Br. Loesch - great tribulation, king of the north, generation overlap, new scrolls and more...

by Bonnie_Clyde 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I thought the cry of peace and security was first and the destruction of Babylon the Great was second?

    *** w08 5/15 pp. 15-16 par. 17 Deliverance by God’s Kingdom Is at Hand! ***The great tribulation will begin suddenly. Yes, “Jehovah’s day” will come unexpectedly “whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’” (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.) The foretold tribulation will begin when the nations think that they are close to solving some of their big problems. The sudden destruction of “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, will catch the world by surprise. Kings and others will be amazed when judgment is executed upon Babylon the Great.—Rev. 17:1-6, 18; 18:9, 10, 15, 16, 19.

    *** w88 8/15 p. 12 par. 9 Build Trust in Jehovah—By Diligently Studying His Word *** Startling events loom on the horizon: the declaration of “peace and security,” the fall of “Babylon the Great,” the attack of ‘Gog of Magog.’ These events will put our trust in Jehovah to the test. It is urgent, then, that we ‘apply our hearts to God’s word’ now!—1 Thessalonians 5:3; Revelation, chapter 18; Ezekiel, chapter 38.

    *** w83 11/15 p. 23 par. 17 Pay Attention to Prophecy ***The prophetic word depicts mankind’s ‘last hope for peace,’ the UN, as a scarlet-colored wild beast. Oh, it may trump up some kind of shaky peace and share in the cry “Peace and security!”—in harmony with its charter and in fulfillment of the prophecy at 1 Thessalonians 5:3. But then Jehovah will maneuver the militarized “horns” of the UN to devastate false religion, “Babylon the Great,” of which Christendom’s sects make up the most reprehensible part. Then, when those “horns” turn to do battle with the Lamb, Jesus Christ, by attacking the peace-loving witnesses of Jehovah, God’s sword of execution will descend on those nations and their armies, and “they will by no means escape.”—Revelation 17:3-6, 12-17.

  • minimus

    What a Privlege!

  • Quendi

    To my mind, Garrett Loesch is the most reprehensible member of the current Governing Body. I have a YouTube link in which he compares those seeking a college education to people who are mentally ill or unbalanced. There is nothing he can say that I would take seriously or consider to be sound counsel.

    As for the predictions about the great tribulation and the king of the north, they are nothing more than unfounded speculation and wishful thinking. But they probably will be turned into Watchtower studies for the rank-and-file in the coming months. Seeing how none of the Society's predictions concerning the future has come true, you'd think its leaders would stop making them. But no, the organization continues to chase rainbows, looking for the pot of gold it will never find. It speculates while it tells its followers not to do so. But most egregious of all, it points its followers to The Watchtower magazine instead of the Bible as the ultimate authority. However, that has been its modus operandi going back to its founding so there's no reason to believe it will change its ways now.


  • Quendi

    To my mind, Garrett Loesch is the most reprehensible member of the current Governing Body. I have a YouTube link in which he compares those seeking a college education to people who are mentally ill or unbalanced. There is nothing he can say that I would take seriously or consider to be sound counsel.

    As for the predictions about the great tribulation and the king of the north, they are nothing more than unfounded speculation and wishful thinking. But they probably will be turned into Watchtower studies for the rank-and-file in the coming months. Seeing how none of the Society's predictions concerning the future has come true, you'd think its leaders would stop making them. But no, the organization continues to chase rainbows, looking for the pot of gold it will never find. It speculates while it tells its followers not to do so. But most egregious of all, it points its followers to The Watchtower magazine instead of the Bible as the ultimate authority. However, that has been its modus operandi going back to its founding so there's no reason to believe it will change its ways now.


  • dozy

    helping resurrected ones (housing, food, spiritual knowledge etc..) also those who died last will be resurrected first with the exception of the Princes such as Noah, Moses, Abraham etc..

    Time to buy another Beth Sarim , perhaps?

    I just keep on wondering how much longer the JW rank & file will buy into this promise of an imminent Armaggeddon which is always "round the corner". I know that the WTBTS has been pushing this line for 130 years but surely the members will tire of the same old "jam tomorrow" line.

  • thetrueone

    Then we had the privilege of listening to Br. Loesch, of the Governing Body,

    one of the Head Minsters of Ignorance and Corruption, from the Watchtower Corporation.

    Who gave a two hour talk of bullshit derived on an intension of procured empowerment and self marketing commercialism.

  • VM44

    Here is an impression of Losch from someone who has known him.

    Gerrit Losch, wannabe leader, very strong minded, and never listens to others opinions. Thinks that the Org needs to be stricter.

  • BluesBrother

    "The King of the North is........He said we will have to wait and see who attacks us then we will know who the King of the North will be. It doesn't help us to speculate"

    Ho Ho Ho ! We will wait until it happens , then tell you who it is....Any fool could see who it is after the event. I thought that they were supposed to be able to know in advance. They used to say:

    Wt 07 09/01p20

    12:3. During the last days, “the ones having insight”—anointed Christians—have been “shining as illuminators” and have brought “many to righteousness,” including the “great crowd” of “other sheep.”

    Wt 87 07/01 p23

    “The ones having insight” are clearly the faithful remaining members of the anointed Christian congregation, who are ‘filled with accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension.’ Strengthened by Jehovah, they ‘endure fully and are long-suffering with joy, thanking the Father who rendered them suitable for their participation in the inheritance of the holy ones in the light.’ (Colossians 1:9, 11, 12) Ever since 1919, though ‘darkness itself covers the earth, and thick gloom the national groups,’ they have been “shining as illuminators” among mankind. (Isaiah 60:2; Philippians 2:15; Matthew 5:14-16) They “shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”
  • journey-on

    If I were still drinking the Kool-Aid, this would probably get me all pumped up with reassurance that the GB is giving us our "food in proper season"!

    When the GB speak with such authority and they emphasize the use of the envisioning aspect of your mind, those that are under the influence can't help but visualize the beauty of it all. But, when your high starts to fade, they know just how much Kool-Aid and what flavor to inject to keep you pumped. They're masters!

  • Quendi

    @ journey-on:

    A Witness friend is attending the district convention in Long Beach, California this weekend and is all a-quiver about the talk on the image featured in Daniel Chapter 2 and its "ten toes". He is under the impression that something new and exciting will be revealed. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he would learn nothing of the sort. I did tell him that I already had seen the convention program online (right here at JWN) and was aware of the talk and its contents. I didn't get excited or indicate that something wonderful would be shared. I hope that my lack of enthusiasm will clue him in so that he won't get his hopes up.

    What I find amazing is how the organization has managed to string its followers along all these years. You'd think this was the 1970s all over again with everyone on the edge of their seats waiting for the impending end of the world as we did back then. But with charlatans like Gerrit Losch giving their spiel at every opportunity, misleading the rank-and-file with false hopes, fake knowledge, and surreal fantasies, I suppose I should be surprised if Witnesses didn't go along. After all, it wasn't too long ago when I was among those marching in lock-step with the organization, thinking that all my dreams would come true in "just a little while longer".

    Still, I have to wonder just how much longer the WTS can keep up this charade. The years are running away, the membership is tiring out, and as much as the Society has tried to suppress it, the truth about its history, its false teachings, and its oppressive and repressive practices are becoming more widely known. Maybe "the end" is indeed near, but I hope that end will be its own.


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