607 wrong using ONLY the bible (and some common sense)

by Witness My Fury 492 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • djeggnog


    djeggnog, still has never provided a scripture from the Bible where it says, Jerusalem was desolated in King Neb. 18th year. And that's because he can't.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Even if [I] were to provide such a scripture, you would still not believe Jerusalem was destroyed in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year. I believe you would refuse to understand that one can reckon the reign of Nebuchadnezzar by the inclusion of his accession year, which is the reason Jeremiah makes reference to Nebuchadnezzar's nineteenth year at 2 Kings 25:8 and at Jeremiah 52:12, but, in a previous message, I did provide a scripture where the same prophet -- Jeremiah -- makes reference to Nebuchadnezzar's (Nebuchadrezzar's) eighteenth year:

    I should point out to you that the date of Jerusalem's destruction would only be Nebuchadnezzar's "nineteenth" year if counting from his accession year as Jeremiah does at Jeremiah 52:12 (2 Kings 25:8), but it would be his "eighteenth" regnal year, which is the reckoning that Jeremiah uses at Jeremiah 52:29.

    Open up your copy of the Bible and hopefully you won't be found here arguing still that there is no mention in the Bible that refers to Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth regnal year.

    @Alwayshere wrote:

    djeggnog, I agree there is no scripture in the Bible where Jeremiah refers to Neb. 18th or 19th "regnal" years. The word regnal is never used.

    This is what I hoped would not happen. You may be comprehend many ways, but what is being discussed in this thread is not a subject that is comprehensible by you. You are here making an issue of whether the words "regnal" is used in the Bible, but did you know that whereas it would be accurate to say that Abraham was Jacob's "grandfather," that nowhere is the word "grandfather" used in the Bible? I really don't think that you are able to understand this point either, so let me not confuse you any more than you are:

    You indicated that I had "never provided a scripture from the Bible where it says, Jerusalem was desolated in King Neb. 18th year." I did provide such a scripture -- Jeremiah 52:29 -- twice. This is the third time now. I also told you:

    Even if [I] were to provide such a scripture, you would still not believe Jerusalem was destroyed in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year.

    It appears that I was correct, wasn't I? It is this kind of illiteracy among Jehovah's Witnesses to which I referred earlier, for those lacking the mental acuity to be able to comprehend certain things about which the Bible discusses -- people that are active Jehovah's Witnesses today -- will pretend that they do comprehend these things instead of informing someone that they need help. These folks were the same way when they attended school, not raising their hands for assistance when they needed assistance for fear that they would be ridiculed by other students.

    Now these school children are now adults like you are, but their behavior is typically that of an immature child in elementary school. You ought to ask someone else to explain to you what it is we have been discussing in this thread before you continue, because it is possible to overcome illiteracy if you really wish to do so. Pretentiousness may work with some of the people here, but it will not work with me, and there's no reason that you should have to remain illiterate with respect to these things, provided you know how to humbly ask for help.

    @Jonathan Dough:

    The issue isn't what you believe because most of us don't care, but what the Watchtower Society teaches....

    Is that right? If you have been imagining here that you have been discussing with me is what the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society teaches, then you aren't aware that the WTS is the just corporate publishing arm staffed by Jehovah's Witnesses that produces the literature, including Bibles and media items, that Jehovah's Witnesses use in their Christian ministry. If you have imagining here that you have been discussing with me what Jehovah's Witnesses teach in their ministry (which is what I had imagined you were doing), and you don't care what my views are, then maybe I should withdraw from this thread, at least I should withdraw from it to the extent that I stop exchanging posts with you since, as it happens, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This is a splendid example of your confusion and contradictory viewpoints. Here, you claim the seventy years count from Jerusalem's destruction, and shortly thereafter you claim it does not and the count begins with the desolation of Judah, which followed Jerusalem's destruction. You can't have it both ways.

    I can't have what "both ways"? Solomon's temple was destroyed after an 18-month siege, Nebuchadnezzar's third siege on Jerusalem, when a breach was made in Jerusalem's wall causing Zedekiah and his men to flee Jerusalem only to be overtaken by Nebuchadnezzar in Jericho, at which time Zedekiah was blinded and led captive to Babylon. (2 Kings 25:1,2, 4, 8-10)

    It was at this time that the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch were permitted to remain with the poor in Judah (Jeremiah 40:1-5) under Gedaliah's provisional government, who had been appointed governor by Nebuchadnezzar, in the fifth lunar month of Ab, when just two months later after Gedaliah's assassination, in the seventh lunar month of Tishri, those left over in the province of Judah took flight in fear of Babylon and went to Egypt, dragging Jeremiah and his secretary with them. The dethroning of Zedekiah and the assassination of Gedaliah all occurred during Nebuchadnezzar's 18th regnal year, or his 19th year if one includes his accession year and this is when the "seven times" of Daniel's prophecy began to be counted! (Daniel 4:25)

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    You are very much mistaken in this regard also, and Ann is absolutely correct. There were in fact inhabitants in all that land that the JWs argue was 100 percent uninhabited.

    @djeggnog wrote:


    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    Thank you for agreeing that the WBTS are false teachers in this significant regard.




    DjEggNogg ignores Librarys filled with books that prove him wrong..


    He`s WatchTarded..










    You really should not want to be like some of those here on JWN that are "puffed up with pride,.....DjEggNogg

    there reason I never lose a debate is because I'm never on the wrong side of one.....DjEggNogg

    No, I'm an educated person, highly educated. A Bible scholar; also a genius.....DjEggNogg

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    J.Dough: This is a splendid example of your confusion and contradictory viewpoints. Here, you claim the seventy years count from Jerusalem's destruction, and shortly thereafter you claim it does not and the count begins with the desolation of Judah, which followed Jerusalem's destruction. You can't have it both ways.

    Eggnog: I can't have what "both ways"? Solomon's temple was destroyed after an 18-month siege, Nebuchadnezzar's third siege on Jerusalem, when a breach was made in Jerusalem's wall causing Zedekiah and his men to flee Jerusalem only to be overtaken by Nebuchadnezzar in Jericho, at which time Zedekiah was blinded and led captive to Babylon. (2 Kings 25:1,2, 4, 8-10)

    It was at this time that the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch were permitted to remain with the poor in Judah (Jeremiah 40:1-5) under Gedaliah's provisional government, who had been appointed governor by Nebuchadnezzar, in the fifth lunar month of Ab, when just two months later after Gedaliah's assassination, in the seventh lunar month of Tishri, those left over in the province of Judah took flight in fear of Babylon and went to Egypt, dragging Jeremiah and his secretary with them. The dethroning of Zedekiah and the assassination of Gedaliah all occurred during Nebuchadnezzar's 18th regnal year, or his 19th year if one includes his accession year and this is when the "seven times" of Daniel's prophecy began to be counted! (Daniel 4:25)

    You're dodging the issue again. It's very simple, counselor, and I couldn't have made it clearer above. Did the 70 years begin with the destruction of Jerusalem, yes or no. Or did the 70 years begin with the complete desolation of Judah, yes or no.

    And, to further help us understand the Society's position, exactly what month, in layman's terms so others can understand, did the 70 years begin? June? July? August? September? How about October as the Society teaches?

  • thetrueone

    No, I'm an educated person, highly educated. A Bible scholar; also a genius.....DjEggNogg

    Funny for a genius he sure has a hard time rationalizing cohesive logic !

    As I mentioned before counting back 70 years from 539 BCE. comes to 609 BCE. which is 4 years before any Israelites were taken captive to Babylon.

    Gee there's that special sacred number again 7 as in 7 days of the week, God's own special sacred number.

    Even the anointed spiritual seers of Jerusalem knew of this sacred number, obviously !

  • Alwayshere

    djennog said he provided Jeremiah 52:29 to show it was Neb. 18th regnal year

    when Jerusalem was desolated. I provided Jeremiah 52:12

    and 2 Kings 25:8 to show it was Neb. 19th year when Jerusalem was desolated.

    Also Jeremiah 32:1 shows shows "the 10th year of Zedekiah was King Neb. 18th year.

    You can interpret the scriptures like you want, but most of us like the Bibles interpretation.

    And I see no reason to discuss this anymore with someone who is no better than the Religion he

    covers for.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I'm seriously beginning to think Eggnog has Asperger's syndrome, he's displaying classic symptoms here at any rate....

  • cantleave

    My son has aspergers, he has been described as genius in certain areas but loses the plot totally in others. May DJ is on the autism spectrum, it would explain a great deal.

    The great thing about my son is he always willing to listen and learn, an trait I haven't noticed with DJidiotnog, who has been proved wrong so many times in this thread alone.

    DJ you say you are here to help JW's see the falshood of aposatcy, so far you have just pointed out the stupidity of the Watchtower. But then that is all anyone can do, because the watchtower is full of Stupidity.

  • djeggnog

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    The reference to the land paying off its sabbaths is a direct reference to Leviticus 26:32-35 which also should have been brought to the readers' attention.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Why? Well, not the reference I made in this thread to "the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon" by the Jews during which "the land [would pay] off its sabbaths ... to fulfill seventy years" didn't come from Leviticus 26:32-35, but to Jeremiah 29:10 and 2 Chronicles 36:21.

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    We understand completely why you want to ignore Leviticus 26:32-35 and pretend....

    Who is this "we" to whom you're referring, @Jonathan Dough? I don't know any "we" contingent here on JWN so, please, humor me. Just as I told you before when you first brought up the book of Leviticus to me, I'm telling you again: I never made a case here about something contained in the Bible book of Leviticus. Never. That's a stupid argument. You should stop using it, and if you don't why you should stop using it, then you'd better ask someone. Anyone that thinks mention of this book enhances their argument -- and I mean you, @AnnOMaly, and anyone else that does so -- is confused, delusional and clueless, all of these, and I'm not kidding. I'm quite serious.

    I'm sure it has never occurred to you, not even once, that there were things foreshadowed during the sixth century BC when Jeremiah prophesied God message to the Jews as to their complacency toward God and toward life itself, telling the people that as long as they are doing good works, they will have God's favor. Don't worry about anything. Find a church or don't find a church; your choice. We are Franzites and our founder was once one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and he taught us that our salvation is more about our consciences and how we feel about those taking the lead among us than obedience to God's commands. Those men that played the prince over us cannot possibly have been appointed by God's holy spirit. No way! Why, they're more imperfect than us!

    They talk about a spiritual paradise, but I haven't seen it! They recruited us really just to enrich the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses, so that they wouldn't have to work a 40-hour week. Those men in Brooklyn, Franz included, expected us to send them our hard-earned money so that they could retire off our contributions, as did Raymond Franz, our fearless leader, did. He was on the governing body, so when he was disfellowshipped, he used the millions he had salted away to buy a six-bedroom home in Southern California, in Malibu, beachfront property where he could actually walk from his home to the Pacific Ocean, and it was just Ray and his wife living in that big house.

    Our cult leader is now dead, but he certainly taught us that when our conscience bothers us, we should not ignore it, but speak out and in our disgruntled state tell the truth about the truth.™ We spent a lot of time in field service over the years; at least 12 hours a year and sometimes as much as 20 hours a year; add another 250 hours attending meetings and the money we sent to Brooklyn for the magazines and books we studied every week. We made those men in Brooklyn rich and we should get a deal like Ray Franz got; if not millions, at least a few thousand dollars and a trailer.

    We are Franzites because he left us two books containing his wisdom; he was disfellowshipped, but this doesn't mean that he wasn't one of Christ's anointed brothers, so his words have almost as much power as the words of Peter or Paul. We recommend to new people coming to JWN that they read Ray Franz' book, Crisis of Conscience, which is just one of your cult's holy books, because we need to recruit as many people as we can over to our faith so that we can have what Jehovah's Witnesses would deny us, namely, salvation.

    By putting faith in Ray Franz' words, we know we will be saved because we know Ray Franz is in heaven and will plead for us in God's spiritual temple, if that's where Ray Franz is; both he and Jesus will be pleading for us because we were so misunderstood by the elders at the Kingdom Hall. At least here on JWN we definitely know that our prayers are being heard by God, even if we view with disdain God's commands about blood, and have become materialistic, have let our speech go down into the toilet and are enjoying sexual experiences that we never could before when we were attending meetings with other Jehovah's Witnesses, even though some of our children somehow contracted chlamydia and have had it for awhile, so that they will not be able to have children. Our children to love God, but children do make mistakes.

    Some of our children have made us happy grandparents, because we don't believe in abortion and we know God will eventually make it possible for our children to find someone willing to get married and start a ready-made family, maybe not a Witness, but hopefully not a pedophile, please! While enjoying our Christian freedom from theocratic rule over us, some of us managed to contract genital herpes, Herpes simplex, HIV/AIDS, human papilloma virus (HPV) and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (HHV-8), and many other loathsome diseases, and this was because we were in love with the person that had no idea that they even had the disease, and I pray to God everyday that he will help doctors to find a cure. It's not like it's leprosy, but the pills we have to take now are expensive.

    In heaven, we won't have these bodies, so it's just a bit hard knowing that we will just have to put up with the inconveniences we face now in the meantime, for not everyone is going to be lucky in love. It's all good though. Like those men in Jeremiah's day, they were saying "there is peace! when there is no peace." (Jeremiah 6:14) This is the kind of confused, delusional, clueless thinking that many of you Franzites do.

    We have been here talking about the discipline meted about my Jehovah to the Jews toward the end of the seventh century BC because they were delusional and clueless, arguing whether they were punished for only 48, 50, 68 or for the full 70 years. If one has faith in Jehovah, this isn't really the point, is it? The point is that no matter how long it was, Jehovah had said by his prophet Ezekiel, "So should you possess the land?" (Ezekiel 33:26) We need to be deserving so that we might "inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5) And you need to think about getting out of the cult and returning to Jehovah before it's too late to do so. When you read Jeremiah and Ezekiel, I'm sure you see none of the things that I've mentioned in this message, do you?

    There are people here on JWN right now that believe they are saved; some of them will tell you that they pray to Jesus daily and some others will tell you that they have been born again. What's so crazy about this is that many of those that are saying these things were formerly Jehovah's Witnesses and so have reason to know that they're delusional to believe they can marginalize Jehovah God, pray to Jesus and be one of those that survive the conclusion of this system of things when Jesus and his angelic executional forces bring judgment at Armageddon.

    But it is the exact same period, and because Moses promised that paying off the Sabbaths would end while the Jews were in captivity, in Babylon, and therefore not upon their return to the Promised Land, the Society's 70-year Return Theory is proven utterly and completely false.

    I don't know a thing about any "70-year Return Theory," but maybe you could start at the beginning and explain it to me.

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    You are actually weakening your case when you rely on Leviticus to prove that the land of Judah began to pay off its sabbaths to fulfill 70 years, and had you quoted the entire relevant verses instead of select portions you would clearly see that your theory actually disproves 70 years, an exact number to the month according to the WTBS, because it ended while the Jews were in Babylon, not when they supposedly returned. You fall one or two years short. This is a common trick used by the Jws with these verses.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    What "common trick"? When did I make a case here about something contained in the Bible book of Leviticus? About what exactly was this "case" of mine?

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    It's a common trick, or ploy, because the Society doesn't show all of its cards and treats so much of this as a game.

    I don't play such games; this isn't some card game. People's lives are involved in the work that we are doing around the globe and we know that we will not reach everyone. Many will perish, we know this, but we feel we have to do our best to find as many people that want to survive the end of this system of things.

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    The issue isn't what you believe because most of us don't care, but what the Watchtower Society teaches....

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Is that right? If you have been imagining here that you have been discussing with me is what the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society teaches, then you aren't aware that the WTS is the just corporate publishing arm staffed by Jehovah's Witnesses that produces the literature, including Bibles and media items, that Jehovah's Witnesses use in their Christian ministry. If you have imagining here that you have been discussing with me what Jehovah's Witnesses teach in their ministry (which is what I had imagined you were doing), and you don't care what my views are, then maybe I should withdraw from this thread, at least I should withdraw from it to the extent that I stop exchanging posts with you since, as it happens, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    @Jonathan Dough wrote:

    You're splitting hairs unnecessarily. When I speak of the Watchtower Society I include the ministry, although I wouldn't go so far as to call it "Christian" as the great majority of Christendom regards that term. As far as you withdrawing, by all means feel free to hit the road. I don't think you will be missed, necessarily. As for your views, it's impossible to tell what they are or whether they harmonize with the Society's because you repudiate so much of their teachings, walk your own path when you think it suits you and easily turn on your brothers, like those who wrote Setting the Record Straight who are actually on your side. Your cheap lawyer arguments are easily seen through. Confuse, deflect, ignore ... I suppose you can't help that.

    I don't let non-Jehovah's Witnesses or ex-Jehovah's Witnesses tell me what I believe or ought to believe, because many of such persons, especially those that were formerly one of Jehovah's Witnesses, left our ranks without really knowing that Jehovah's Witnesses ought to be studying the Bible and making disciples based on the things they learned, and not to be studying our literature in lieu of their studying the Bible. No one told anyone to do the latter, and this is usually the reason many end up leaving us because they didn't learn and no one actually took the time to teach them before they got baptized that if after six months or a year you cannot do more than recite the scriptures you've committed to memory and you are incapable of using the Bible to make a fundamental defense of your faith as a Christian, that you cannot be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    We are disheartened when people leave us, but we are not surprised, for Jesus taught: "Many ... will seek to get in but will not be able." (Luke 13:24) We know that Satan has demanded to sift us as wheat and that opposition will come from persons of one's own household. (Luke 22:31; Matthew 10:36) If anyone wants to leave us, we don't want to prevent them from leaving, and this helps us to see 'the distinction between the one who is serving God and the one who has not served him.' (Malachi 3:18)

    And, to further help us understand the Society's position, exactly what month, in layman's terms so others can understand, did the 70 years begin? June? July? August? September? How about October as the Society teaches?

    I cannot give you the Society's position; the Society is not a person. As I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I can tell you what I believe with regard to this question you ask as to when it was the 70-year period of desolation began. It was in the month of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar, just before the festival of ingathering was to be celebrated on Tishri 15-21, 3155 AM, October 11-17, 607 BC, Julian, October 4-10, 607 BC, Gregorian, but it couldn't be observed there in Jerusalem because Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Solomon's temple in Jerusalem before the festival of booths could commence.

    Why do you ask?


  • cantleave

    If you genuinely studied the bible you would run a mile from the WTBT$ eggnog!!

    If you studied science and history you run a mile from the bible!

  • thetrueone

    Some people just don't want to accept that they got dupped by a profiteering false prophet $$$, in other words a corrupt publishing house.

    Sad but these people probably wouldn't be much use to society anyways for their lack of intellectual prowess.

    All djeggnog has show is that he is more that willing to lie for the organization he devotionally belongs to.

    Spiritual warfare is about lying for the sake of the organization, in case people are wondering why this guy is being so complacently corrupt

    and bias on his reasoning, the WTS. has given him something protect (power) and you can see he's not willing to give this up for whatever reason.

    Truth or not

    You'll notice that he never responds to questions he doesn't have an answer for, this is typical of JWS fully brain washed with WT

    indoctrination. Particularly on the information I present.

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