VERY interesting (April 1, 2002 WT, p.19)

by stevieb1 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    I remember a remark from an elder long time ago that was made to my mom when she was questioning the acuracy of something said on the platform. He said to her, "You will probably hear a lot of things said up there that are not right, don't let that ever discourage you."

    I have thought about that remark often and still do.
    I still don't get it. [:?]

    Why would an elder say something like that? I mean this was not a decietful man. He was a very good hearted person and all but why would he be giving advice like that. He wasn't saying this openly where anyone could over hear. It was a statement made quietly, one person to another probably because she was very upset about whatever it was and I think he didn't want her to just BLURT it out. Thats one theory I have but it still doesn't make much sense.

  • outnfree

    I'm with Nelly -- can we have the quote in context, please?

    Moxy: im not sure everyone understood what the sentence is saying. i had to read it several times to get it. theyre saying if they were knowingly teaching non-biblical doctrine, then they wouldnt be giving advice to read the bible and risk blowing their cover. if they were knowingly up to no good, theyd try to discourage bible reading.

    I had to read it several times, too...

    Yes, they tell their followers to read the Bible daily. But what happens when a JW tells her elders that her Bible reading has led her to question JW teachings? That's precisely what happened in my case. I took to heart their admonition to "Read God's Word the Bible Daily" and didn't come to the same conclusions as the Society. What was I advised to do? STUDY more. STUDY WHAT? Why, the Society's publications!!!! So that I could remember how I'd been convinced that 'the Truth' was true...

    In particular, I was referred to an article in the 01 Feb. 2001 WT. The article talks a good game about asking God "in prayer for faith and understanding" and how we should "bolster our efforts in personal study regarding any questions or doubts." Well, I WAS praying, and I WAS studying. Every JW knows, however, that "personal study" does NOT just mean reading the Bible for 15 minutes daily. It means preparation for the 5 meetings, using JW-supplied publications and research in JW publications on anything else that is troubling one's conscience. Also, the article reinforces the view that ONLY Jehovah's Witnesses are true Christians. Emphasis is put on not straying into immorality or debauchery. (I hadn't.) And how "we are taught Jehovah's high moral standards at our Kingdom Halls, which are centers for Bible education. And we are encouraged to use our power of reason to prove to ourselves that we have the truth and thus make the truth our own." "Another benefit of making the truth our own is that we will be convinced that these are indeed the last days of this system of things. We will know that many of the Bible's prophecies are reaching their culmination in our time.*"[Italics mine.]

    HOW does a Kingdom Hall attendee know about these prophecies?

    The footnote refers to the 15 January 2000 Watchtower, published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., pages 12-14 where it is claimed that "Paragraphs 13-18 give a review of six lines of powerful evidence showing that since 1914 we have been living in the last days."

    The 15 January 2000 Watchtower references nine Scriptures in those six lines of evidence. It also references

    -Chapter 11 of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
    -Pages 180-6 of the book Revelation--Its Grand Climax at Hand!, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
    -Same book, pages 251-4
    -Chapter 4 of the book Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy!, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    (Did I get good marks for "repetition for emphasis"?)

    Yep! Nine scriptures, but 2 chapters and 10 pages of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. publications!

    Their cover is blown!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • freeborg

    Crikey, how can one sentance have so many hidden meanings. Yet again double meanings from the WTS.

  • Frenchy

    "I have thought about that remark often and still do.
    I still don't get it. [:?]:

    Perhaps he was/is like a lot of elders who know there is something wrong but like the rank and file are afraid to admit even to themselves that it is so. Maybe he wanted to protect your mom in the only way that he felt he was able to.

    The problem with the statement under discussion, as I see it, is the word 'knowingly'. This would suggest that the Faithful Slave is not privy to sacred knowledge inasmuch as sacred knowledge, by definition, cannot be false. "unknowingly" is implied by the statement and is really an admission of ignorance such as is the situation with the rest of humanity. That would put them in the same basket with everyone else. To me that means they have been guility of promoting what they do not know as fact. The 'do not know' is forgivable in my book, but not the lie about it being from God.

    Just my slant on it... I could be wrong...unknowingly.

  • plmkrzy

    I just got the watchtower in the mail yesterday thought it was the one so I was going to scan it and put it in this reply but it's March 15th
    How did you get April 1 so fast?

  • lurk

    any sentance can be made to look bad if you want it to

  • bluesapphire
    "If Jehovah's organization knowingly endorsed false teachings, advice to read the Bible would never be given to Jehovah's Witnesses and those to whom they preach."

    This could be said of any "Christian" sect/religion. Every time you go to any service the bible is read. So what is their point?

    im not sure everyone understood what the sentence is saying. i had to read it several times to get it. theyre saying if they were knowingly teaching non-biblical doctrine, then they wouldnt be giving advice to read the bible and risk blowing their cover. if they were knowingly up to no good, theyd try to discourage bible reading.
    I had to read it over and over again and I agree with your interpretation, Mox. But that basically proves my point.

    On a second thought, do you think they're gearing up for doctrinal change at the significant level of the Sheep and Goats and Generation flip-flops?

    Like they could be saying, "We were never knowingly teaching false doctrines and so we directed you to your bibles .... some have believed .... Jehovah has given us new light .... we're not inspired, only spirit directed .... etc. etc. DROP THE BOMB -- NEW LIGHT ....

    I would like to see more of this article in its context.

  • cynicus

    Nelly, PLM: until I see it in print I think Stevie is having a field day with his/her rather early April Fools joke this year...

    Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.

  • Perry
    im not sure everyone understood what the sentence is saying. i had to read it several times to get it. theyre saying if they were knowingly teaching non-biblical doctrine, then they wouldnt be giving advice to read the bible and risk blowing their cover. if they were knowingly up to no good, theyd try to discourage bible reading.

    If this thread is not an "April Fools Joke" then:

    In my opinion the word "knowingly" is inserted as a disclaimer. That is just pure verbose garbage designed to feign responsibility.

    If they didn't "know" then who would? They are the so-called bible scholars. They "know" full well the bible's counsel against date setting, false prophesy, claiming themselves as savior instead of Christ, legalism etc.

    The claim of ignorance might have some weight if they had ever offered an apology for the destructiveness of past false doctrines. The fact that they have almost never offered one, and usually pass the blame on to the brothers, is evidence that they in fact did know are simply avoiding responsibility.

    They are caught by their own craftiness. If they offer an apology, it'll damage their claim as God's Sole Channel of Communication on Earth.

    If they claim ignorance they have discredited the leadership of the F&DS.

    I believe they real way they reason is this. "We exclusively speak for God. So, if we teach something false, then it must be God's will to put up with our weaknesses (and false teachings) because after all, God is allowing us to exclusively speak for HIM".

    This sort of reasoning is nothing more than institutionalized ignorance of biblical proportions, and is hard to imagine flourishing among even moderately educated people.

  • BoozeRunner



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