I'm new to the whole JW religion - Can someone please explain the basics?

by Jackals 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jackals

    Hi all,

    I recently began a wonderful relationship with a guy who also happened to be a JW. I have learned alot about him and how the religion effects his life and now I am interested in learning more about the religion - but from a beginners' point of view. Could anyone give me an idea of the basic beliefs and practices of JWs?

    Looking forward to the responses I get (if any!)



  • Satanus

    You're looking at a load of problems w this guy.


  • Jackals

    Hi S, could you perhaps expand upon that for me?? Thanks!


  • Intel

    Hi Jack,

    I saw your boyfriends message on this board and answered and congratulated him! I was raised as a JW - i am a 40 year old guy, went up the "corporate ladder" to well.....closeness to the big wigs in brooklyn....did what we call a "fade" six years ago....going through "hell" since then, because they have grips on your family and all relationships....also grip on your brain. Luckily enough in my case I have my own brain and have freed my thinking (became an atheist), BUT it has effects, nonetheless on your life.

    The most important that you need to know in a nutshell:

    - they have "hammered" for years guilt & fear into your friends mind! Especially homosexuality is a big deadly sin! Sex in general is bad....yet gawd can kill 6 billion persons on earth because they do not distribute mags! But thats a point for another day...

    - The End is near. The End is near. The End is near. Did I tell you that the End is near??? If you don't distribute mags for the big guy in heaven, he will start the greatest barbecue in human history....and you are his log!

    - EVERYBODY else is evil.......we will get persecuted (this one haunted me FOR YEARS - i started reading EVERYTHING I could about concentration camps....just to be, you know: ready for the whippings and ripping of fingernails and shit like that....really messed up my mind for years)

    These are just a few, marcant points......you will need to show LOTS OF LOVE and RATIONAL THINKING and GOOD HUMOUR with your boyfriend. I wish both of you, what I have not accomplished yet: TOTAL HAPPINESS AND SWEET FREEDOM and LOVE. LOVE and MORE LOVE!

  • Essan

    Their beliefs are that God will soon destroy 99.9 percent of the worlds population, except JW's (those who work hard).

    So it's be a JW, or die.

    Non JW's are not to be associated with. They believe that the 10 or so men who run the Organization and live in a building in Brooklyn speak for God, as his mouthpiece. JW's are expected to obey them in everything. All other religions are considered Satanic. JW's must die rather than have a blood transfusion.

    In short, it's a cult.

    Run away, while you can (from the JW Org, I mean).

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Jackals,

    Welcome! I'm another non-jw with friends and family in.

    Suggest you read the "best of" threads for a start.

    Basically this is a high-control religion, and it's hard for believers to behave authentically.

    Good luck, Retro

  • ldrnomo

    JWs are a mind controlled group. Their leaders direct just about every part of their thinking. They believe the Bible is inspired by God and they are the only ones who have the truth from it. They are taught that everyone who is not a JW will be destroyed yet many will not admit that belief. They also believe that if anybody who is baptized as a JW and disagrees with the "basic teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses" will be disfellowshipped (shunned by the members). They also believe that those in the faith should only marry others in the faith though they can't fully enforce that it's looked down upon. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their leaders are the only channel to God.

    They don't celebrate holidays, birthdays, national days or any other day the world might celebrate. They are taught not to encourage their children to go to college to pursue a high paying career.

    There's more I just can't think of it all right now. Maybe someone else can add to this.

    Ask him if he's willing to give up the stupid religion for you and if he hedges, make a mad dash for the door and get out.

  • cantleave

    Jackals - welcome to the group.

    Many JW's sincerely believe that they are part of the one and only true religion.

    They claim that they were chosen by Jesus in 1919 and that all other religions are false.

    Unless become part of the Watchtower society by Studying their publications, you will be destroyed at Armageddon in the very near future. At this time the Devil will abyssed.

    After Armageddon the Earth will be restored to Paradisaic conditions and the surviving people will live forever on it.

    All dead people will be ressurected (except those killed at Armageddon), they will be jusdged again after 1000 years, when Satan will be released from the abyss to test them. Those that fail the test will be killed again, this time forever.

    The billions of men women and children who die at armageddon will be forgotten.

    I was born in to the religion and left at the age of 42. I served as an elder and was well known in my locality.

    I left because I could not reconcile what I believed at the time with my understanding of a loving God (as taught by believers). I could not see why they were chosen in 1919, since nothing they taught then is still being taught today, and as an elder I saw underhanded dealings that did not reflect the love that Jesus said would be a Hall mark of his people.

    The best site visit to find out what the JW's teach and do is www.jwfacts.com

    Please thoroughly investigate the faith before being coerced into joining it. You have nothing to lose except some well spent time. If you join you could lose a great deal more.

  • Glander


  • Jackals

    Thank you so much for the comments so far guys I wasn't expecting such a fast and large response! It's really appreciated and very valuable.


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