what kind of degree do you have?

by deservingone26 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    btw. I am currently enrolled in school going for a diploma in both biblical Studies and Ministry.

  • viva

    I have a BS in Civil Engineering, BS in Geology, and a MS in Geology. I got all degrees while in the borg, using the excuse that it would help the regional building committee. Aparently the higher up JWs bought it, as I was a ministerial servant through all degrees, but many others looked down on me for pursuing an education.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    none... but i'm gonna be filthy rich anyway (will probably hit university then).

  • NeonMadman

    A.S in Business Administration (which I was working on as a JW but completed after coming out)

    B.S. in Biblical Studies

  • NomadSoul

    BS Electrical Engineering & AS Computer Aided Drafting.

  • flipper

    98.6 . Doing just fine . Thanks for asking. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sabastious
    most here believe that higher education is very important.

    I never got a higher education, but luckily I live in a time where I have great tools to educate myself. Not to say I am against universities.


  • ProdigalSon

    BS in Electronic Engineering. Worked on mainframes for 20 years. Now I groom 5-10 pound pooches for 5X the money.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have a BA from Columbia and JD from NYU. Presently, I'm taking an intro to office course. It is harder than accounting, philosophies, conflicts in law school. Much harder than law school for me. Part of my problem is that I lack familiarity with spread sheets. I fear that I won't have a chance to hone what I am learning.

    Education was a given for me. The WTBTS be damn. Others had people hanging all over time for attending a prestigious school. My grandmother made fun of the idiot college students. I was at the pinnacle in law. Laughed all the way to the bank. Furthermore, I worked in a large corporate firm in the Wall St. area. The library had immense windows looking down on Bethel in Brooklyn. It was sublime. I'd sit with my paycheck and cup of coffee and enjoy the view.

    As a New Yorker, I am glad they are leaving Brooklyn. They never fit in. Good riddance.

  • tec

    No degree. Thought about going back to school a couple of times... I like to learn... but I have no desire whatsoever to go through the kind of stress that comes with tests and projects and the like. Good for everyone that does, though.


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