Do They Still Offer Food At The DCs?

by Low-Key Lysmith 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JustHuman14

    You have being out from the WT too long!!! Forget the old good days that we had roasted chicken, patatos, salads. You have to bring your food, and it has to be modest like a sandwich

  • Poztate
    When the venue complained to the WT convention organizers, the congregation was warned again to bring their own food. They were also to keep their convention badges on when leaving the event to be a "witness".

    In my wife's circuit some started to go to Subway™ in the morning to pick up a sub for lunch. They had to be counseled either not to do it or to re-wrap the sub in plain paper.

    I go to the assembly city with my wife but NEVER go to the sessions. Happily POZTATE™ since 1982.

    I refused to take her out for dinner after sessions unless she ditched her badge. She did manage to do that for me but after eating soggy sandwiches at lunch whats a little compromise.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    You have to bring your food, and it has to be modest like a sandwich

    C'mon! Seriously? Are they really worried that you're going to stumble someone because your grilled pear salad with goat cheese and dried cranberries looks tastier than your neighbor's ham & swiss on rye? Their lust for control and power knows no bounds. You'll really get into trouble if your lunch is too "gourmet"? Unbelievable.

  • pirata

    You can bring a salad, just not supposed to bring glassware or a huge meal that requires a table to serve.

  • snowbird

    Some families down here don't pay them any mind.

    You will see fried chicken, squash casseroles, red velvet cake, ham, and potato salad.

    We throw down!


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    squash casseroles

    You southerners will eat anything...

  • snowbird

    You Yankees wouldn't know good food if it was sittin' right on top of you!


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I'm surprised that this hasn't spawned a new trend in parking lot tailgate parties! Of course, that would be too much fun.

  • snowbird

    Some actually do tailgate, especially families with lots of kids.

    However, the KM always rails against that, offering the opinion that a sandwich, chips, drink, and a piece of fruit should be sufficient.



  • james_woods

    Can someone remind me again of the official reason the WTBTS gave on why food was no longer offered?

    BTW - was this done worldwide, or just in the larger American and Euro countries?

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