
by Chariklo 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • godrulz

    gnat: you can be a 'regular' Christian, but I cannot be a 'true' Christian? Is a regular one a true or false one?

  • jgnat

    I've explained to you before, godrulz, about trigger words for ex-witnesses. "True" just happens to be one of them. Jehovah's Witnesses use "true" to separate themselves from the rest of the world all the time. In their literature they reference "true Christians" by which they mean Jehovah's Witnesses only. When going door to door, they don't expect everyone to listen, but only "deserving ones", another separation of people out in the big, bad world. You don't want to sound like a Jehovah's Witness do you?

    If you want to avoid teeth-grating with the ex-witness crowd, you will be very, very careful in the use of that word. It's an instant put-off.

  • godrulz

    The Bible uses the word true/truth over and over. I will not let a cult co-opt legit biblical terms/concepts. Am I also supposed to stop using the words God, Bible, Jehovah, theocracy, kingdom, etc.? How do I distinguish true Christian from false, pseudo-cult Christian? Mormons think they are Christians, so just saying Christian is not sufficient. Muslims have negative views about Christians, so 'follower of Jesus' might be better, but I am not going to stop identifying as being Christian vs Buddhist, Hindu, etc. Many people think they are Christians because they are not Muslim, etc., but they don't understand biblical Christianity. Since this forum has a variety of false beliefs, how else do we distinguish generic vs real? We should not have to say true vs false God/gods, but this is a distinction God Himself makes in Scripture. I thought we would be mature enough on an adult forum to not quibble about an adjective. I also have not personally had JWs use 'true Christian' with me personally at the door or in any literature I have read, so this is news to me. There may be a point of wisdom, but most do not take offense at an attempt to distinguish biblical Christianity from Jim Jones, David Koresh, Moonies, etc.

    How do we get around cults and Christianity calling themselves Christians despite diametrically opposed, mutually exclusive views? The ones who are false should not be using the true label. If someone is truly true, they should not have to apologize for a truth claim. JWs are wrong, but those who worship Jesus are truly true Christians vs pseudo-Christian Arians.

  • jgnat

    Go for it, godrulz. Build yourself a whole new army of "opposers" and wonder why so many people are put off by your god. You are an idiot.

    BTW, when I use "regular Christian" I mean one who subscribes to the Nicene creed. That should be acceptable enough for you. Not that I am at all glad that we may be in the same club.

  • Chariklo

    The way JW's use "true" and "truth" and even "Christian" is totally manipulative. As though they have the prerogative on "truth"...and yet their version of truth isn't true at all.

    Truth is an absolute. It is something that is not in any way false. It's pure.

    Christian is someone who follows Jesus Christ, believes in him, and tries very hard to do what he said.

    No-one has the monopoly on truth, and only God can know truth in its ultimate pure essence, because he is Truth.

    Likewise, I'm not too keen on people saying such and such a group are Christians, or aren't Christians, and certainly not JW's saying "true Christians, which is a phrase repeated in WT writings over and over. Part of the not-so-subtle brainwashing process. It's a phrase that goes with its brother "false religion", another manipulative brainwashing phrase. Don't let me get started....

    How did I ever get caught up in this? And yet I don't think it's a week since I began to wake up. A chilling thought. I am currently being love-bombed by people who are "missing me at meetings"....

  • jgnat

    "missing me at meetings"....

    Wahoo! What'd I tell ya?

  • godrulz

    Truth is absolute, not relative. That does not mean that we all understand truth exhaustively (we do not). So, jgnat, were you ever a JW (I can't remember)? Why did you not come right out and publicly confess your view on Christ as being God Almighty, Jehovah in the flesh?! (Nicene Creed). Few Christians would hide this or play games about the most central truth in our lives. As well, many give mental assent to Creeds and are merely religious, not regenerated (nominal Catholics, etc.).

  • yknot


    Being able to speak the lingo is very important....

    If you were in Britain and you asked for a 'fag' no one takes offense where as here in the US it is totally different.

    Discerning the cultural nuances is very important if you want to 'Witness' to JWs and ExJWs ....... if not you are attempting to preach in Chineses when everyone here speaks Czech!

  • godrulz

    I agree that a big problem is the semantical barriers with the kingdom of the cults. When a Christian talks about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, salvation, grace, etc., we mean different things than Mormons and JWs. The answer is not to avoid using biblical terms, but defining them in the right way. Just because there are pseudo-Christians is not a reason not to use the word (though with Muslims, it would be wiser to use follower of Jesus in addition to properly defining Christian apart from sinful Westerners). If a JW wants to talk about God's active force, I will talk about the person of the Holy Spirit. If they talk about Michael-Jesus, I will be clear that Michael is not Jesus (not avoid mentioning the Archangel). We should watch for JW buzzwords, but we don't have to learn them all if we clarify what we mean by terms to avoid misunderstanding. JW disfellowshipping is not biblical, but there is a biblical counterpart we could connect to the word.

  • jgnat

    Truth is absolute, not relative.

    Which means no-one can own it. You don't either.

    So, jgnat, were you ever a JW (I can't remember)?

    Lazy oaf. I was never a JW. I married one instead. I say so in my biography and in most of my posts with the ex-JW community. So that they are not decieved. You have no background with the JW's and it shows.

    Why did you not come right out and publicly confess your view on Christ as being God Almighty, Jehovah in the flesh?! (Nicene Creed).

    You remember how you entred this forum, guns blazing? You were determined to separate the sheep from the goats as an advance guard to the judgement seat. I've mentioned (briefly) my beliefs on the board before, but you are not deserving. I've asked several times that you approach me based on the quality of my questions and my comments, which you have blithely ignored.

    And finally, I reject the concept of "True Christian" and "False Christian". You are either a Christian or you are something else. Matters of the mind and heart are between the individual and God. You cannot judge my final condition, so why should you insist on qualifying me? You might judge my comments based on their quality, but you are too lazy.

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