I am starting to understand that creationists dont understand Evolution

by cyberjesus 120 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • whereami
  • NomadSoul

    I have a double personality disorder.

  • Satanus

    Even w your arguement that your god created life, you are still left w the problem of where/when/how your god came to exist. So, your answer merely pushes the question away one notch, not really answering it.


  • lovelylil

    God always existed. He is not made of matter and thus does not need a begining point of existance. He is a spirit. He is eternal and is outside our stream of time. The bible calls him the Alpha and Omega, which means beginning and end, or first and last. Can we fully wrap our finate minds around this concept? NO.

  • xcellxior

    lovelylil "God always existed. He is not made of matter and thus does not need a begining point of existance. He is a spirit. He is eternal and is outside our stream of time. The bible calls him the Alpha and Omega, which means beginning and end, or first and last. Can we fully wrap our finate minds around this concept? NO. "

    How do you know this? Can you prove this?

    You have faith in a book written thousands of years ago by people you don't know which has been copied, recopied, translated, retranslated. This book establishes a God that created the heavens and the earth and you believe it because it says you have to. The bible has been subject to manipulation, we can see this through the NWT.

    While I remain open minded to all possibilities, I don't believe it reasonable to believe in this God over any other God.

  • lovelylil


    No I cannot prove it to a nonbeliever.

    I do not believe the bible has been manipulated over thousands of years. The dead sea scrols for instance shows little change in the original text. This is a whole other topic maybe for the future.

    No I do not believe in the bible because the bible tells me so, I believe in the bible because the Holy Spirit tells me so.

    What do you care if I want to believe in God and the bible? Does not affect you in any way. Its a book of faith, for believers only.

    As far as you believing in other Gods? Well, that is your right to do so. Peace, Lilly

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    No I do not believe in the bible because the bible tells me so, I believe in the bible because the Holy Spirit tells me so.

    I swear it governor, i only killed him because the voices in my head told me to, you gotta believe me!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    God always existed. He is not made of matter and thus does not need a begining point of existance.

    ...but then...

    The bible calls him the Alpha and Omega, which means beginning and end, or first and last.

    OK, which one is it?

    If he always existed, what beginning and what end is the Bible calling him?

  • whereami

    I'm loving the satire.

  • sir82
    He is not made of matter and thus does not need a begining point of existance. He is a spirit.

    What exactly is "a spirit"?

    What are the properties of spirits such they "do not need a beginning point of existance"?

    No I do not believe in the bible because the bible tells me so, I believe in the bible because the Holy Spirit tells me so.

    How do you know the voice you hear (or whatever means of communication it uses) comes from the Holy Spirit?

    How can you tell the difference between the voice of "Joe Ordinary Spirit" vs. the voice of THE Holy Spirit?

    Can spirits lie? How do you tell when is telling the truth?

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