I am thinking about voting

by Bucholz 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GLTirebiter

    We know and they know it's against the Society's rules, but they call it a "conscience matter" for legal reasons. Here's an example of why they do so, from the state of New Jersey:

    19:34-29. Obstructing or interfering with voter
    No person shall by abduction, duress or any forcible or fraudulent device or contrivance whatever, impede, prevent or otherwise interfere with the free exercise of the elective franchise by any voter; or compel, induce or prevail upon any voter either to vote or refrain from voting at any election, or to vote or refrain from voting for any particular person or persons at any election.

    As usual their lawyers are on duty, making sure the publications remind you of what your conscience is supposed to tell you to do, without putting the rules in writing. "Plausible deniability".

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Wouldnt it be funny if you found the po there

  • dozy

    Just do it. I know a few JWs who vote ( they either view it as their civic duty or have strong political views.) They vote early in the morning or late at night , or do a postal vote. You couldn't be DFd anyway if someone saw you at a polling station - it is (technically) a conscience matter.

  • d

    I first for state governor in CT in 2010. But overall, I feel that voting is pointless the powers that be will do whatever they want.


  • serenitynow!

    The first time I voted was when I was very much a JW mentally. I simply told myself that I chose to interpret the scriptures differently, that was before I learned that in the cult one doesn't have the luxury of doing that.

    To be very honest though, I was willing to be seen voting and risk disfellowshipping, than to stand idly by and allow Sarah Palin the possibility of being VP and eventually God forbid, POTUS. I stand by my decision. I think the risk was worth it.

  • cantleave

    Has anyone got a link to that QFR?

  • serenitynow!
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You can vote with repurcussions just like you can take blood without repurcussions, I think.

    The QFR is a CYA for the Borg, IMO.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The vote is so precious. Around the globe people contiually die for the right. Americans have had it as birth right from England. Well, white, males, owning vast tracts of land. If the system is nonresponsive, it is b/c people do not become involved.

    Lobbyists in DC and state capitol are primarily paid by corporations and trade association to represent their interests. Corporations watch public officials like hawka. They know the staff and policy perspectives. Lobbyists just don't say please vote. They provide drafts to congresspeople. Funds are raised, members are practically ordered to bring their weight.

    If the middle class became engaged, we'd have a much better society. I no longer see lobbyists as evil. Americans not caring and not voting is the problem.

    My father was very pro-union b/c he had been a coal miner before Bethel. I read many newpapers, worked on the Hill. In fact, my first time voting was immediately after the voting age was lowered to 18 b/c they could not kill any more boys who could not vote for or against the war. It was joyous for everyone at that age. It felt wonderful. I was an active, responsible part of the American community. Acting for good, just not reacting and cowering.

    I came of age with the Witness Holocaust stories. Voting meant I could thwart a Joe McCarthy or Hitler. I helped stop a very bad war.

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    Greetings Bucholz,

    Do it, at least you feel you are participating in this life, rather than putting all your faith in something that cannot be externally quantified, rather than just a group of random old men the GB !

    Star Tiger

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