Visit from a car group

by Lunatic Faith 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    @broken promises

    Oh please....... not Bro.

  • undercover

    These people who you haven't seen in months and who have been 'unfriended' on Facebook have the gall to show up at your door, unannounced no less, under the pretense of a child needing a bathroom and then attempt to lay a guilt trip on you complete with snide comments?

    I started to say "unbelievable" but...after looking back to when I was still active I realized, "Yup...that's about normal". Many of them know no bounds. I remember, ashamedly, when our car group did the same thing. Someone needs a potty break but instead of going to a gas station or a fast-food joint, we'd go that extra mile to drop-in on someone we knew was irregular or inactive. I never gave it two thoughts back then, but now I realize how rude and disrespectul it really is. And those people we put on the spot probably felt exactly as you did even when we thought we brought them joy and encouragement.

    JWs really are an ignorant and selfish lot.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    And those people we put on the spot probably felt exactly as you did even when we thought we brought them joy and encouragement.

    JWs really are an ignorant and selfish lot.

    Part of their problem is their unique use of language. The Dubbish definition of "joy" and "encouragement" is unlike anything anyone else on the planet uses. To a JW, "joy" means doing something that makes God and the Borg happy. "Encouragement" means coercing someone to do things that make God and the Borg happy.

  • Honesty

    One of the sisters has this little 4 year old girl, who I have never liked. She is a princess and diva, already. She asks her mom, with me standing there, "is she a worshipper of Jehovah?" Her mom says, Yes. So the little girl goes on, "Why doesn't she ever come to the meetings. I never see her there!" Her mother puts her hand over the little girls mouth, looks back at me apologetically and says, "Out of the mouths of babes." I just smile tolerantly. But the little girl won't stop. She keeps loudly proclaiming, "Why doesn't she come to meetings? How can she serve Jehovah if she's not at meetings." The van door closes, everyone waves, and I pray I never see that little girl again.

    Where do you think she learned that shit?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Lunatic Faith, you have a PM.

  • moshe
    Anyway, my day was shot. I was irritated and upset.

    Nobody likes being stomped on and not being able to defend themselves- get a new doormat.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yuck. I hate those potty visits.

    That 4 year old is in the blurt out everything like a parrot stage of development and the why why why why why stage.

    I seriously doubt she's thinking beyond going to meetings equals being a believer (that's what Mommy always says).

    Her thoughts on it probably stop right there. She's very dependent on what her parents tell her.

    I remember back when we lived on the same street as the khall that a friend of mine came to the door with a car group.

    She came in all desparate and ran to my bathroom saying that she needed to use it. (How rude!)

    No one else came in.

    Never did anyone come just to visit.

    I was going through a divorce and it was a very low period in my life.

    Sure could have used more than just toilet friends back then.

  • skeeter1

    Having had little kids....they repeat what the others said. The car group was talking about you in the car as they drove up, is my educated opinion on her words.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Yeah, I think you're right. The little girl came in to use my bathroom, and granted she was rude even then, but she didn't say anything about my not attending meetings (likely because she didn't know me from Job). But then she went out to the car and sat with a couple teenagers while her mom visited with me. It was likely those teens that said some things the girl felt inclined to repeat.

    My consolation is the miserable lives ahead for those teens as they try to maintain control in an impossible environment. They will get married young and end up miserable or DF'd, or just the judgmental wives of neglectful husbands. One way or the other, I would rather be me than them.

  • jgnat

    My granddaughter showed she hasn't fallen far from the tree today. She was relating the story of a chaotic neighbour child, who she desccribed as having "no boundaries". She expressed the hope it it not too late to turn this child around as he is just in Kindergarten.

    "No boundaries," heh, heh. From my mouth to her ears. Jehovah's Witnesses are notoriously bad at this. They often cross in to my personal space and ask personal questions with no consideration that they haven't permission, or earned intimacy. Hubby had the unfortunate experience that privacy is not sacred, if there are juicy details to be shared.

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