June 15th WT - WT Society Pressures JW Parents to Indoctrinate Children

by flipper 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    I agree with Outlaw.Do publications from the FDS interest him.I hope not with the advice about employment and education.They want him as a slave in Bethel and when he gets old and cost them money they give him the Bethel BOOT.They are getting nasty in their old age.


  • DesirousOfChange

    " Should Youths get Baptized ? "

    The WT society is losing young people in very large numbers - so how else to try stemming the exodus than putting pressure on JW parents to indoctrinate AND instill mind control into their children ?

    An even better way is to get them baptized and then threaten them with the loss of all their family & friends if they don't toe-the-line the WT way.

  • ambersun

    Articles like this make me so angry. The WTS is trying to ensure that yet another generation of young children are being denied a normal childhood and being forced to take on burdens of responsibility that are totally overwhelming for them.

    They are also forbidden from having normal age related recreation with their peers and being turned into middle aged bible bashers before the poor little souls have even reached double figures!

    As if all that isn't enough, the WTS is clamping down even more these days because woe betide them if they don't have a permanent look of joy on their little faces to prove to the world how deliriously happy they are, and if they crack under all the strain and refuse to do it any more, it is entirely their own fault if their loving parents boot them out of the house as soon as it is legal to do so.

    What a wonderful religion this is

    9. Does reading the Bible and studying the publications of the faithful and discreet slave interest him ? HELL NO!

    Redsoxfan, that's brilliant!!!

  • TheJigsUp

    well redsoxfan1393..

    i have a nephew who is about your age and my personal view is...

    'this generation will by no means pass away'

    i'll tell you what... 'this' generation will by no means perpetuate the lie..

    its over..

    i cant see it anymore.

    its just a countdown now.. thats what i see from what i see.

    its the end of an era.

    i dont think it will implode if time goes on as is..

    it'll just crumble.

    its crumbling with the subsequent 'generation'

    how do you like that for irony.

    oh they'll fight tooth and nail.

    but i think it will crumble and no one will even care.

    no one will even care, not even us as it happens

  • smiddy

    When i became interested in the witnesses I encouraged my then girlfreind to be interested,within18 months we were married in a kingdom hall,and within a couple of years we had 2 children.Over the ensuring years we encouraged my wife`s sister to become a witness,who brought up her 3 daughters in the "truth",also a nephew also became interested and started attending meetings.My 2 sons got married to witnesses,with a family of another 5 persons,and who is still their now ? only 1 neice who is still putting up appearances


  • cantleave

    " Commenting on youths who qualify for baptism but whose parents do not agree , an experienced elder said, " Preventing a young one from getting baptized can break his spiritual momentum and lead to discouragement. " And a traveling overseer wrote, " A youth could begin feeling spiritually INSECURE or INFERIOR . He might LOOK to the WORLD to gain a feeling of accomplishment. "

    Basilcally then; even if your kid doesn't want to get baptised, force the bugger to do it.

  • meangirl

    Child abuse....

  • nugget

    It is shocking and blatent. They are trying to get young ones to commit to the organisation before they are old enough to know better. They are not making it a personal decision, parents should be coercing their children to comply even if they personally do not feel the child is ready. Parents will be seen as bad parents if they do not do so. So long as the boxes are ticked then the child is expected to make a commitment that may well ruin their future life. The parents who forced them into this decision will then be forced to shun them when they get Df'd.

    gone is the need for spiritual maturity and personal dedication so long as the child attends meetings, goes out on the service, answers up at the meetings, and is a member of the school then they should be baptised. It is frightening how young someone can be and have accomplished these things.

  • besty

    pressuring a minor to join a high control group under fear of familial disconnection is child abuse - no mistake.

    and what does this mean:

    "What are his preferences regarding ... ...use of the Internet?"

  • ambersun

    The parents who forced them into this decision will then be forced to shun them when they get Df'd.

    Nugget, that is so true and I wish we could somehow get that fact across to some die hard JWs in light of the July 15th Watchtower which absolves parents of any blame, assuring them it is the child's own choice.

    That illustration of a son being booted out of the front door into a world he is totally unprepared for (having been isolated from it all his life) with his belongings crammed into the rucksack on his back fills me with horror.

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