Br. Loesch - great tribulation, king of the north, generation overlap, new scrolls and more...

by Bonnie_Clyde 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quendi

    Journey-on: You're absolutely right about the effect the organization's teachings had on all of us. My first contact with Jehovah's Witnesses was back in 1968 when I was a boy of only twelve. I got baptized eight years later in 1976 after the disappointment of 1975 but during a time when enthusiasm was still great and most of us were confident that the End would surely come within a few short years.

    I think for me, as it was for many others, the thought never occurred that the Governing Body was either a) deliberately misleading the rank-and-file, or b) misled themselves as to their own understanding of the Bible, or even c) both of the foregoing. They were so good at pointing out the errors of other religions and churches that they made themselves look as pure as the driven snow in comparison. So I put my utmost faith and confidence in them, never wanting to believe that I was being hoodwinked. It wasn't until the November 1, 1995 Watchtower study on the meaning of a generation that the first seeds of doubt were sown.

    Even then, it took years more for me to make up my mind to leave. An elder whom I had known for a long time and who had served as a Gilead missionary and a circuit overseer, began to study on his own. He persuaded me to assist him in his research and gradually I began to draw away from the Society. But it took my being disfellowshipped and subsequent treatment at the hands of my judicial committee to make me resolve to leave. The elder who had put me on a different spiritual path was himself disfellowshipped for apostasy in absentia, on orders from Brooklyn. That strengthened my resolve to stay out; and it was finalized when my judicial committee made embracing the WTS as God's one, only, and exclusive organization as the condition for my reinstatement.

    It has been a long, arduous journey, but one I have not regretted and which I am still on. You are right, my friend, to say that while I was inside the "spiritual paradise", I was "high" on the new and exciting things I was being taught. Everything was geared to keep me wanting more: the meetings, the conventions, and even much of the association I enjoyed. I am working now to fill the void created by my departure, and JWN is one of the tools I am using to do this. I am continuing my independent Bible studies and am enjoying them very much. But I am especially happy to have recovered two things the WTS had taken away from me: my free will and power of reason. Those are God-given gifts that we should never surrender, and having regained them I am determined to hold on with all my strength. My friends, I wish the same for all of you.


  • Scott77

    Loesch's lecture is nothing but bullship. He is basically recycling what we already know or studied before. I find it hypocritical for him to warn others about speculation when in fact, the Watchtower is the number one mother of all speculator. It looks like he even is unaware of this shortcoming.


  • FollowedMyHeart

    He described in detail about the progression of the great tribulation and how it will happen in 3 phases, similar to the progression of the 1st century attack on the city of Jerusalem.

    So those pagan Romans were actually under the direction of Jehovah. The Almighty guided their actions so that He could then use the same formula for the Great Trib. It's all becoming clear to me, now.

    He said we will have to wait and see who attacks us then we will know who the King of the North will be.

    Ho Ho Ho ! We will wait until it happens , then tell you who it is....Any fool could see who it is after the event. I thought that they were supposed to be able to know in advance.

    My thoughts, exactly, BluesBrother. Hindsight is 20/20!

    generation as is described in the Watchtower about how the anointed ones who saw 1914 would overlap those who they could pass this knowledge on to.

    This still gets me. So, according to this my grandpa and I are the same generation. Uh, yeah, he's usually the first one I think of when I hear "generation X" or "y" or "z".

    He recommended that we picture ourselves in the new world often even if we don't know all the details about it.

    Great! I can think of no better way to make the life you actually ARE living become more and more unbearable!

    I thought the cry of peace and security was first and the destruction of Babylon the Great was second?

    Nice catch, Blondie!

    Wow, how things change when you start thinking for yourself! As others have commented, we would have eaten this all up when we were still in. It's exciting to read something like this and see it for the gobble-dee-gook it really is.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    Many thanks for explaining what a "quintillion" is - and here I thought Loesch was using some nonsensical expression!

    - it doesn't alter the fact that he was still talking nonsense, though!


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I just got cold shivers!

    Did i get into a time warp? This is the same pig slop i licked up in the 80s

    just reheated in the microwave of GB2 and re-served to a fresh bunch of born ins.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Living forever is bullshit. It's just hyperbole just like a lot of the rest of the "prophecies" to make a point.

    We are not designed to live forever at least physically however much our minds may wish otherwise. How long do our adult teeth last even if looked after? Do we grow a new set ever in our lives? No we don't. So to suppose they will last 1000s of years is rather optimistic.

    Oh yeah, i forgot about eternal yooof didn't I. Young people have tooth decay too you know....

  • slimboyfat
    At least Germany not having any increases for last 3 or 4 years.

    Loesch is Austrian not German.

  • Chariklo
    The program for the 2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come" District Convention can be found here:

    Thanks, Quendi!

  • jookbeard

    delusional bullshit ,the 3 phases of the GT it which he explained simply ain't going to happen, that governments turning on religion and then the WTS will never happen, they have enjoyed increase and growth in countries they would never have dreamed of even as far as 20 years ago, they dont know how easy they have it.

  • dmouse

    I'm with Blondie, this does sound like noo lite - we were always told a cry of peace and security would be a precurser to everything else.

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