New Here.

by BoleynGirl 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : So I'll start at the beginning. This is long.

    You call 10 paragraphs "long? I call that a "prologue!"

    Perhaps you think three tweets in a row is verbose! Not me! Sometimes, it just takes a certain number of words to drive the point home. Other times, it can be done in a sentence or two.

    Don't worry about it. Hard disk space is cheap.



  • freedomisntfree

    Yea you were a intelligent female.... they don't like that . There's lots of us here :) welcome

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Welcome to the forum Boleyn.

    I really look forward to your comments on the forum.


    Yea you were a intelligent female.... they don't like that . There's lots of us here :)

    Very true.

  • allelsefails

    Congrats for being free and Welcome. Catholics are less of a lifestyle control group, but be careful of your children learning thier ideas of sexuality and sin. My wife has not been a Catholic for 17 years but she still has guilt because we have sex without trying to get pregnant.... BTW all our kids are grown and out of the house. Just an FYI.

  • Diest

    Welcome....I guess I am new and can say....skip the catholic church too....just as much bs as the JWs. Sorry if that is not very welcome wagon like.

  • lilypadaz

    "Funny, I thought the whole idea of the witness religion being so much better than those churches of 'christendom' stemmed from the fact that the witnesses were more 'intellectual' and less 'emotional.' Churches are emotional, they play on emotions, not God's visible organization."

    The whole idea that the witness religion is so much better than those churhes of christendom is a propaganda which they keep on repeating as if it's fact. I believe that nothing is farther from the truth. Witness religion is one of the worst, in my opinion. Continuous indoctrination and brainwashing over a long period of time, have been known to interrupt one's ability to think. The witness religion does not encourage, nor does it allow intellectual exercise. They make people think they're thinking, but again that's a lie. Where is the thinking if what is in one's head was fed (forced fed) and spewed out, without being processed. No! jehovah witness religion aims straight for the "emotions": ruthless, rigid, uncompromising, fanatical. No brains needed...just unthinking ability to follow!!! ;(

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum, BoleynGirl.

    I'm pleased you worked it out so soon.


  • dozy

    Fascinating story - thanks for sharing. Well written.

  • cantleave

    Welcome - first time I have come across a second generation convert and subsequent fader!

  • sizemik

    A warm welcome Boleyn . . . some of your story . . . well most actually, sounds very familiar to parts of my own. We are all kindred here because of the shared experience. Yep . . . the control is hard to live with . . . even for a draught horse.

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