Dear Robert

by Mann 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    I think Mr.Mann needs therapy, he sounds a little upset.
    Oops, I forgot, The W.T.S discourages that too.
    Mr.Mann, Shame on you, what kind of language is that, what would Jehovah think?! Oh, yea, your listening to the org. again we are scum and should be treated as such. You sound like a real sweetie, I want to be in the new system with a bunch of people just like you! Not,

  • Earnest


    I also find YouKnow's posts interesting and informative but I am surprised he has given you moral support. The way that you speak and the language you use would never be that of a christian. If you are to leave this forum with any credit you should apologise to all those you have offended and then go. If you continue as you are there will be nowhere you will be able to make your home - neither here, nor JW, nor anywhere else remotely christian - and come to terms with whatever conflicts you clearly have within yourself.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson

  • terafera

    LOL you guys give it up...

    While all the regulars here have proven their maturity in how they have handled this.... (well I would use the word idiot but I think that's too generous)... I have to just laugh at his posts!! They are so poorly written, I can't keep from laughing while reading them.

    Do you understand this scripture Isa 26:20 .Jehovah is telling his people to into their interior rooms and shut the doors. Why would anyone
    sell their homes after reading a scripture like this?
    What the hell??


    You wanna know what's even sadder.... when some phsyco comes on here and can't even put a sentence together.


    This thread got boring, especially when he can't even intelligently post a reply to all the questions.

    I've got better things to do than read this garbage... like cleaning my cat pan.

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