Apostate Psychology

by Spade 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • transhuman68

    LOL, Spade!

    What Paul wrote 2,000 years ago might have been relevant then, but I doubt too many of us have gone back to worshipping Isis or Romus. The tables have turned- it's the real life that is calling now- a life free of man-made doctrine, superstition, and Smurfs that walk out of Kingdom Halls!

  • Satanus

    The ones that have become free are the apostates. Returning to vomit would be if they went back to the wt corp. That you can't see that isn't surprising, w all that mud blinding your eyes.


  • unshackled

    Take Spade as seriously as you would David Spade. Wait....David, is that you?

  • HintOfLime

    Unless one is willing to open their mind and consider the possibility that their current understanding of a subject is wrong - learning is impossible.

    You read and article and even linked to it - and then instead of commenting on the article or even better - offering a thought-out point-per-point rebuttal, all you can offer is an off-topic hit-and-run. Is that because Jehovah's Witnesses have no rebuttal? It's not even a good troll - you are clearly quite insecure about the topic.

    Any Christian religion can quote those same exact scriptures in defending their interpretation of the bible against the 'apostate reasoning' of Jehovah's Witnesses with equal validity. So.. those are pretty much moot. Unless you can come up with a real argument and back it up, it's just hot air.

    - Lime

  • PublishingCult

    Your presupposition is based on the erroneous assertion that 1. God exists, and 2. Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth concerning God and the Bible. It has been proven with precision time and again that JW's do not possess and promulgate the truth, but advance destructive lies and deceptions. The existence of God has yet to be proven.

    What about those who have left the organization to live a life based in reality and truth? People who upgraded their morality and ethics to a higher standard?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    In a nutshell, these scriptures define apostasy.

    Those scriptures define apostasy for every god damned Christian cult on the planet, not just the one that you defend without actually abiding by it's rules and doctrines.

    A mate of mine was thrown out of his father's house at fifteen years of age for your set of scriptures and his Dad was a Plymouth Brethren.



    Everyone Loves Alice..


    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • Twitch

    You know Alice, your continued compulsion to engage in apologetic and trollish posts is rather interesting from a purely analytic perspective. Can you really give an objective reason why you continue to break company policy by being here? What are really trying to achieve here? Is this for your own benefit or do you believe you have an altruistic purpose? Can you see past your own walls? What compels u to do this? Can't you see it yet? It is sad that this is how you define yourself, blind to your own motives and what you really desire. With all the effort you put into this and your intelligence, it is too bad you can't see it. Or maybe you're just counting time and patting yourself on the back. Either way, you're a proverbial blessing to the board for reasons you may not realize. And I for one, thank you for it.

  • Spade
    "break company policy by being here"

    You don't care about "policy." I see what I want to see...

  • mrsjones5

    I see what I want to see...

    Well that's very apparent.

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