It's soooo hot!

by talesin 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    I live in LA, in an apartment with no air conditioner.

    It once got to 117F (47.22-C) in my area, outside and inside of my apartment. Fans by themselves don't work at all. I had a freezer in which I put a 2.5 gallon bucket of water and place it in a freezer overnight. When you take it out it will have a frozen crust of ice but that could be easily punched through. Then take a tight fitting T-shirt and dunk it in the water. When you remove the T-shirt, wring out the excess water but not too much.

    At night, because it didn't cool down below 95F (35C) I used soaked bed sheets and a small fan.

    When I first put that T-shirt on, I shivered because of the cold for about 2 seconds then it felt like absolute bliss. Unfortunately, I had to do this every 10 minutes but you don't have the high heat I did.

  • talesin

    MrFreeze --- yes, it rarely gets into the 3 digits here, too. I just mind the heat cause of the bloody FM. Happy summer, sweetie!

    WWIT --- arg, dunno what I'd do if I lived in that heat! When I was working in Ottawa, that's how it felt, like you were being slammed with a hot brick when you walked outside.

    TI - I will give that a try (the tee idea) in August,,, sometimes I put an ice pack in my cotton backpack when I have to go out in summer, it helps me keep cool enough to walk where I need to.


    * used to love summer when I could get to the beach * ahhhh, ocean,, swimming,,, paradise!

    PS,,, I love LA,, one of my best va-ca's ... and folks there thought I was a local b/c of the (lack of) accent... cool, huh?

  • TotallyADD

    Here in the moutians of NW PA I cannot believe my windows are still open and it's almost July. Down in FL we would already be in our 3rd month of heat with the air on. When we moved at the end of april it was in the 90's. Here tomorrow with full sun it will be in the 60's for highs. But this weekend we will see some low 80's for highs. I guess I will pay the price this winter. Totally ADD

  • GLTirebiter

    I'm running a swamp cooler and a fan. It's down to about 90 now, it was 95 a few hours ago. The cold drink helps, too.

  • Glander

    Swamp (evaporative) coolers work beautifully in a dry climate. They don't work well at all in high humidity.

    When it cools at night open windows and even doors (if you feel secure). Close everything up at dawn and draw all window coverings. If your shelter is fairly well insulated or shaded by trees you can beat the heat for several hours. Fans give off heat from the electric motors so keep them off unless you are in the room. If it gets unbearable the fan and spray bottle, dampened clothes, etc. can help.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Its cold here in the heater on.....brrrrrrrrr

  • Glander

    Let us know if you are still freezing come January!

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    We moved from a place that was very hot hundred+ very little rain all summer to a place that is 80's and rains sometimes it's great. but what's so funny is the people here call it a sizzler if it approaches 90 and they seem to think they need more rain. to us it's totally green with tall trees but they say its a moderate drought.

    Maybe when we get used to it here we'll forget what it was like in tx and think its hot and dry here but for now we love it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It was such a lousy cold winter with a blizzard to cap it off, it was such a lousy low-temp spring and the rains came late into May and June instead of March and April. Anyway, because of that cold and damp lousy weather, I have decided to be happy with heat and humidity and bask in it without complaining.

    If I am out in it, I am better off than sitting at home in the AC. I try not to run it too much, but just go to the lake on my bicycle.

  • TD

    The worst thing about summer are the electric bills....

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