JW Nursing Home web site

by freeborg 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Very, very illegal - this is discrimination, pure and simple. I suppose no-one has noticed their rule because they most probably don't need to advertise for staff as they have enough 'volunteers' to help them out, can you imagine what would happen if they put an ad in the situations vacant column saying 'only JWs need apply'?! They would be in BIG trouble. And they aren't going to advertise in Job Centres which would immediately pick up on the discrimination.

    It makes me wonder about the training these 'volunteers' receive - do they have health and safety training, manual handling, etc, etc. Bet they don't.

    And what about meeting nights? Do they sit on their commodes pressing their buzzers for dear life with no-one to get them back into bed because the 'volunteers' are all at the meetings?

    Seems to me to just be another money making scheme.

  • nelly136

    . http://www.bettercaring.co.uk/index_pub.cfm if that link doesnt work just put in the url to co.uk then go general public then info centre and number 5 faq will give you an idea how the costing is done


    totally irrelevant probably but it just caught my attention

    The local authority may also (at their discretion) disregards the value of the property if it is the permanent home of someone else (e.g. a carer)

    . http://www.jah-jireh.co.uk/

    Our staffing criterior is refered to above and anyone wanting further information about employment either nursing or careing should make personal enquiries to the above address. Such enquiries are always very welcome. In some instances there is accommodation available.

  • nelly136

    . http://www.bettercaring.co.uk/index_pub.cfm if that link doesnt work just put in the url to co.uk then go general public then info centre and number 5 faq will give you an idea how the costing is done


    totally irrelevant probably but it just caught my attention

    The local authority may also (at their discretion) disregards the value of the property if it is the permanent home of someone else (e.g. a carer)

    . http://www.jah-jireh.co.uk/

    Our staffing criterior is refered to above and anyone wanting further information about employment either nursing or careing should make personal enquiries to the above address. Such enquiries are always very welcome. In some instances there is accommodation available.

  • Ivor Hope
    Ivor Hope


    Yes, I guess the discrimination laws are pretty similar. The problem is the law only comes into use when someone invokes it or challenges it. Workers are recruited by word of mouth within local congregations and therefor positions are never advertised, so they don't need to decline any non-witness applicants. There have been occassions when carers have been "reproved", and as a consequence been shunned by their fellow workers, resulting in them leaving of their own accord. If somebody wished to this amounts to "constructive dismissal" and there would probably be a very good case to answer to.

    Unfortunately, nobody ever challenges this situation, so they continue to get away were their illegal activities....again!

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