What Are Their Motives?

by headisspinning 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    The faithful and discreet slave doesn't profit from the good news nor have they ever.

    Someone profits. No overhead + millions in tax free donations... must have a bank account with hundreds of billions of dollars in profit that they "don't profit from." We'll just take their word for it and say "the money is in good hands."


  • Knowsnothing

    There's a deference in those that serve God out of love and those not with a pure motive. The faithful and discreet slave doesn't profit from the good news nor have they ever.

    True, some are preaching the Christ through envy and rivalry, but others also through goodwill. The latter are publicizing the Christ out of love, for they know I am set here for the defense of the good news; but the former do it out of contentiousness, not with a pure motive, for they are supposing to stir up tribulation [for me] in my [prison] bonds. Philippians 1:15-17

    Allow room for us. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have taken advantage of no one. I do not say this to condemn you. For I have said before that you are in our hearts to die and to live with us. I have great freeness of speech toward you. I have great boasting in regard to you. 2 Corinthians 7:2-4


    There are some assumptions here. Even if the slave has a good motive, it does not mean they have divine appointment. After all, how are we to judge that all non-JW Christians aren't with a pure motive?

    You, along with other posters, unanimously agree that the slave really isn't even the rest of the anointed, merely the GB. Why doesn't the GB out-right say they are the slave, instead of insinuating the anointed class really has any importance?

    Are you sure they've wronged no one? Not directly, at least. But their enforcement of man-made policy sure has.

    I would have to agree, however, that I really don't see how they benefit monetarily. They aren't exactly living in the lap of luxury. They have their basic necesities covered.

    As for exwhyzee's post, I feel that is the most accurate description of what is really going on. The WTS is "captive to a concept".

  • willyloman

    Power corrupts. Idolization, when you are the object of it, is addictive. JWs are the home of the five-suit janitor and the high school dropout chief executive. On top of that, you get to be right about everything.

  • pirata

    there is a family in Nevada that lives up in the hills in a mansion that takes most of the funds. You see, John Solomon and Alexander Polson started the religion in a dare and when it was successful and people became powerful under them, they allowed the people to stay in power by making sure the money made was funneled to them. Of course now, the original people have passed away... however, the payments were willed to surviving relatives in exchange for them being silent on the origin. I remember how in a letter from Brother Barber, he once admitted to me how when he uncovered this information, his faith was shaken. Even showing me a letter in which Rutherford wrote all future Governing Body members, to honor for all-time-sake, this arrangement. As he knew that if people in the religion ever knew the truth, they would find their lives shattered.

    If you research, you find out that Alexander Polson died in 1912 in a suicide. His family wrote that his guilt for what he and John did had troubled him to the point, that taking his life was the only choice he could accet. John Solomon ammended the agreement with the Society in 1961, shortly before his own death, to end the shares of Alexander Polson. As only one relative of Mr. Polson still lived and had become a Jehovah's Witness and could no longer be in the secret fold of information and was asking to many questions.

    It is now all organized under a comporation name of Inner Circle Consulting, Inc. Chartered and organized in Delaware. Most in the Society think it is an on going payment for consulting work on legal matters, and those who question the millions are often relocated or sent back to their home congregations.

    @free2bme: Umm... do you have any evidence to back up this claim?

  • lifeisgood

    Their money goes to the real owners of the WTBTS. Some of my friends and I researched this serveral years ago. You start with Russel's original corporation. It had very few shareholders. I think that they had 50 shareholders. They introduced new shareholders later by giving shares based on contributions but then they got all those people to agree to sell or give the shares back. So, the original 50 shareholders are still intact. Not the actual people, of course, but whoever the shares were willed to, and then whoever they were willed to after that...up till today.

    If you look at the list of corporations that the WTBTS has set up including the ones Russel set up, the list is very long. And the corporations are interlocking, it is very difficult to figure out which corporation The reason for this is to hide the money flow, and to shield the people who own the original stock from lawsuits and public sight.

    The governing body members get perks but they are not stockholders.

    The WTBTS has over ten billion dollars in assets. The governing body owns 0% of that. The current owners of the original stock are the owners of the assets. You will never hear their names mentioned. They are very well shielded by multiple interlocking corporate ownership and lawyers. You do realize that the lawyers call all the shots now.

    The WTBTS has an extensive portfoloio, we verified some of this a few years ago. They own bonds, stocks, commodities, real estate, boats, planes, cars, jewelry, gold, antiques, and other valuables.

    The WTBTS gives no money to anyone. When they build a kingdom hall the local congregation is on the hook to pay for it. Assembly halls, the same thing. They claim that they give circuit and district overseers a little money but I remember how the elders asked for a resolution every time they came to town to give them money out of the kingdom hall contribution box. They pay the brothers and sisters who volunteer to work at the societies offices, farms, and factories very little and this money comes from contributions.

  • sabastious

    lifeisgood, how do you suppose these "shareholders" gain access to their money? And they must be very rich, no?


  • LV101

    LIFEISGOOD --- how can this be LEGAL and they remain a tax-free corporation all in the name of "religion." THE GOV'T KNOWS THIS AND ALLOWS THEM TAX-FREE STATUS. the rank and file are obviously clueless. WOW. WHAT AN incredible marketing scheme/sham. i cannot understand how this is legal.

  • jamiebowers
    Although the WT is very wealthy, I don't think the individuals themselves are lining their pockets and living the high life.

    You can check with Barbara Anderson, but during an interview on a Six Screens conference call, she witnessed the fancy apartment and car that Knorr had. I think it was Knorr.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is a standard question similar to the ones many of us ask; Do they know it's all wrong/lies? Are they victims themselves?

    We ask these, I have had threads asking as well as others. About the best answers I heard are that they turn their cognitive dissonance (you can look that up at Wikipedia) way up. The "cult leaders" were pioneer brothers that worked their way up. Despite the fact that they don't get wild sex or personal millions of dollars, they would get far less than they have if they walked away by that point where they peaked the WTS ladder.Jetting around and nice living quarters, people kissing your ass constantly- they learn to love it.

  • strymeckirules

    if god is real then the devil is real.

    it's kind of like an adult imaginary land.

    so the bible says if anyone adds or changes ONE WORD, then all the curses in the book fall upon their heads.

    i think that topic is damning enough. their NWT bible is littered with nonsense.

    also the bible says your enemy will appear as an angel of light.

    so the jdubs are run by the same bunch of demons that started all thoses cults around the end of the 1800's.

    they need prisoners and soldiers to advance satan's war.

    all jdub's are guilty by blashpemy.

    they are all willing martyrs.

    this is about taking out humans. satan was a manslayer from the beginning.

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