Recognizing Christ's leadership involves submission to his "brothers." 5/15/2011 WT

by miseryloveselders 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    I hesitated to do this thread as I thought it was the same article Flipper did, but its not the same article. Here's Flip's thread for those who missed it. It's a must read.

    Same nonsense, different article. I guess the difference in that article and this one is this one focuses on Christ's leadership. They're really emphasizing this authority thing as of late, arent' they? I just got this WT yesterday, and there's an article on page 26 entitled, "Following Christ, the Perfect Leader." There's some classic material within this article. It opens with..........

    Those who follow human rulers often experience disappointment. However the effect of Christ's leadership on those who submit to it is quite different. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls." (Matt 11:28,29) Jesus' leadership is refreshing and uplifting. He is keenly interested in the lowly and downtrodden, inviting them to get under his kindly yoke. What, though, is involved in following Jesus' leadership? Here's where it gets interesting.........

    Cooperate With Christ's Representatives

    Shortly before his death, Jesus mentioned another way in which we can follow his leadership. he said: He that recieved anyone I send recieves me also." (John 13:20) In fact, Jesus spoke of his annointed representatives as his "brothers." (Matt 25:40) After Jesus had been resurrected to the heavens, his "brothers", were appointed to act in his place, "substituting for Christ" as ambassadors inviting others to become reconciled to Jehovah God. (2 Cor. 5:18-20) Our recognizing Christ's leadership involves submission to his "brothers."

    With these articles you can tell whats on their minds at the Writing Department. First and foremost, their authority, but here's a couple of reminders in that same article.............

    We do well to examine how we respond to timely Scriptural counsel presented in our Bible-based publications. By studying the Scriptures, we are reminded of the sayings of Christ. (2 Pet 3:1, 2) We show our heartfelt appreciation for this supply of spiritual food by regularly partaking of it. What, though, should be our reaction if certain counsel is repeated occasionally? For example, God's Word counsels Christians to marry "only in the Lord." (1Cor 7:39) For over a century, this subject has periodcally been discussed in The Watchtower. Christ's brothers surely demonstrate their loving concern for our spiritual welfare by publishing articles on this and other inspired counsel. Paying attention to these reminders is one way to show that we are following our perfect Leader, Jesus Christ.

    So evidently, people dating and marrying outside of the WT is a problem. Here's another problem of concern, evidently its you "Generation Critics" out there.

    "The path of the righteious ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established, "states Proverbs 4:18. Yes Jesus' leadership is progressive, not stagnant. Another way to cooperate with Christ's "brothers" is to have a positive attitutude toward any refinements in our understanding of Scriptural truths as published by "the faithful and discreet slave."-Matt 24:45

    The closing paragraph adds insult to injury.........

    The world is sadly lacking in effective leadership. But how refreshing it is to follow Christ's loving leadership! By all means, let us obey our Leader and cooperate with those he is using today.

  • Pika_Chu

    Another way to cooperate with Christ's "brothers" is to have a positive attitutude toward any refinements in our understanding of Scriptural truths as published by "the faithful and discreet slave."-Matt 24:45

    I have a positive attitude. I'm positive it's a load of...

    If refinement occurs and is necessary, then no one is obligated to listen to the GB then. 'Cause, you know, they could totally be WRONG.

  • miseryloveselders

    Exactly Pika_Chu! Truth doesn't need to be refined. If understanding of a matter had to be refined, that means it wasn't truth. It was incorrect, it was false, it was wrong.

  • Pika_Chu

    Exactly Pika_Chu! Truth doesn't need to be refined. If understanding of a matter had to be refined, that means it wasn't truth. It was incorrect, it was false, it was wrong.

    And if their "understanding" is so tentative, why exactly is it so important to obey them unquestioningly again?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Thanks for posting this, Miz. I think I'm going to go puke now.

    A week or so ago there was a thread about whether they know they're a cult, whether they know what they're doing to the rank and file. Articles like this push me to the side that says, YES, they ABSOLUTELY know what they're doing. There is no way they could truly believe THEY are Christ's brothers, TO THE EXCLUSION OF EVERYONE ELSE ON PLANET EARTH.

    Because THAT is the unspoken point of the article. They may as well have just said, " WE ARE CHRIST'S BROTHERS AND YOU ARE NOT, SO OBEY US OR DIE!"

  • tec

    Its always good to look up the passages they use to support what they're saying. You get a very different feel for what is being said... and twisted... to suit their purpose.

    In John... accepting or receiving someone is not the same as obeying them; especially not blindly. No one substitutes Christ.

    In Matthew - the entire passage is about feeding, clothing, visiting, comforting, etc, the least of his brothers. What you did for them, you did for me - but note that in the passage, those who did this did NOT know that they were doing these things for Christ (though I suppose that it could be applied that they did know they were doing those things for his brothers).

    In Corinthians, being tasked with the message of reconciling men to God through Christ is not the same as those men being Christ and all others being in submission to them... but rather carrying a message as Christ asked them to do, and being in submission to Him.

    Also, none of these passages explain that the WTS are those 'ambassadors'. That already has to be accepted.

    The path of the righteious ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established,

    Lighter and lighter... not lighter, then darker, then lighter, then darker, etc. Truth does not change. Our understanding of it might, but that doesn't mean that Christ is teaching people differently from one day to the next.

    And Matthew 24:45 is just asking who is the faithful and discreet slave, and their responsibility. It says nothing about how people are to respond, as their quote seems to imply.

    How many people do you think look up the passages, and really think about them? Or is it just like putting in a lot of citations to make what you said seem like authority, when it is not?


  • dinah

    Tammy, it's amazing that when you actually sit and read the bible without the publications all of the WT doctrine simply falls apart and is proved false.

    They have firmly placed themselves above Christ to the rank and file.

  • Lozhasleft

    Shame the GB elevate themselves above the anointed in the congregations isnt it? I wonder how reprehensible that leaves them?

    Loz x

  • james_woods
    They have firmly placed themselves above Christ to the rank and file.

    They really have asonishingly little regard for Christ - given that they still claim to be a "Christian" religion.

  • tec
    Tammy, it's amazing that when you actually sit and read the bible without the publications all of the WT doctrine simply falls apart and is proved false.

    Very much so, yes.

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