When Jesus said THIS...that pesky little word..

by doubtful 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wobble

    If as most scholars believe, The Gospel of Mathew waswritten quite some time after the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE, the "prophecy" was put in Jesus mouth when the fulfillment had already happened, even more reason to believe that what he was supposed to have said applied to the generation listening to him, not some (overlapping) generation living 2000 years later.

  • Larsinger58
  • He said some of his disciples then living would by no means taste death, indicating that the rapture would take place in the 1st century.
  • OR

    It meant that some from the 1st Century would live over 1900 years to our time.

    The latter is correct. I've seen Mary, Paul and John, all still alive.

    Apparently the Templars discovered John still alive and maintaining lots of genealogy records. Apparently John and a congregation of others including Paul and Mary were discovered living under the temple when the templars dug there, likely looking for hidden treasure. They reported back to the Vatican who then employed them to secure John and the others along with those records. By then John had vanished. So they undertook the quest to find him. This fostered the concept of the search for the "holy grail" and sang-real, or holy blood line. The distorted public propaganda is that they were looking for descendants of Mary Magdalene whom Jesus had married. But Mary was just a substitute for John, the person they were really looking for and who was a relative of Jesus who carried the same royal lood line.

    The other thing is chronology. Many focus on the "signs" that would happen at the time of Jesus' unique return. The only sign that was unique was the "great tribulation," the nature of which was unlike anything that happened before nor would happen again. This was a reference to the Holocaust. But the other signs could be seen throughout the centuries. Thus it it not just the signs that would mark this time, but the signs in conjunction with the CHRONOLOGY. Bible chronology dates the 2nd coming 2520 years or "7 times" after the fall of Jerusalem and the removal of the earthly king. When Jesus returned as king then the "7 times" would end. The only little problem here is the revisionism of ancient history s that you have confusion over the date for the fall of Jerusalem. Even so, the primary choices are all during the 20th Century. Based on 607 BCE, 587 BCE or 529 BCE, the 2nd coming occurs in 1914, 1934 or 1992. Of course, since we know that the State of Israel must be set up again before Christ arrives, 1914 and 1934 do not match the criteria for the date of the 2nd coming, but 1992 does.

    But who out there has enough faith to believe Paul, John and Mary and others are still alive from the 1st Century? Very few, even though the Bible teaches this. So only the elect really will appreciate this and some get to interact with them. I got to see them because of my unique position of being the physical representation of Christ, but the fact remains that this is what the Bible teaches.

    As long as one person from the 1st Century was still alive in 1992, that statement about "this generation" not passing away until he returned is true. Even so, clearly, this understanding was meant for the elect since very few have the faith to believe this, even though they pretend to believe the Bible and think Jesus has the power to resurrect from the dead. Then why doesn't he have the power to keep someone alive if he wishes?

    So there is no need to argue to try to convince anyone, only note this fulfillment:

    ACTS 13:41 ‘Behold it, YOU scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in YOUR days, a work that YOU will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to YOU in detail.’"


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    But right in the scriptures we have Jesus saying "you are gods",

    I keep telling my wife i am a god, but she laughs and calls me a dickhead...

    But who out there has enough faith to believe Paul, John and Mary and others are still alive from the 1st Century? Very few, even though the Bible teaches this. So only the elect really will appreciate this and some get to interact with them. I got to see them because of my unique position of being the physical representation of Christ, but the fact remains that this is what the Bible teaches.

    As long as one person from the 1st Century was still alive in 1992, that statement about "this generation" not passing away until he returned is true.

    You are serious aren't you Lars? You really think you are the physical representation of the Christ? You really believe that Mary Paul and John are still living and breathing in some hidden location? And that scorn of the idea is actually proof of the idea? Wowsers!


  • doubtful

    <<So mere mortals can thwart the plan of almighty god and his son?>>

    That's also what I thought when reading the Olivette discourse when Jesus says "pray that it does not come in Winter"...???? Pray that it doesn't come in Winter?? If these things are DESTINED to occur, and it's God's will that they come according to a certain timetable, is it logical that our prayers could thwart its happening in the time it's supposed to occur???? Even that doesn't make sense..It sounds like Jesus didn't have a firm grasp of his own theology...

    Lilly Pie,

    I know what the standard "explanation" or "understanding" of this prophecy is..what I'm saying is that it's all bull. The generally accepted "explanation" is nothing more than a rationalization of a failed prophecy. When one prophecy fails, apologists assert that there are actually TWO Fulfillments, one symbolic and one literal, even though there's no textual indication that this is so. It's a mere invention..People can't even decide which parts of the "sign" were fulfilled initially and which were to be fulfilled in the "time of the end"...They even invent two meanings for "the conclusion of the system of things"..one is the "Jewish system of things" and the other one is "the system of things which both existed before the Jewish system of things, contemporaneously with the Jewish system of things, and after the Jewish system of things down till our day until the Big A!"

    None of it makes any sense. Jesus was referring to one "system of things" - one era - which was the end of the world as we knew it. He was referring to one single coming (adventus, parosia) or presence or whatever you choose to call it. He wasn't referring to simply "turning his attention to the earth" after all heavenly and earthly power had been conferred on him since his resurrection...this would imply that he was sitting on his throne at the right hand of God for 2,000 years only to turn around in a position to face toward the earth and stare at it for the next 95 years and counting...???WTF???


    Gospels written after the fact with made-up stories wouldn't get it wrong. They wouldn't make up a prophecy that already expired.>>>


    But you see...he did get things wrong..He appear in the clouds..All the nations of the earth didn't beat themselves in lamentation..He didn't arrive..There were no signs in heaven..The only thing he predicted was that a foreign army conquered and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, which wasn't too hard to envision considering how the Jews were always stubbornly revolting against Roman rule..it was only a matter of time before the uprisings amounted to full-fledged rebellion and the Romans who had a reputation for unmercifully supressing rebellions would come and destroy the Jews' administrative, economic, and religious center of the revolution. Judging by the political state of affairs in his own day, the odds were highly probable that they would happen. It would be a bit like predicting that if Saddam Hussein insisted on chastising the U.S., speaking out against American imperial rule, and threatening to convert his reserve currency to the Euro instead of the dollar, that eventually the U.S. would have enough and invade the country and oust him from power...I know a lot of people who made that "prophecy" years before it happened..Doesn't mean they possessed any miraculous powers of divination..

    And what do apologists say to his other prophecies regarding his second coming or his "return"?? He said that some of his apostles then living would never die.. And he said that a member of the Sanhedrin would personally witness his return...Those prophecies failed. All the people involved have been dead and buried for over 1900 years and counting...What can you say to that?

  • OnTheWayOut
    But you see...he did get things wrong..

    Considering it was all written after the destruction of Jerusalem and made up, it is amazing that so much is not accurate history pretending to be prophecy.

    It's because it was mystic writings based on myths. The stretches of making it fulfill the OT should have been clue enough for the generations to come that it wasn't real. It wasn't supposed to be taken literally. Someone decided it should be literal, but the stories were out there.

    Ask Buddhists if their "messiah" stories are real. Oh, you will get a bunch that say yes, but the real study experts will laugh at that idea when discussing some of the mystic stuff. They know it "represents" something else.

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