A long and unexpected JW encounter

by AuntBee 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Snoozy

    Did you do things you don't do any more, like play in the dirt?

    ( Some adults still play in the dirt, it's called gardening..)

    And sometimes their "New Light" is so bright it blinds you..I prefer a soft glow..

    Good job Aunt Bee


  • wobble

    What they won't admit is that truth does not change,although their own WT has said this, but if that was not wrong ,what they taught say in 1918/9 ,then they could teach it now, plus the "New Understanding", but if they tried teaching that utter nonsense they would be DF'd for not agreeing with the FDS !

    How crazy is all this ? You simply cannot get them to reason, their minds are locked. Sad.

  • CoonDawg

    I'd have asked them why God, who had thousands of years with the Jews as his chosen people and infinity before that, is so effed up that he can't communicate clearly what truth is the first time. Seems to me that he'd have had plenty of practice by now and should at least have that part down pat. ...... Sheesh...five year old....my BUTT!

  • lovelylil

    Aunt Bee,

    You did an awesome job by forcing them to stay on topic! Hopefully they will go home and really THINK about what you said. I often wondered too about the organ transplants when I heard that they were forbidden at one time, what about all those people who died? I could not believe God could make a mistake like that.

    We get Witnesses around here pretty often too. I am hoping they come by before the memorial. I want to read them Jesus words on the matter. And ask them to explain to me HOW the WT can tell Christ WHO is allowed in heaven when HE is the only door or gate??

    Can't wait to hear more about your experience. Peace, Lilly

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