Flipper is a poster and a gentleman.
by TheLoveDoctor 26 Replies latest jw friends
Flipper is a poster and a gentleman.
I feel much like Mad Sweeny said in his post.
alot of times other posters say things better than I can and/or go into more detail.
Sometimes if I am not familiar with the person's personal situation I feel uncomfortable in saying anything.
I have no interest in Politics at all-even before becoming a witness- and do not want to read political opinions.
At times there is just too much criticism of jw's-it gets too negative for me.
I hope that when I do comment on something it does not offend anyone and somehow helps.
I have made similar observations to yours - and asked the same questions myself - but truth of the matter for me is I skim the topics and only click on those that look as though they are going to be of interest to me - we all have very different fields of interest - many times I enjoy reading the material but there isn't anything left for me to say on the subject or the material is SO EXCELLENT I am overwhelmed at my own incapacities and ignorance. At those times I am learning it is best to zip the lip or quiet those tapping fingers.
Sometimes a post angers me because I think it has a a pinch of "injustice" in the tone and that will trigger a response - not necessarily my best contributions inspired by that motivation, however.
Sometimes someone says something that just RESONATES with my soul and I just HAVE to add my voice to the chorus - offkey though it may be.
Sometimes I see the name of the poster and it is someone with whom I've had a warm fuzzy feeling in the past so I just want to see what they have to say today even if the subject is not one of my specialties.
Sometimes the post just triggers my crazy side and stupid comebacks come pummeling out of the fingers before I realized I hit the "submit" button.
Sometimes I just really want to know something and I've found this place has been extremely helpful over and over.
And sometimes I really have something to share - lol - notice this is last on the list. One would think it would have been first but since when are we logical creatures?
I try and read the entire thread before I comment. Many times somebody will say it all, or someone will have said what I would have said, so it would be redundant to post a comment.
Also, I usually only post on topics I can relate to or have something to contribute to, maybe have some experience to share, or add to another's comment. Just depends.
It mostly depends on how I am feeling on the day and what sort of mood I'm in that attracts me to one thread over another. I only comment if there is something I want to say, or question or just because I'm in a silly mood.
I find that by the time I get a chance to post on a thread, I have little value to add. Also I spend a lot of time writing even the most simple of responses - so I dont post unless I can keep it short and relevant.
I like to post on newbies to say welcome. Often on a thread a lot of posters will have said what I would have said very eloquently so it doesnt need my repeating stuff. If something prompts strong feelings of compassion or even anger I tend to post. I dont really enjoy all the political threads so I just pass them by. I enjoy some of the 'fluff' that makes me giggle. Some of the whacko ones prompt me to leave a . Most of the time I love this forum but dont always have the time to engage in debates.
Loz x