It's soooo hot!

by talesin 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    It's in the upper 60's (F) here and rain is coming which is unusual for late June in the Sacremento valley. The weather folks say that the rain will only be here today. The heat should be back tomorrow and the weekend will be in the triple digits and I'll be in Tahoe! :D

  • talesin

    ooh ,,, I am sooo wanting to know 'what lake' ???


    * enquiring minds want to know * klass

  • sinis

    ...or walk around the house with a spray bottle of water and spray yourself while sitting in front of the fan...

  • talesin

    mrs jones -- tahoe,, sounds good! enjoy ... :)

    sinis --- good plan, and it sure as hell beats 5 showers a day!


  • talesin

    chomping on watermelon ... ah, hydrationn ...

  • VampireDCLXV

    Well, tal, I'll admit that humidity does play a part in things. It does tend to be rather dry where I am so high temps here don't bother me much. High humidity would prolly bug the hell outta me too. It makes so grateful for the technological miracle of AC.


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    been canyoning today. almost broke my leg, but the water was great.

  • sd-7

    I rely mostly on cold water, thin clothing, and air conditioning. But staying hydrated is #1 for staying cool. Drink more water. And be glad you can do it without having to interrupt field service for a bathroom break. Or hope the person driving will stop, I don't miss those days!


  • talesin

    vamp --- yes!

    J. Hover -- oh, that sounds soooo good. Glad you didn't have a major boo-boo. I only canoed once, and that one had balsa strips on the side, so was very safe ... what a joy it was. :)

    sd-7 --- ayup,, I agree, is why I'm eating some watermelon 'as we speak'. And yes, I vaguely remember FS, but that was a major drawback,,, esp. the bathroom thing when doing FS in the country.


    * so happy she doesn't have to go in FS anymore * klass

  • EmptyInside

    When it gets too hot in your house,go to the movies and cool off in the A/C there a couple hours. Or hang out at the mall or better yet,grocery store in the frozen foods section,lol.

    We get high humidity here too. The air just hangs and it can be hard to breate.

    Why don't you get air conditioning for just one room,or another fan?

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