What Are Their Motives?

by headisspinning 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lifeisgood


    The governing body do not control anything. The lawyers do. The governing body has to ask for things. The lawyers can cut a check to the shareholders at any time and they do not have to disclose this to anyone, these are not publicly held corporations. The shareholders can have a meeting and vote on it and they are not required to tell the governing body.

    It became very obvious to me that someone is sitting behind the scenes directing this activity. Not a single person, but a group of people plus the lawyers. It isn't the governing body, they are mostly idiots. That is why we did this research. We could not get it down to a list of names but we did get it down to shares that are still intact and the governing body does not own these shares.

    I have a theory, I cannot prove it, but I have seen similar situations in other cults. Also, the tone of the WTBTS publications is, well for lack of a better term, demonic. Forget about the happy pictures, just read the text straight through and don't answer the stupid questions. And picture the tone of voice. I don't believe in demons as being spirit creatures, but that concept of being demonic, utter evil, that is the voice I hear when I read the WTBTS publications. Forget the dang pictures of people smiling. My theory is that the people calling the shots know exactly what they are doing and the governing body are useful idiots who are easily manipulated because this is really what they believe. They believe their own lies, that they are God's mouthpiece. Total nonsnse. But, whoever is controlling this huge financial empire is not an idiot.

  • lifeisgood


    It is perfectly legal. These are private corporations. They are under no obligation to tell the JW members anything. And I'm not talking about the public corporation. You have to look through all the corporations to see who the true owner is. It is one of the older corporations that Russel set up. It is hard to follow, we had a huge graph made from index cards taped to a white board with lines drawn with white board markers.

    Whoever set this up knew exactly what they were doing.

    And, in every country, whenever the government sets up rules to thwart this kind of thing, the WTBTS just set up some new scam to skirt the law. It is all legal, not ethical, but legal.

    Whoever is actually behind this is extremely skilled at manipulation. The governing body are just useful tools, and they are either too stupid or too scared or enjoying playing their game too much to rock the boat. These men, the governing body that is, are not Christains, they are not moral, they are not spiritual. I don't know how much of the truth of all this that they know but they keep it going by lying to the JWs. They destroy lives without thinking about it. They destroy lives on a whim and then a few years later totally change the doctrine that destroyed the lives and don't allow those disfellowshipped to come back and be forgiven. It is insane.

    But the people who control the money and call the shots are far worse.

  • clarity

    Say What??? I'm just gobsmacked by this information about Solomon (jewish?) & Polson!

    Freetobeme how much money is funneled to these people and what sort of payments are we talking about? Is this where the profits of all the free labour on the watchtower realestate goes? Is this where all the donations go? All the literature profits go? What a friggin bloody sham!!!!

    Who in the world would ever join this fraud of an organization if they knew this!!!! Religion be damned! cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult

    Maybe in my next post I'll tell you how I REALLY feel! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

    Plse any other information on this would be a delight!

    clarity of the soooooo pissed class

  • free2beme

    Ummmmm .... I was just playing around and using my imagination. I feel a little bad now, as I did not realize I made that sound so real. I thought it would be taken as such. Apologies!

  • clarity

    Wow I thought we were exposing the lies of wtbs, not making up more on here!!!!


  • TheLoveDoctor

    Please don't do that again, It wasent even close to entertaining after finding out u were in a lie and have family that are now sepatated from u. thankks

    Post 3951 of 3951
    Since 5/30/2005

    mmmmm .... I was just playing around and using my imagination. I feel a little bad now, as I did not realize I made that sound so real. I thought it would be taken as such. Apologies!

  • free2beme

    LOL! I will probably do it again. I love using my imagination. It is a gift and yet it can cause some problems from time to time, as I enjoy it enough to sometimes make it sound too real. I thought people had read my stuff on here enough to know I like to play at times and thought my thoughts were off the wall enough to be called on it. :)

  • LV101

    lifeisgood -- thanks for info. hard to believe what corporations in this country get away with and it's legal. THIS SHOULD BE REPORTED ON so at least the information is out there, not that it would matter. UNREAL! it's sad that nothing can be done and the control this EVIL outfit has going. STUPID CULTS.

    so bottom line --- it's all legit and doesn't matter.

  • lifeisgood


    There is a huge difference between what is legal and what is ethical/moral.

    The WTBTS raises huge amounts of money from donations by sincere people who think that their donation is paying for the "world wide work". But, the "world wide work" is self funded and does not need their donation. And the donation does not go toward anything spiritual. It is invested by a group that does not need it.

    The WTBTS right now has such large assets that are invested and returning income that they could stop accepting donations entirely and they would be just fine.

    Or, this money could be used to educate the elders and ministerial servants so that they could run a real school to teach people trades so that most JWs wouldn't have to be paupers because they could not get a real education.

    The list of beneficial things that could be done with these assets is pretty lengthy. And, the governing body could care less. That is the real issue here.

    When I talked to the Mennonites who lived near me, they told me that the entire community helps with training the young people so that when they become adults they know skills that are valuable. And the entire community helps build each family a house, so by the time a young person is old enough to get married, they have the skills needed to build their own house.

    I was on the quick build committee for a long time. There are a lot of very poor JWs in the state I was living in at the time, and I brought up to other people on the quick build committee, or people that were just very skilled and a big help on the quick builds, that we should help build houses for these poor brothers and sisters. Materials on a home run about 50%. Not having a general contractor or real estate sales people involved saves another 20 to 30%. So, take a house that would cost $100,000 retail, if the quick build group builds it the house might cost $40,000. The reaction from the "brothers" to my suggestion was "NO. The WTBTS does not say that we should do that". And, I said "Wait a minute, we are independent of them, they told us that we had to set up our paperwork so that we are independent (they do this to make it difficult for anyone to sue them) of them, we don't need their approval. And besides, we have the capability and it is the right thing to do regardless of what anyone else thinks". But, of course these great spiritual elders just refused to even consider it. It wasn't too long after that that I stopped going to quick builds.

  • PSacramento

    Power is not money, money is simply a tool to get power.

    Power is the abiblity to control others, control their lives, their thinking, their future.

    The WT has that power as do al other governing bodies in all organized religions and THAT power is corrupting, 100%.

    No one gives away that power once they have tasted it, NO ONE.

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