New Believers, Studying.

by cupcakekourtney88 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the board, cupcake.

    You might want to ask your mom and sister about this:

    And then ask them about this:

    MAY 1, 1999 WATCHTOWER

    PAGE 17


    “Let the Reader Use Discernment”

    Revelation depicts “a scarlet-colored wild beast” that exists for a time, disappears, and then returns. (Revelation 17:3, 8) This beast is supported by world rulers. Details supplied in the prophecy help us to identify this symbolic beast as a peace organization that came into existence in 1919 as the League of Nations (a “disgusting thing”) and that is now the United Nations. Revelation 17:16, 17 shows that God will yet put it into the hearts of certain human rulers who are prominent in this “beast” to desolate the world empire of false religion. That attack marks the outbreak of the great tribulation.


    PAGE 7

    In Bible prophecy, human governments are often symbolized by wild beasts. (Daniel 7:6, 12, 23; 8:20-22) Hence, for many decades the Watchtower magazine has identified the wild beasts of Revelation chapters 13 and 17 with today’s worldly governments. This includes the United Nations, which is depicted in Revelation chapter 17 as a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns.


    PAGE 124

    Since the popes of the Roman Catholic Church express such admiration for the United Nations, does this mean that this "public authority of the individual political community" will survive the war of the great day of God the Almighty? No, neither does it mean that the United Nations in any way reflects the Kingdom or promotes the Kingdom, for as a matter of fact it reflects the wild beast that came out of the sea, Satan’s visible, political organization, which has always opposed God and now today opposes his kingdom under his Messiah.

  • cupcakekourtney88

    I pray, i believe God answers prayers and he will let me know.. and I am not stupid and I am not going to do something I don't want to do. But all yalls insight is helpful.. and thanks for that.

    Today my sister said its wrong to be on this sight. that if I have questions I have to ask my study leader and not anyone else.. unless to a JW. But there jw on here so why is it so bad??? Something I dont get. I still haven't been to a meeting and I dont think I am planning on it.

  • cupcakekourtney88

    I thought to add that my mom is an IN and OUT jw. She doesn't believe in all what they believe. But it bugs my sister that she doesnt go to meeting and such.. and she doesnt believe in the new "ways" I dont know what she means by this??

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Nice to see you back Kourtney.

    With the advent of the internet age, many have access to information other than that provided by the WT society . . . this has created problems for the Society as it places them under a greater level of scrutiny. Many are feeling disillusioned by what they learn now and are less "committed" than in the past . . . nevertheless, they "hang in there" because WT belief is all they know and they don't want to "miss out". Leaving is also a huge challenge.

    Notable also, is the Society's response to this threat. At first, internet usage was discouraged generally. Now things have progressed to the Society utilising the internet, but endeavouring to restrict the B's and S's to using their site(s) only. This is patently obvious through recent articles frowning on "researching" using the internet, and witnesses having facebook pages.

    It could be on account of the above points that your Mum and Sister are responding as they are.

    My experience (25 yrs in), is that the decision to withdraw from this religion is often a "last resort" action . . . the final act as it were. This is on account of the fact that to do so comes at a very high price. Many of us "held on" for long periods of time in spite of knowing it was wrong.

    You're doing the right thing . . . looking at all sides of the issues . . . just keep doing that . . . "make sure of all things"

    Luvonyall - MS

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    If there is one thing I have learnt from this site its to try and keep an open mind. Even if I don't agree with something I can at least listen (or read). Otherwise how will I know if I agree or not?

    Everyone here is trying to find their own truth. Whether it is what does God really want from us? or Does God exist?

    Personally, I believe in God and some of the information I have read on here makes me really think about things that I would never have thought of on my own.

    You are with good company. Take what you want, and leave the rest.

    From your last comment it sounds like your mum even has some concerns. That great for you because maybe she will be open to discussing things outside the watchtower literature.

    If you want to know the truth, keep looking and keep asking. Don't just accept everything you are told.

    I was blindly following because I think it fitted what I wanted to hear. It wasn't until I realised it isn't about what I want, it's what God wants that matters. Then I started to pray for his will to be done not mine and to find the truth even if it didn't fit in with my pre conceived ideas. It was then that a veil was lifted from my eyes and I started to see the truth about the organisation. I started to ask the important questions. Not just about God, but about the organisation itself. The answers were not what I wanted to hear. I was shocked and disgusted. I discovered that the reason they did not want me to look at the apostate literature was not to protect me but to protect the organisation.

    The more I questioned the organisation, the more they didn't stack up. Now I am left with the very humble feeling of how did I not see this in the first place?

  • InterestedOne

    Hi Kourtney,

    I have been studying the JW's literature, and I have been doing what they call a "formal bible study" with the "What Does the Bible Really Teach" book for about 8 months because my friend is a JW, and I wanted to look into it. I believe critical thinking/reading is important, and I recommend you check out how to test if someone is using propaganda on you no matter what literature you are reading, WT or otherwise. Here is a good list of things to look out for:

    BTW, the WT will sometimes give a simplified article on what propaganda is and tell you to watch out for it in -other- people's literature, while not acknowledging that they themselves might be doing it in obvious and not-so-obvious forms. In addition to propaganda techniques in religious literature, you will see them in political literature. Also, compare with things like Farrakhan's "Final Call" magazines that the people in his group hand out. The web version of it is:

    I don't believe you are stupid. I am not stupid either. However, I am willing to acknowledge that I, as well as many other intelligent people, am vulnerable to persuasion techniques. I've been fooled by salesmen before. I've been fooled by persuasive political & religious literature that framed things a certain way that had me convinced.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Interested one that propaganda link is a good one. well worth a read, thanks

  • mrsjones5

    How old is Kourtney? She sounds pretty young.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    She has an 88 on the end of her user name mrsj . . . maybe 22-23? . . . maybe not . . . young is what she is though.

  • palmtree67

    She mentioned a husband.

    Old enough to be married, I guess.

    Although in JW-land that could be pretty young.

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