I'm new to the whole JW religion - Can someone please explain the basics?

by Jackals 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chariklo

    Hi Jackals,

    Welcome to this board! I've only been here for a few weeks, but I have rarely found a friendlier and more thoughtful group of people. Don't be put off by threads which seem to be just wrangling. At least, here people can say what they think.

    Most of all, you can learn what the JW religion is REALLY about.

    Yes, it's mind control. It is a very, very clever system of systematic brainwashing, even of someone like me and I'd always thought I'd be immune to anything like that.


    I've just come to the thread. In your first post here you wrote

    Jackals, you're in the wrong place to learn anything true and genuine about Jehovah's Witnesses. This forum mainly consists of a group of individuals that have deviated from true worship and are apostate fighters of God.

    Jackals, in those two sentences from Maze you have what's wrong with the JW's in a nutshell. Note that use of the phrase "true worship". It's one you'll hear from them a lot. True worship? There is nothing true about it. But they din into theor followers that what they teach is true, the whole truth and the only truth, they call theior religion "The Truth" and they all absolutely believe it...or say they do...because if they start to use their brains for one minute and think for themselves they find themselves labelled as "apostates" and before they know it, you have it there in Maze's second sentence, they are "fighters of God". Not people who think for themselves and disagree with the WT's intepretation of the Bible. Fighters of God.

    Note that. The Watchtower tells its followers that it speaks for God.

    Ask yourself. Would a God who created heaven and eartyh and everything that there is or ever was or will be really need to speak through any organisation on earth, let alone the Watchtower? On a range of 1-10 of likelihood, where one is most unlikely or ten is very likely indeed, how would you rate the likelihood of that?

    I know where my click would be in such a poll, and believe me, it's not on 10.

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