archeology proves that Jesus went to Asia, and learned some things, in his twenties

    Actually, I don't dispute that perhaps he did go to Asia... but I would wager it that it wasn't to learn, but to teach. You forget, he began LEARNING before he came. He learned more when he arrived, as a babe. He continued to do so, such that he could ask probing questions of those who claim to "know" at age 12. Perhaps you also forget that his ancestors came from Asia (the East/Orient). Since his message was to ALL Israel... and Israel was scattered... why would Asia be off limits?

    the "Christ is the only way" people are going to have to come to terms with some truth.

    Perhaps, dear one. In the meantime, some of us are just going to stick with the Truth... Christ... if that's okay with you.

    Again, peace to you... and, please, don't let "me" get to you, so! Unless, of course, there's a reason to do so...

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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